
Dr Amrit Gangar’s Lead article in the feature on Film Adaptations from Literary Works


Prof Prasanta Chakravarty’s feedback

Dear Amrit Gangar ji,

A very well-argued and perceptive essay. Certain things strike me immediately:

A. The two epigraphs speak to each other seamlessly. The causation in change of form is extended in the idea of a script developing, as a creative group goes along with it. Creativity is no longer an individual trait. Adaptation has already started. It's there in the material, in the poetry, in the landscape, among people. We may give it a shape at best. Bringing-forth Pallavan. Or what you call emergence. That is important.

B. The best thing about the essay is how you see technology as adapting to a new time as well as to a living tradition. You begin by questioning new inventions but then turn it around by telling us about the mysteries of Rupantar. I felt the Eliot example/ digression works well in making your overall point. Especially, the arguments about triangulation and intertextuality.

C. I know that you keep bhava and anubhooti right in the middle of many of your discussions. I appreciate your steadfastness in this matter, though sometimes my own ideas vary a little.

D. The point about poetic synchronicity is another key idea here, I feel. You talk about vyanjana later in the essay. As a student of literature, I cannot thank you enough for these observations since students often erroneously think that meaning or representation can exhaust living or art.

E. Respecting the autonomy of the author (not fidelity) is a very significant thread in the essay. The sacred/profane thing too. I recalled how Ghatak favoured Mizoguchi and Flaherty over Kurosawa. You have later mentioned collaboration and intertextuality. I almost expected the contrast that you would draw with Ray: the moral attitude. It duly arrived.

F.  Someday, I would like to know more about how you relate Samkhaya, Jain philosophy, Indian epic traditions, melodrama and so on. In your mind, that is.

G. I am enriched by certain minor but important information: cinehaiku, details about Devdas, headings in Shukla's novel and so on.

Thank you for a rich and intricate essay on Rupantar, my dear friend. I shall circulate it among friends.

Prof Prasanta Chakravarty, Delhi University

(Received on Jan 17, 2025)


Prof Madhu Singh’s feedback

Dear Amrit Gangar ji,

I have just finished reading your article “Adaptation or Rupantar.” I must say that it is a well-written piece and the ideas are presented very logically. The idea of Rupantar is applicable in Translation Studies as well, wherein only the language changes not the content. So, the message gets transferred from one language to another- hence rupantar. In recent times, the scope of translation has widened to encompass the idea of intermediality, that is, the transfer of message from one medium to another, other than from words to screen. So, for example, when Keats looks at the Grecian Urn, the beauty of the urn gets transferred into his Ode. You have also discussed the adaptational approaches adopted by different directors which adds clarity and value to your essay. The section on the rapid leaps of technology w.r.t Eliot’s “The Wasteland” adds a modern/ contemporary touch to the essay. A very comprehensive essay, indeed!

Prof Madhu Singh, Lucknow University

(Received on Jan 18, 2025)


Amrit Gangar’s response


Dear Editor,

When I received the studied and erudite feedback, though informal and spontaneous, from Professors Prasanta Chakravarty (Delhi University) and Madhu Singh (Lucknow University), to my lead article published in the 20th Anniversary special number of Muse India on the subject of Adaptation from a literary work to a cinematographic one, from the printed word to image and sound, I was particularly happy to know that Prof Chakravarty found my inaugural two epigraphs in a seamless dialogue with each other and Prof Singh finding a dialogic space between my concept of Rupantar and the translation studies. Both professors’ elaborations are inspiring and illuminating to me personally, resuscitating my faith and belief that we need to not only uplift the study of Adaptation but also deepen it, as it is much more complex than we think. Prof Chakravarty’s points about ‘poetic synchronicity’ and ‘vyanjana’ are worth taking note of. Both the feedbacks, though informal and spontaneous, do carry their weight of scholarship and erudition. I must thank them personally and on behalf of Muse India who gave me the opportunity to write the lead article as well as the one on Gujarati literary works adapted to films.

Thank you, Mr Rao.


Amrit Gangar, Mumbai    Jan 26,2025

Engrossing Editorial in the feature on Film adaptations

Dear Surya,

I loved reading your editorial for film adaptations of literary works, which is the main feature of the special anniversary issue of Muse India. True. They are two different mediums that are best taken as complementary. What a purist may deem as 'taking liberties' may be just another way of presenting a great book with a visual appeal. You are right. Many writers became widely known after their works were adapted for screen. M T Vasudevan Nair who passed on recently, is an example.  

I could align myself with most, if not all, of your personal favourites. I wondered, though, if you have also seen the film, "To Kill a Mockingbird" based on Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning book of the same name. With Gregory Peck as the lead actor, I was struck by the way the movie kept very close to the storyline of the book. 

I look forward to reading the articles of the experts you have for this issue to better understand their challenges. I heard Shoojit Sircar (director of the unusual film 'Piku') when he attended the Literary Fest in Chandigarh. He spoke candidly about the need to be "open" to suggestions from stars such as Irfan Khan and Amitabh Bachchan.  

Once again, thanks for your engrossing editorial and the good lineup of film critics for this issue. As you must have guessed, I share with my family, an addiction to good films. 

Warm regards,

(Received on Jan 21, 2025)

Dear Lakshmi,

Thank you for your appreciative words on my editorial. I have seen "To Kill A Mocking Bird" and greatly enjoyed the cast's performance, including Gregory Peck's, and the movie's direction. Though I have seen several other outstanding movies, I had to restrict myself to mentioning just three in my editorial.

I look forward to your feedback after you have read the entire feature, 

Warm wishes,


Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi    Jan 26,2025

Heartfelt Congratulations to Muse India!

My warmest congratulations to Muse India on your incredible journey of 20 glorious years! Over the years, Muse India has been a beacon of literary excellence, bringing diverse voices, thought-provoking content, and remarkable creativity. 

A very special thanks to the dedicated team behind the journal, whose tireless efforts and passion have made it a treasure trove for literary enthusiasts. The latest issue, celebrating this milestone, is yet another testament to the journal’s commitment to quality and meaningful engagement with the arts and literature.

Here’s to many more decades of success, inspiration, and brilliance! Thank you, Muse India, for enriching the Art and literary world and for being a source of joy for writers, artists and readers alike! 

A special note of gratitude to Surya Sir, the visionary founder and managing editor!

Warm regards,
Dr Sangeeta Goel,
Professor, Visual Artist & Fmr Civil Servant

Dear Dr Sangeeta Goel, thank you for your warm words about Muse India and its meaningful engagement with the arts and literature. The last 20 years have been a phenomenal journey for us and whatever we have been able to do has been due to the tireless efforts of a highly dedicated team of writers and scholars. Thank you for the wonderful paintings you have shared with our readers in the Art Gallery of this Anniversary Issue. You also have rich experience in Civil Services, having worked in various capacities in different ministries. Now you are a Professor of Visual Arts.

We look forward to your active participation in Muse India.  -  GSP Rao, Managing Editor

Dear Dr Sangeeta Goel, I join Surya (GSP Rao) in gratefully acknowledging your generous & empathic compliments to the team of Muse India. My kudos to you for your multi-faceted creativity. We highly value your association and its continuation with Muse India... Atreya Sarma U, Chief Editor. 


Dr Sangeeta Goel, India    Jan 20,2025

Hats off to you, Surya and the entire team!


Usha Kishore, Isle of Man, UK    Jan 14,2025

Jai Ho Muse India ... what a momentous Issue that is celebrating the completion of 20 years of its publication! Hearty congratulations and kudos to everyone who helped it bloom and shape up so splendidly! 

Let the nurturing go on and on …



Ambika Ananth, Bengaluru    Jan 14,2025

Three cheers to Muse India on her 20th Anniversary Issue! 

Huge congratulations to Surya and the team. 



Kala Ramesh, Chennai    Jan 14,2025

Three cheers for yet another beautiful edition of Muse India. Hearty congratulations to

Surya and the entire team…



Prof Sukrita Paul Kumar, New Delhi    Jan 14,2025

Thank you for the special anniversary issue, dear Surya.

Congratulations to all!


Prof Sachidananda Mohanty, Bhubaneshwar    Jan 14,2025

Excellent New Year gift! 


Dr Syam Sudhakar, Thrissur    Jan 14,2025

Kudos to Surya and the entire team & contributors!

Warm wishes.



Atreya Sarma, Hyderabad    Jan 14,2025

The 20th Anniversary Issue released is indeed a milestone in the grand journey of Muse India. Rich in content, as always, the outstanding feature of this issue on the ‘Film & Other Media Adaptations from Regional Literatures’ presents a kaleidoscopic view of the cinematic adaptations across the vast expanse of the country.

Kudos to all the contributors and the team at Muse India.

Congratulations on this special anniversary issue.



Mohammad Zahid, Anantnag, Kashmir    Jan 14,2025

Congrats once again, Surya!

My best wishes are always with you and with Muse India.

Will read this issue with interest and pleasure as usual.


Prof GJV Prasad, Chennai    Jan 14,2025

Dear Surya, 
Congratulations on the 20th Anniversary Issue of Muse India. Many thanks for sending me a copy. 
I can't wait to read the special feature on 'Film Adaptations from Regional Literatures'. We're lucky to have access to the writings of renowned film critics. I'm sure it will be a very exciting read. 


Dr Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi    Jan 14,2025

Dear Surya 
I am truly awed and respect what you have created.  It is extraordinary, speaking of great dedication. ??. Congrats to you and the editors. It’s a superb milestone.
In my own humble way, without being a non-profit or with big money and numerous health setbacks - Matwaala celebrates 10 years this year with a number of notable projects, readings and events. More than 80 poets have read for us. Our mission is to promote diaspora poets as you know. 
I am dealing with the last ripple effect post-surgery, a severe frozen shoulder. I hope to do and am doing the best I can this year.
Would the poetry editor at Museindia be able to do a diaspora poets issue to celebrate Matwaala’s work this year?
Rgds and affection,


Usha Akella, Astin, Texas    Jan 14,2025

Surya ji,

Hearty congratulations and many thanks for sharing.

I greatly look forward to reading and for Muse India to keep flourishing!

All good wishes,


Dr Shanta Acharya, London    Jan 14,2025

Issue 116: I am really happy to collaborate with such an enriching platform and excellent guidance.

Suparna Roy, Kolkata    Jul 01,2024


Suparna Roy, Kolkata    Dec 26,2024

This issue (116: May-Jun 2024)  is an organized and comprehensive tribute to Anita Desai, touching almost every aspect of her literary genius. I extend my thanks to Team Muse India and the editor of this issue Dr. Sapna Dogra for including me in this academic venture.

Sudeshna , Majumdar    Jul 01,2024


Sudeshna , Majumdar    Dec 26,2024

Dear Editors
The Muse India has been doing a yeoman's service to literary studies in India for a long time now. Its theme-based issues are really remarkable.
As a reader, I feel something is lacking in the operational part of the webpage. For instance, there is no 'Search' tab on the home page to explore all the issues and find relevant research papers. Secondly, as far as I have realized, an author cannot share the link to their paper in their profile.
Please look into these issues.

Devender Kumar, Varanasi    Apr 13,2024

[Thank you. On the home page at the bottom, the past issues are listed. As for the articles, they can be downloaded in the Pdf format. -- Atreya Sarna, Chief Editor.]


Devender Kumar, Varanasi    Dec 26,2024

Dear Dr Rao,

The feature on Gujarati short stories in Muse India Jan Feb 2024 issue is a much needed initiative for our times. It is wonderful to have Muse India coming up with such focused efforts to promote regional Indian literature. What is remarkable that Muse India curates the experience of reading such literatures. 
Mavji Maheshwari's (Gujarati story translated as A Pang) is particularly a case in point. It dexterously catches the nuances of human mind, body and experience of the marginalised. With a dramatic but realistic depiction of the protagonist who travels to Kutch, it also aptly catches the backdrop of development in the area. The story is particular as well as universal. 
In the future issues, i extend my best wishes to Muse India for introducing and expanding such features with more number of texts. 

Dr. Manoj Chhaya , Gujarat    Jan 21,2024


Dr. Manoj Chhaya , Gujarat    Dec 26,2024

I am unable to register. Keeps asking for Street name, in spite of quotng it. Please help.

Vanaja Malathy, Denver USA    Nov 08,2023

[Please email your problem to GSP Rao, Managing Editor at: . -- Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor.]


Vanaja Malathy, Denver USA    Dec 26,2024

‘Editorial Meditations’ – an apt write-up (Issue 101: Jan-Feb 2022)

An apt and excellent piece of write-up is the ‘Editorial Meditations’ delivering a perfectly synergized, multi-pronged, and diverse process of true Bhakti at a time when divine devotion has got into a degenerated phase in the hands of poachers. Kudos to Atreya Sarma, Editor of the Feature.


Varchaswi L Putcha , Hyderabad    Jun 23,2022

Excellent Bhakti Feature, awesome, ‘Editorial Meditations’, Translations (Issue 101: Jan-Feb 2022)

Congratulations on this issue on Bhakti literature! It's a collector's number. 

Atreya Sarma’s editorial “Meditations” (NOT musings!) for this special issue is awesome and very grounded. It's excellent, especially the way Atreya has kept the contemporary reader at the back of his mind. Sample this brilliant line: ‘Bhakti is an ideal blend of positive belief, basic rationalism and quintessential wisdom.’ Albert Einstein is a very good example of a scientist who is also a mystic. Just look at his eyes! They're so spiritual. I liked the quote Atreya has chosen for Einstein, ‘Science without religion is lame.’ I’m glad the Editor hasn’t shied away from enumerating the details on the flip side – such as vested interests, political polarization, and political temple appointments. They deliberately turn a blind eye to the commonalities in different religions, how at times they marvellously converge on some points enough to make the divisions melt.

I’ve loved the informal tone of Atreya Sarma’s translation of Kancharla Gopanna ‘Ramadasu’, even if it’s one of the Classical Lyrics.  There’s intimacy, especially in the concluding four lines. Again, Atreya’s tone for Tanikella Bharani’s “Hats off to you, hey Shankara” (Folksy Lyrics) may touch a chord in contemporary readers. 


Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi    Jun 23,2022

Liked Sudha Rai’s review of Wooden Cow (Issue 99: Sep-Oct 2021)

I have liked Sudha Rai’s review of Wooden Cow, a translation by Lakshmi Kannan of the original Tamil novel Marappasu by T Janakiraman (Thija). To my relief, Sudha Rai’s understanding of the novel’s ending is fresh. At least it doesn’t see the ending as a return to a conventional monogamous family life. It shows Ammani as a lover of freedom living her life on her own terms, as capable of “choosing and willing to redesign afresh her own life.” Thija had received a lot of flak for this novel.  The traditionalists accused him of elevating prostitution as a noble thing; the feminists accused him of making the woman return to a conventional monogamous family life. But in all his works he talked about the woman's freedom to choose and make her own decisions, in whatever situation she is in – whether she is young or old, poor or rich, educated or not, single or married, widowed or with a husband, etc. 


Uma Shankari Naren, Hyderabad    Nov 18,2021

The poem 'A lonely man'  by Sambhu Nath Banerjee (Issue 99: Relations - The void within)
The poem, 'A lonely man' throws light to the plight of a modern-day person who is seemingly surrounded by gadgets and technology yet who is terribly alone within himself. A man who is bereft of a caring family is indeed an unfortunate fellow who might have to lead a miserably solitary life as the modern-day society cares little about the next door neighbour living in solitude. The poem also subtly hints at the fact that even a much sought-after leisure in a busy life may become overwhelmingily agonizing at some point of time by some curious twist of fate! The poem is not loaded with too much lyrical fervour and flamboyance but it unmistakably unfurls a stark reality of life by its simple, unassuming style. Therein lies the strength of this poem by Mr Banerjee.


Amlan Mukherjee, Uttarpara,Hooghly, W.Bengal    Nov 15,2021

"Relations: The void within" -- a wonderful collection (Issue 99)

The more we are getting digitally connected, the more we are going to be physically isolated. Social mixing has got a new dimension nowadays, thanks to the ready availability of digital platforms; but that also creates distancing and an averseness to mingle in close quarters. Whatever amount of time in a day one may spend in gossiping through WhatsApp or FB, that may lead to some boredom vis-a-vis loneliness, not to speak of its evil effects on health. Loneliness may also arise from the actual dearth of company due to various reasons.

The feature Relations - A Void Within, edited by the noted Telegu author Sai Brahmanandam Gorti for the Muse India, brilliantly captures the mood of this void in myriad colours. The contributors have touched upon such aspects of human relations which we tend to give lesser attention at times, but have got enormous importance in the life concerned. Personally, I am enriched in several ways from this wonderful collection and hope to get more of such special features in future.


Sambhu Nath Banerjee, Bally, Howrah. WB    Nov 15,2021

"Relations: The void within" - An intriguing Feature (Issue 99: Sep-Oct 2021)
The Feature "Relations: The void within"  (Issue 99: Sep-Oct 2021) is quite intriguing. The stories, poems, and reviews therein emote a plethora of emotions of human relationships. Sambhu Nath Banerjee's poem "A lonely man" evokes a sense of empathy among the readers for the lonely man's helplessness. The poet aptly articulates the agony of loneliness and the vast emptiness of humans in this crowded world. Somewhere deep inside, we feel for the man, abandoned and desolate.


Roma Banerjee, Kolkata    Nov 14,2021

Autumn Issue (99: Sep-Oct 2021) is simply superb!

Congratulations to the Feature editor Sai Brahmanandam Gorti and the rest of the Editorial board on bringing out such a wonderful edition. Enjoyed reading the whole issue. Especially the selection of short fiction is remarkable.


Rachita Reddy, Virginia    Nov 14,2021

A suggestion for comments

A nice mag. However, there is a small suggestion. It would be nice if a comment section appears right beneath the article, story, poem, editorial, or any other content rather than hunt the site to leave a feedback. 


Anila Shastri, San Jose, California    Nov 14,2021

Shernaz Wadia’s poems a sumptuous and scrumptious fare! (Issue 99)

The three poems by Shernaz Wadia in Issue No. 99 (Sep-Oct 2021), are indeed a sumptuous and scrumptious fare! Her first poem – Dismantle yourself – reflects her abiding belief in afterlife and describes death in an evening metaphor.  Expressions like ‘Atoms of life have still have their Karma to fulfill’; ‘motes of truth’; and ‘you see a stranger in the shards of they hold up’ amply reflect her conviction. She ends it with hopeful note that there are many sunrises to bask in. The second one ‘It is not the Same’ looks inwards, at ‘the less fulfilling conversations’; ‘slumbering bottled emotions’; the ‘mundane fare that leaves one un-satiated’; ‘the silences each of us sit with to engage with’ our private pastimes but fail to do, because things are not the same, particularly after the pandemic. While the first two are a kind of looking within, the third poem ‘I wonder’ attempts to look without, through the ‘lights trickling through the chinks under the doors and curtained windows,’ concerned and contemplating about ‘the paradoxical enigmas of human condition lying behind them.’ What lies ‘secreted under the penumbra of oil lamps in huts’; ‘silence of sorrow in the abyss of a widow’s hollow eyes’; ‘flailing fantasies of a repressed child’; and ‘mournful echoes of a heart bookended by emptiness’ ... walk us through her wonderful expressions. They are so picturesque. Thanks to the poetry editor. And congrats to Shernaz.


NS Murty, Bengaluru    Nov 11,2021

Muse India, an unadulterated literary magazine

This is my first encounter with Muse India. Absolutely delighted to connect with this unadulterated literary magazine. Poetry, Fiction, Art Gallery – ample variety, in Issue 97 (May-Jun 2021).

Book Reviews are really a worthy source of information. An expert opinion guides one to pick the right book. Painting in the Kangra Valley by Vijay Sharma reviewed by GSP Rao caught my attention, an insightful read.

The Feature of Indian English Writing with its theme ‘Memory, Ancestry, Legend’ curated by Dr Charanjeet Kaur is a feast. In the Feature – ‘Taseer Gujral in conversation with Sakoon Singh’; Annapurna Sharma’s article ‘My Powerhouse’; Gurudarshan Singh’s article ‘Of books within books’; Kavita Ezekiel Mendonca’s ‘Jewish Legends’ were the main course – while the dessert undoubtedly is Atreya Sarma’s memoir ‘Oh, Grandpa! Bless us from the Heavens!’ This heart-warming biography took me to my Grandpa’s home in Mangalore. Some relations are universal. Touched my heart. Thank you, Atreya ji. Thank you, team Muse.


Geeta Shetty, Vashi, Navi Mumbai    Jul 14,2021

Memory, Ancestry, Legend – A delectable theme (Issue 97: May-Jun 2021)

Congratulations on the release of issue 97 of Muse India. In this edition of Muse India, the spread with the theme Memory, Ancestry, Legend curated so well by Dr Charanjeet Kaur in her Feature Indian English Writing is worth mentioning. Her Editorial Reflection is a pithy note on the Subject of Memory that is to be experienced across various genres of Fiction, Poetry, and Book Reviews. The choice of the theme Memory itself shows the empathetic response to the grim realities we are undergoing in these Pandemic times. The quotes capturing the rather difficult concept of Memory in the Editorial Reflection, resonate so very well as we relish the delectable genres of work published in the Magazine. Thank you for such a good issue.


Sujata Tandel, Goregaon East, Mumbai    Jul 14,2021

A good account of a deserving character (Issue 97: Feature)

Congratulations on the release of Issue 97. The article “Oh, Grandpa! Bless us from the Heavens!” by Atreya Sarma in the Feature is full of nostalgia about his grandfather. It is a very good account of a deserving character who changed the world for the better. Atreya Sarma can be proud of being his grandson.


Elizabeth Kurian ‘Mona’, Hyderabad    Jul 09,2021

A fabulous painting, well-articulated (Issue 97: Feature)

Atreya Sarma’s memories of his grandparents (“Oh, Grandpa! Bless us from the Heavens!”) coupled with the homey places of the village, his childhood plays etc are a fabulous painting, in articulated prose. I am thrilled by the descriptive delight and visualizing expressions, and would preserve the piece forever for learning of apt vocabulary.


MS Rao, Hyderabad    Jul 09,2021

A well-crafted tale by Atreya Sarma (Issue 97: Feature)

Even as Atreya Sarma’s well-crafted grandpa's tale turns the old-timers village-nostalgic, it enables the younger generations to have their ancestral picture perfect.


Bulusu S Murthy, Hyderabad    Jul 09,2021

An idyllic narration (Issue 97: Feature)

The nostalgic piece by Atreya Sarma is such a touching tribute to his Grandpa and Grandma. I loved reading it because I'm also very fond of my grandfather. The way Atreya describes the place in which he grew up, with a rivulet beside his grandparents’ house is idyllic!


Lakshmi Kannan , New Delhi    Jul 09,2021

A very moving biography (Issue 97: Feature)

That is a very moving biography by Atreya Sarma. What a rich, generous, kind, giving, caring wonderful legacy Atreya’s Grandpa left behind! Wanting no accolades makes his kindness increase a thousandfold. It is no wonder his family have become worthy citizens not only by their academic achievements but by the very way in which they respect and follow the teachings of a very wise Grandpa. The images in this biography touch the heart; such a blessing to have a wonderful man like that at the centre of a family. He deserves a statue in his honour but it would fade into obscurity compared to the memories and guidance and worthy lessons he handed down to his loved ones. Nevertheless, this is a story that needs to be told; I will carry it in my heart for a very long time. God bless Atreya for writing it.


Betty Oldmeadow, Isle of Sheppey, UK    Jul 09,2021

An enjoyable read – Issue 96: Mar-Apr 2021

I have enjoyed reading the latest issue of Muse India.


Sudeshna Kar Barua, Kolkata    May 17,2021

Delightful Poetry section (Mar-Apr 2021), but Membership issue...

The poetry section of your Mar-April 2021 issue is delightful.

Anyway, the membership feature of your website is not working; error 500 (internal server error) is being shown by the server. Please get your membership feature well so that people like me can take the membership.


Response by Muse India: Thank you, Parnil. Yes, sometimes there are some technical glitches. In such cases, our Managing Editor GSP Rao may be contacted at:

Atreya Sarma U, Chief Editor


Parnil, Delhi    May 17,2021

Marvellous Kannada Feature (Issue 96: Mar-Apr 2021)

I've been reading with much pleasure the special feature on Kannada Literature curated by Dr Mamta Sagar. She has done a marvellous job and I congratulate her. Vanamala Vishwanatha’s article, in the Feature grabbed my eyeballs. Her article is just brilliant!  My congratulations to her as well. There are many gems in this issue and I greatly look forward to reading the contributions at leisure. Altogether, it’s an exciting issue. I see the hard and diligent work on the part of the editorial team behind every detail.


Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi    May 01,2021

An incredible job by Mamta Sagar (Issue 96: Mar-Apr 2021)

I have now finished reading the entire curation of “Kannada Literature – Experienced through Translation,” edited by Mamta Sagar, listened to all the music and watched all the films. What an incredible job she has done! This must have been so much work, and I can only say that it has all been worthwhile! And she must be so well-connected to have embraced and arranged so many excellent writers and poets. I love how translation itself becomes foregrounded in an issue of translations and I am very curious if she has any plans to publish the issue as a hard copy. I think it would make a really wonderful book. Congratulations.


Aryan Kaganof, Cape Town, South Africa    Apr 30,2021

The Art of Livia Stein (Art Gallery, Issue 96: Mar-Apr 2021)


My thanks to Priyadarshi and Pinaki for the outstanding interview and Gallery of my Paintings featured in the Mar-Apr 2021 issue of Muse India. It was a thorough pleasure to do this interview, and I enjoyed it immensely.  As usual with these interactions, I discover a great deal more about myself and my work. 

Thank you for the wonderful online magazine against very difficult circumstances lately.  I wish you and your colleagues all the best during this most devastating period of our history.


Livia Stein, Oakland, California (USA)    Apr 28,2021

Editorial by Atreya Sarma (Issue 96: Mar-Apr 2021)

The concerns raised by Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor, in his Editorial on issues like farmers’ agitation, the crowded election campaigns during the pandemic times, the cancellation/ postponement of the CBSE final exams, and the demands by the union leaders of the banking sector are pertinent. And I endorse his views.


Dr S Pratap Reddy, Hyderabad    Apr 28,2021

Love in the Pandemic —  A thought provoking episode (Issue 94: Nov-Dec 2020)
"Love in the Pandemic" is a thought provoking episode.... A time to reinvent oneself, for introspection. Annapurna Sharma, the Editor, has brought out the ideas through her introductory write up. I have read a few articles in the issue and it gives so many colours to the essence of love. Indeed, the Feature has various shades and moods. And I thank her for the opportunity of contributing to it.


Lipsa Mohapatra, Cuttack, Odisha    Apr 24,2021

Issue 95 (Jan-Feb 2021) is superb

Though a bit delayed, the Jan-Feb 2021 issue of Muse India is superb in quality. It’s a sumptuous stock of food for a month. Very good poems, good stories. Annapurna’s article “I’ll start over again tomorrow” in her ‘Life & Literature’ column; the Editorial by Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor, et al are all nice. The poem “Paradoxica epidemica" by Ananya Dutta Gupta is a gem.


R R Gandikota, Kakinada    Feb 18,2021

A refreshing Feature: Love in the Pandemic (Issue 94: Nov-Dec 2020)

Firstly, a big congratulations on the launch of this special feature! And heartfelt gratitude for allowing me this privilege and opportunity to be a part of this special issue, and I couldn't have asked for a more befitting image for my poems than the cat that was allotted for me.

I have always felt so deeply about the ability of words to move our inmost being, and their ability to connect souls in the vast expanse of life. Editor Annapurna Sharma’s “Yellow frogs and bulging doors” in her ‘Life & Literature’ column stirred a knowing feeling that had fallen asleep as I had become busy with the hassles of living; the knowledge of the existence of a larger universe than the ones we limit ourselves to daily. It is this very joy of being able to return to the familiar, that of emotions and memories which give Literature so much depth and meaning. Love, in so many ways, has become so overrated and underrated at the same time, and I am grateful to Annapurna Sharma for picking up this particular theme as a reminder that no troubles are big enough for humanity to overcome as long as we remember to love and forgive beyond the trials and tribulations that we face.

I am still reading through some of the articles and creative writings (Feature: Love in the Pandemic) (as on 17 Dec 2020), but most of what I have read has given me the feeling of comfort that we are not alone and we are all in this together. While quality should always be the priority, it is so soothing to know that Muse India deeply cares about upholding and uplifting the values of humanity. And in these difficult times, it has come as such a remedy to the aches we are collectively facing, and this going beyond all divides and differences.

My thanks once again to Annapurna Sharma for such a refreshing issue. Looking forward to completing all the write-ups that have been published, and earnestly looking forward to her impactful contributions to Muse India. Wishing her more success and wisdom for her grand years ahead.


Cherime Sangma, Williamnagar    Feb 18,2021

Love in the Pandemic — A delightful Feature (MI 94: Nov-Dec 2020)

What a delightful collection (Feature — Love in the Pandemic)! I spent a whole day with the poetry section and enjoyed every one of the poems. I am so appreciative of the offering, the nuanced take on the subject of love, and the carefully curated issue overall. I am honored to be featured with the work in the issue. Thank you dear Annapurna, the Editor. . 


Kashiana Singh, Chicago, USA    Feb 18,2021

Feature: Love in the Pandemic (Nov-Dec 2020)

I've been reading through the Feature — Love in the Pandemic, ever since its release. Its editor Annaurna Sharma has done a great job! The sheer variety of voices she has been able to put together in this issue is so commendable. It is also an honour to find my story among those of more established authors. Hearty congratulations, and best wishes for all her future endeavours.


Anuradha Mazumder, Calcutta    Dec 14,2020

Feature: Love in the Pandemic (Nov-Dec 2020)

Associating my creative energy with Muse India has always been an extremely rewarding experience. During the Pandemic times while as a writer I got to introspect in a different way, the Feature: Love in the Pandemic (Nov-Dec 2020) offered that opportunity to showcase what as a sensitive human being I was feeling. Thank you for incorporating my contribution in the issue and for your kind words of encouragement and appreciation.

I have gone through the feature and also read the editorial to it. The small anecdotes that have been clubbed together give the feel of the pandemic times and the times that were so complacently taken for granted by us.

I loved the way Annapurna Sharma has rendered the effect of the present times of pandemic on us. Congratulations for the success of the issue and I thank her for letting me be a part of this history of Muse India.


Dr. Shweta Mishra, Aashiyana, Lucknow    Dec 14,2020

The 'Mea Culpa' story (Feature: Love in the Pandemic)

I browsed through the Feature: Love in the Pandemic (Nov-Dec 2020) and was delighted to see the variety of authors and writings. Will be reading them individually soon. I enjoyed reading the story 'Mea Culpa' with my morning tea. The end was quite moving for me :) 


Chirantana Mathkari, University of Maryland, College Park    Dec 14,2020

Feature: Love in the Pandemic (Nov-Dec 2020)

The feature: Love in the Pandemic -- I really loved it. I haven't read all the stories yet, but the variety of the stories really touched me. It feels like the editor, Annapurna Sharma, organised them really well, in terms of how the lockdown began, and then onwards and onwards. I think it was really good of her to pick so many - since the experience of love in the pandemic has varied so much across different people. 


Tanvi Chowdhary, Varanasi    Dec 14,2020

Life & Literature (Nov-Dec 2020): Yellow frogs and a Bulging door

The piece 'Yellow frogs and a Bulging door' in the column Life & Literature (Nov-Dec 2020) by Annapurna Sharma, Dy. Chief Editor, is really a prose poem. She uses anthropomorphism and personification with great facility. A good example of anthropomorphism can be read  in the following extract: "I am talking about doors, doors that are vulnerable to weather conditions, doors that are immature and naïve, doors that are not consistent, doors that lack compassion, the doors which humans use to enter and retreat…doors that expand and shrink, doors of the inside.” An how she humanizes them? By sentences such as this one: “I wasn’t aware of how smoothly he could cut through soft, damp flesh;” and “The carpenter arrived to saw a part of the soft heart.”

Annapurna's use of personification is equally deft. To give one example: “The sun rushed out of its closet.” Personification gives human characteristics with the object of creating imagery.

Just to mention how the human mind works, this sentence “I never knew that frogs could change color, all to attract attention, the louder their croaks the better their chances of mating” reminded of a poem by Ted Hughes. I think the title of the poem was “The Jaguar.”

I was impressed by the fact that Annapurna brought alive a personality with a few quick strokes: “a grizzly, unshaven jaw, few white strands and well-built legs.”

I like her metaphors too, such as this one: “cared for like a baby just out of the womb.”

Towards the end it becomes clear why Annapurna is using these literary devices: to suggest the Oneness of existence, “Nature's inimitable style,” where everything is subtly orchestrated, like  the sound of rain with the croaks of frogs.


Murli Melwani, Foster City, CA, USA    Dec 14,2020

Editorial for the Feature: Love in the Pandemic (Nov-Dec 2020)

I have read Annapurna Sharma's editorial for the Feature: Love in the Pandemic. She is so right; at some deep level we've all been infected by the virus....even without manifesting it outwardly as symptoms of the illness. I liked her domestic help's insistence on not disrupting her work schedule! Probably it also kept her sane, the way our daily routines do.


Nighat Gandhi, Prayagraj    Dec 14,2020


Nighat Gandhi, Prayagraj    Dec 17,2020

Feature: Love in the Pandemic (Nov-Dec 2020)

So delighted to see the Muse India Issue 94. Words fail me to express my gratitude for shepherding an enormous undertaking wherein 50 plus writers have contributed to the Feature. Annapurna's Editorial Reflections makes an incredible reading, reminding me of my own train journeys starting with a Rupee or two. Her quotes from Dalai Lama and Henry David Thoreau are beautifully embedded. I feel inspired and empowered.


Sat Paul Goyal, Ann Arbor, USA    Dec 14,2020

Kudos to Muse India for the Feature on Children’s Literature in Telugu (Issue 91: May-Jun 2020)

Childhood is a luminous halt in one’s life journey. The literary creations being made by writers of children’s literature, by appreciating this importance, is not evoking due recognition, and much less in the case of Telugu writers. It’s in this background that the initiative taken by the internationally recognised Muse India online English journal to present a special feature on Children’s Literature in Telugu Land, giving space not only to well-known adult writers of children’s literature but also to promising child writers is highly admirable. More importantly, besides selecting some of the best works and effectively organising their translation by competent translators, Chief Editor U Atreya Sarma has himself, very elegantly, translated a substantial section of them. And there are insightful articles on various aspects of children’s literature in the Feature. This Feature certainly facilitates the non-Telugu readers to have a broad idea of children’s literature and its trends in the field of Telugu literature. Kudos to Muse India.


Dr Pathipaka Mohan, Asst. Editor (Telugu), National Book Trust of India, Hyderabad    Nov 26,2020

'Life & Literature' by Annapurna Sharma (Issue 94: Nov-Dec 2020)

I am writing in praise of Annapurna Sharma's article in the Life & Literature section titled 'Yellow Frogs and Bulging Doors.'  As always her wrting creates vivid imagery and alongside that, she has added an important aspect regarding Corona layoffs. 'Lurking in the garb of Corona was betrayal, egoism, jaundice, pestilence.' Her statement perfectly sums up the status quo. I tend to agree that the loss of the industrial world is nature's gain. Her description of the army of yellow frogs makes them sound quite alarmng, but it is hoped that others will put my reaction to the test by reading the work of this skilled writer. I like her indepth thoughts about innanimate objects; she has the ability to bring a piece of wood to life. A good read, not to be missed.


Betty Oldmeadow, England4J    Nov 26,2020

'Love in the Pandemic' — a timely theme (Issue 94: Nov-Dec 2020)

It has been a pleasure to contribute in a small way to the Muse India Feature: Love in the Pandemic. It captures the desires, aspirations, troubles and woes of people of different backgrounds, circumstances, and values, coming together to paint a picture of what humanity is going through as a family, during the challenging time of this pandemic. It brings relief and reassurance to read through these stories and poetry to understand that our collective experiences have one focus, that is love, which we crave more than ever, while in isolation. Thank you for basing this Issue on a timely topic. I invite all those who are bogged down by the status quo, to peek into these writings and identify their own selves and feel how universal one's feelings are.


Samya Senaratne, Colombo, Sri Lanka    Nov 26,2020

Muse India, a highly recommended journal

So pleased to have played a part in the Feature: Love in the Pandemic. Very important to record the experiences and emotions people are going through during this difficult time. The voices of the people will play a part in laying down historical archives for future generations. Muse India e-journal always contains a treasure trove of fascinating and interesting narratives and poetry on an endless variety of subjects. It is highly recommended! Since I began contributing to it a few years ago, it has brought me a great deal of pleasure. It is one of the best mentors available; a platform to share your writing and all for free. If you enjoy writing as a hobby, or reading, do take a look!


Betty Oldmeadow, Isle of Sheppey (Kent, England)    Nov 24,2020

Urdu Ramayan enhances the value of Muse India

The feature Urdu Ramayan (Issue 93: Sep-Oct 2020) is wonderful. I have no doubt that the value of the journal has enhanced manifold with this. Congrats to the feature editor Sukrita Paul Kumar, to contributors Syed M Shahed and Mukul Chaturvedi, as also to GSP Rao, Managing Editor and U Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor.


NS Murty, Bengaluru    Oct 26,2020

Urdu Ramayan, a thrilling Feature (Issue: 93 – Sep-Oct 2020)

I am absolutely thrilled to see the special feature on Urdu translations of the Ramayan. Long live cultural and linguistic diversity of the subcontinent! And congratulations to Mr Syed Shahed for his dedication to Urdu poetry and his excellent site urdushahkar.


Nighat Gandhi, Prayagraj    Sep 30,2020

Commendable Odia Feature (Jul-Aug 2020)
The Odia feature is a commendable job. I thank Muse India for showcasing a beautiful version of the extraordinary state of Odisha from its literary angle. 


Lipsa Mohapatra, Cuttack    Sep 23,2020

Amazing Feature on Urdu Ramayan (MI 93: Sep-Oct 2020)
I would like to commend and congratulate Muse India for the amazing feature on Urdu Ramayan. All articles in the feature are very informative and will help dispel misconceptions about Ramayan belonging to one religion, about Urdu being a "foreign" language, and about the misplaced ties between language and religion. The author Syed Shahed certainly did some painstaking research before writing the scholarly articles. I am equally impressed with the editorial by Sukrita Paul Kumar.

I haven't read all of MI yet, but I can say that the reflections in "Life and Literature" by Annapurna Sharma are very impressive. She has a unique and endearing style of writing.

Thanks to everyone at MI for the great work you all do.


Mir Murtuza Ali, Mississauga, Canada    Sep 07,2020

Odia Feature – Commendable in range and variety (MI 92)

My profound thanks to Muse India for the extremely valuable Feature: Tradition and Modernity in Odia Literature, in Issue 92 (Jul-Aug 2020).  The planning of the Feature is careful and it meaningfully includes the cultural aspects as well. As a result, the contributions cover a commendable range and variety, and the content is uniformly rich. It is a collection we, who are working on Odia literature and culture, will cherish and consult for many years. I liked the editorial by Prof Sachidananda Mohanty very much which is scholarly and written from an interesting perspective.


BN Patnaik, Retd. Professor of English & Linguistics (IIT Kanpur), Bengaluru    Aug 29,2020

Sachi Mohanty as Advisor is an excellent choice

I received a whatsapp message from Sachi Mohanty about his joining Muse India as Advisor. This is an excellent choice. Sachi has wide experience in both academic and creative fields and is a distinguished scholar. 

Congratulations for all the good work you have done already, in providing such a wonderful platform to Indian literature. Looking forward to further achievements.


Sanjukta Dasgupta, Kolkata    Jul 09,2020

Congrats on Muse India issue 92 (Jul-Aug 2020)

Congratulations to GSP Rao, Atreya Sarma, Annapurna Sharma and the entire Muse India team on releasing the new issue of Muse India! It’s your combined tenacity and the sheer will to go ahead with work that translates into the journal.

All the best for the Muse India’s e-book Beyond Corona: The Silver Lining!

And a huge welcome to Prof Sachidananda Mohanty as your Advisor. He carries his immense knowledge lightly and has always been a very friendly person. I greatly look forward to reading this special issue on Odia literature, as also the regular sections.


Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi    Jul 07,2020

Akash's stories  very touching (Issue 91: Children's Literature in Telugu Land)
Akash's stories are very touching. I am highly impressed by the story " missing end". It was simple capturing and genuine, could  not stop reading till the end. All the best to Akash as he weaves more real life situations  into  beautiful fabric of story telling.


Sreelaxmi , Mumbai    Jun 27,2020

Thanks a lot for translating & publishing 23 lyrics from my books

Whoever is the writer of children’s literature, they write for the welfare of children.  I have been doing my best in the field of children’s literature in Telugu; and it’s my fortune that U Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor of Muse India has selected 23 lyrics from two of my books – my collection of children’s lyrics “sRjana chelime”; and 20 lyrics by children from my compilation “chiTTi kalaalu – chinni gaLaalu”; translated them along with Dy. Chief Editor Annapurna Sharma; and published them in the ‘Feature: Children’s Literature in Telugu Land’ of Muse India (Issue 91: May-Jun 2020). The translations are marvellous and the names & work of many writers like me and many young writers have now gone into English thanks to this wonderful Feature. I do feel that Atreya Sarma just like the yesteryear’s film lyricist ‘Acharya Atreya’ (Kilambi Venkata Narasimhacharyulu) has effectively grasped the minds & hearts of children while doing the translations. I hope that Muse India would feature more and more children’s lyrics in its future issues.


Pendota Venkateshwarlu (Poet & Writer), Siddipet    Jun 03,2020

Beautiful translation: Children’s Literature in Telugu Land (Issue 91)

My gratitude to U Atreya Sarma for his beautiful translation of 6 of the choicest lyrics from my collection of lyrics for children ‘Neetipushpalu’ which was possible only because of his competent scholarship in English and rich experience in translating the poems, stories and lyrics of many well-known writers.


Varukolu Lakshmaiah, Gatla Malyala (Siddipet Dist.)    Jun 03,2020

Children’s Literature in Telugu Land (Issue 91) – Translation a tight-rope walk

Translation is a tight-rope walk; it needs to be done by being faithful to and retaining the spirit of the original. Especially when something from an Indian language is to be translated into English, it presupposes a high standard of English. Since U Atreya Sarma is equally proficient in Telugu and English, the Feature on Children’s Literature in Telugu Land is able to see the light of day. Especially, the way he translated my lyric ‘kalupu gontu’ (Join the Chorus) is superb. My bouquet of thanks to Atreya Sarma for his bilingual competence and for the major role he has played in conceiving and bringing out this feature as also to his team – Annapurna Sharma, Ambika Ananth, and Shri Harsha Uppaluri.


Annavelli Rajamouli, Siddipet    Jun 03,2020

A wonderful Feature with a beautiful mix of writings 

The Feature on Children’s Literature in Telugu Land has introduced me to Muse India. It’s a wonderful section with a beautiful mix of writings, well-written, and excellently translated. Being a part of Children’s Literature myself as an executive of Shruti, a children’s journal in English from Hyderabad, I can understand the efforts that have gone into bringing out this Feature.


Ch Chandrashekar, Hyderabad    Jun 01,2020

Review of Balageyalu is superb

I am going through the Feature on Children’s Literature in Telugu Land (Muse India, Issue 91). While I am thankful to Editor Atreya Sarma for translating my lyrics so well and publishing them, I should say that his review of Dr Koduru Prabhakara Reddy’s Balageyalu is simply superb.


Dr Pathipaka Mohan , Hyderabad    Jun 01,2020

A comprehensive Feature with beautiful translations

The Feature on Children’s Literature in Telugu Land (Issue 91: May-Jun 2020) is comprehensive touching upon various things related to the theme. The translations are beautiful. It felt good to see the writings of as many as 22 children.  My hearty congrats and gratefulness to Muse India. And I am sharing the news about Muse India in general and this Feature in particular on social networking groups I am associated with.


Dr A Harinatha Reddy, Anantapur    Jun 01,2020

Delighted with the Children’s Feature (Issue 91)

I am very thankful to Muse India and Chief Editor U Atreya Sarma for having featured many writers of children’s literature from Siddipet district. All of us from Siddipet are delighted with the Feature and the excellent quality of translations. 


Itha Chandraiah, Siddipet    Jun 01,2020

Review of my Balageyalu (Issue 91)

U Atreya Sarma’s review of my compilation Balageyalu in the Feature on Children’s Literature in Telugu Land in Issue 91 (May-Jun 2020) of Muse India, as also his translation of contextual lyrics therein, apart from 5 other lyrics separately from the said book, is excellent. My hearty gratitude.


Dr Koduru Prabhakara Reddy, Proddatur    Jun 03,2020

A journal of varied voices and sections

Thank you for keeping Muse India going! Referring to Issue 91 (May-Jun 2020), especially in these troubled times, it is never easy to put together a journal with such varied voices and sections. This is just to congratulate you all on your wonderful spirit, your commitment and love for literature which keep us all going in these fearful times.


Anupama Raju, Thiruvananthapuram    Jun 01,2020

An absolutely refreshing section – Children’s Literature in Telugu Land (Issue 91: May-Jun 2020)

Kudos to Muse India and to Atreya Sarma for the Feature on Children’s Literature in Telugu Land in the latest issue of Muse India! It’s not only a treasure trove, there’s something so ‘complete’ about it that one may be tempted to include it as a section in a book of Children’s Literature.

Atreya Sarma, as the Feature’s editor, couldn’t have done this section if he hadn’t enjoy his own childhood, or the company of children. Like he begins in his Editor’s Doodle by saying ‘Childhood is the sweetest phase of human life.’ He also says we can bring up a child to be sound in body and mind only when we realize that ‘there is a child within every adult.’ Sadly, some adults kill this child within them. They invariably come across as ‘dry.’

It’s a great idea to focus on Telugu. Childhood is a phase when we’re closest to our mother tongue, and it lives within us right through our later years. I recall the delightful songs, lyrics and funny rhymes in Tamil (and Kannada). Another thing that vastly amuses my children is, till date I can do arithmetic tables rapidly ONLY in Tamil, and not in English!

That said, I can see that the section meant a lot of work for Atreya Sarma, translating most of the contributions, and roping in Shri Harsha Uppaluri to pitch in with his translations. So also Ambika Ananth and Annapurna Sharma. The translations are so lucid.

The pictures going with the writings are charming. While there are quite a few authors who write for children, Atreya Sarma has so thoughtfully included stories and poems written by children themselves. Pulla Murali Akash has an astonishing talent. The high point of Akash’s touching story ‘The Grateful Pupils’ is the denominations of the cash collected by the pupils – all in 25 paise, 50 paise, and rupee notes. How very convincing! That’s how we collected our small pocket money as children, stashing them away in our Piggy Bank. 

The lyric ‘Mother Tongue’ by G Arun Kumar in the section ‘Melodies by Children’ has a picture of Nannaya, one of the greatest and earliest Telugu poets. Some of us in Delhi got to hear eloquent talks about Nannaya through a former Director of Jnanpith, I think three decades back. He was a sound Telugu scholar and we loved to hear him talk in English about Nannaya.

The film melody ‘On the Birthday of Our Cute Tiny Tot’ (translated by Atreya Sarma) with the game of ‘blind man’s bluff’ in it slides in a gentle irony ‘Some people can’t see things, eyes though they have.’ How true!

Atreya Sarma’s review of Balageyalu urges one to read the book. The author Dr Koduru Prabhakara Reddy must be a hot favourite with children, as a doctor! That he has chosen to be a paediatrician must’ve come to him as another calling!  

My thanks to Atreya for an absolutely refreshing section. Just loved it!


Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi    Jun 01,2020

Search function for books reviewed

There should be a search function on the website where one can also find name of books that have or have not been reviewed.


Sakshi, Delhi    Jun 01,2020

Congrats for the Children’s Feature (Issue 89)! Thank you! And blessings to Lakshya and Deeksha!

Congratulations on bringing out a beautiful feature on Children’s Literature (Issue 89, Jan-Feb 2020). And thank you very much for including in it my articles “Aesop’s Fables and Panchatantra” and “Children’s Education vis-à-vis Sataka Sahitya.” The poem “A petting tale” by Lakshya Vissapragada and the letter “To my Dad” by Deeksha Vissapragada are very sweet. Mother’s Blessings to them.


R R Gandikota, Kakinada    Jan 30,2020

“Songs sculptural” – Issue 87 (Sep-Oct 2019)

Atreya Sarma’s translation of three great Telugu song-writers reflects and brings forth honestly the essence of the original writers’ appreciation of the sculptural magnificence of Andhra rulers.


MSR Seshu, Hyderabad    Nov 03,2019

“Adivi Bapiraju and Sculpture” – Issue 87 (Sep-Oct 2019)

Dittakavi Syamala Devi does full justice to her article “Adivi Bapiraju and Sculpture” (Feature: Writing on Art) and Atreya Sarma’s translation, as always, does not read like a translation.


Subhash Chandra, Delhi    Nov 03,2019

Just skip one issue, to cut the delay in release of the issues
The July-August issue of Muse India was released today, September 22, 2019, with a usual apology for the late release. This cycle of late releases has been going on for several issues now. As a well-wisher and a reader who looks forward to reading the contents of Muse India, I would like to suggest a simple solution. Just skip one issue so the next issue will be on time around the middle of the two-month period. Thus, in mid-November your 87th issue will be for November-December. Then you won't have to keep apologizing endlessly.
[Thank you for the well-meaning suggestion, dear friend. Since however, we have already identified the Features up to the Jan-Feb 2020 issue and the Editors concerned are on the job, it would be difficult to skp an issue at this stage. However, we are sure we can cut the delays gradually, before it's not too late. We have already contemplated and initiated some measures in that direction... Chief Editor.]


Mir M. Ali, Mississauga, Canada    Sep 25,2019

"MADNESS OF THE WORD" - A congratulable Feature (MI 85: May-Jun 2019)
Congratulations to all the contributors to the feature 'Madness of the Word.' Semeen Ali must have had a task on her hands when choosing the narratives and poems to include in this edition, especially if they were all of such a high standard. The number of talented writers is incredible; such a diverse interpretation on the theme. Each and every one deserves congratulations. There are a few that remain memorable but to list each one would be quite a task for me! I will mention but a few, but honestly they all deserve to be listed! Birdhouse by Annapurna Sharma; A Heart full of Love, Sunny Amin; The Voice, Tamoghna Datta; The Bridge, Sushant Dhar; The Painters, Sinchan Chatterjee; Madness of the Word, Leonard Dabydeen; Love or Madness, Saumya Baijal; Street Theatre, Somali Pattnaik and many more! Semeen Ali explains the theme in an excellent manner and thanks go to her for this excellent selection. A fascinating title to explore so well done everyone! 


Betty Oldmeadow, England    Aug 07,2019

Atreya Sarma’s wonderful note/remarks on Girish Karnad (MI 85)

I just read Atreya Sarma’s wonderful note/remarks on Girish Karnad and was very sad to read about his passing. Though I never met him in person I read his plays, and though I won’t be able to revisit India again due to my poor health (at the age of almost 84), I miss him as I am missing so many writers and literary critics of my generation and even the previous one like Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao and P. Lal.

I always look forward to receiving Muse India and go through virtually all its articles. Perhaps I find the strength to again contribute a small piece to this excellent outlet of information and critical exchange of Indian literature(s).


Jörg-Dieter Riemenschneider, Kronberg im Taunus, Germany    Jul 20,2019

Thank you Muse India for your greetings of 4 Jun 2019

Muse India's greetings by way of an announcement on 04 June 2019 in this column on account of my selection to the PSP (Police Service of Pakistan) have filled my heart with so much warmth. I thank Muse India and its Chief Editor U Atreya Sarma for it and  also for welcoming me to continue to be a part of the Muse India family.


Kainat Azhar, Pakistan    Jun 09,2019

Feature on Punjabi Literature - Guru Nanak, Its Greatest Progenitor (MI 84) is praiseworthy
The special issue of THE MUSE INDIA, a very popular E-JOURNAL , dedicated to Guru NANAK'S 550 th anniversary and named as PUNJABI LITERATURE- GURU NANAK, ITS GREATEST PROGENITOR deserves full throat admiration and praise. It also delineates its guest editor Dr Tejwant Singh Gill's scholarly critical ability and evaluative attitude towards  this issue. 28 articles including the editorial from Dr  Gill aptly display the vision, teachings and the mission of Guru Nanak who belonged to none but the entire humanity of all ages.



Hearty congrats to Kainat Azhar, the PSP recruit

Muse India is glad to share the happy tidings that Ms Kainat Azhar, a Pakistani writer and Guest Editor of the “Feature: Mental Health” in Muse India (Issue 81: Sep-Oct 2018) has been selected for the PSP (Police Service of Pakistan), equivalent of our IPS (Indian Police Service). She had also contributed a poem ‘Comatose’ to the “Feature: Sufism & Sufi Literature” in Muse India (Issue 73: May-Jun 2017). She was also featured with her poem ‘Pukaar’ (Calling out aloud) by Muse India’s Chief Editor U Atreya Sarma in his Sunday poetry column “Wordsmith” in The Hans India daily (17 Sep 2017). We wish Kainat a glorious career.



U Atreya Sarma, Bengaluru    Jun 04,2019

Thanks for review of my book ‘The Legend of Krishna – In Wall Paintings of Gujarat and Rajasthan

I thank GSP Rao, Managing Editor for his nice review of my book ‘The Legend of Krishna – In Wall Paintings of Gujarat and Rajasthan,’ along with an interview of me as part of the review, in Issue 84 (Mar-Apr 2019). Such encouraging words give me strength for my next endeavour.



Pradip Zaveri, Vadodara    May 31,2019

Selfless commitment & promotion of literature

Warm congratulations to you, Atreya... Your selfless commitment to and promotion of literature is rare and matchless!

Subhash Chandra   Delhi    Apr 03, 2019


Subhash Chandra  , Delhi    Apr 03,2019

My thanks to Muse India

Thank you dear Atreya! Muse India and its editors respected Surya Rao, Ambika Ananth and you Atreya Sarma Uppaluri, have all played a great role in shaping and honing my poetry writing skills! I can never thank Muse India enough for the platform they provided new writers like me! Ever grateful to the GREAT THREE of Muse India!

Padmaja Iyengar     Hyderabad    Apr 03, 2019


Padmaja Iyengar     , Hyderabad    Apr 03,2019

Wonderful line-up

How fantastic Sir! Wonderful line-up, once again. Congratulations and a HUGE thank you to you; and to Charanjeet Kaur ma’am for presenting such a memorable Feature on Indian English Writing.

Kalyanee Rajan   Delhi    Apr 03, 2019


Kalyanee Rajan , Delhi    Apr 03,2019

Congrats Atreya ji

Congrats Atreya ji. I would love to go through the writings in Issue 83 and try to make it in future.

KS Mani   Chennai    Apr 03, 2019


KS Mani , Chennai    Apr 03,2019


Congratulations to all who got published in Issue 83. Happy reading.

Sushant Dhar   Anantnag, J & K    Apr 03,2019


Sushant Dhar   , Anantnag, J & K    Apr 03,2019

So quick and magical!

Congratulations and thanks to the Muse India team. I am extremely glad to see my work in Issue 83 of Muse India... And, wow, thanks a lot to Atreya Sir for so promptly updating my profile! So quick and magical!

Rachana Pandey , Varanasi    Apr 03, 2019


Rachana Pandey , Varanasi    Apr 03,2019


Thank you so much. So happy to see the Jan-Feb issue of MI has come out. Thrilled that it has carried my short story (‘Twilight House’) and book review (‘Heightened Senses’).

Malsawmi Jacob, Bengaluru    Apr 03, 2019


Malsawmi Jacob, Bengaluru    Apr 03,2019

MI 83: A heavy dose

The present issue is a heavy dose. Gone through some poems, U Atreya Sarma’s book review (‘A Basketful of Lies’) and of GSP Rao’s review (‘The History of India for Children’). Very good.

Ramakrishna Rao Gandikota, Kakinada    Apr 03, 2019


Ramakrishna Rao Gandikota, Kakinada    Apr 03,2019

MI 83 (Jan-Feb 2019) – Hearty congrats to the MI team

Hearty congratulations to the team of Muse India.

Swapna Behera, Bhubaneswar    Apr 03, 2019


Swapna Behera, Bhubaneswar    Apr 03,2019

Thank you, friends, for blessing Harsha & Katyayani

I thank all the following literary friends for their kind blessings to the MI 83 sponsor Harsha & his bride Katyayani. [By the way, Harsha is my son.]

Swapna Behera (Bhubaneswar): “All my blessings to Dear Katyayani and Dr Sri Harsha.”

Ramakrishna Rao Gandikota (Kakinada): “Mother's blessings to the newly wed Shri Harsha & Katyayani.”

Kalyanee Rajan (Delhi): “Himalayan best wishes to Shri Harsha and Katyayani for a wonderful journey ahead! Congratulations to you too on this count. Happiness galore! Touchwood!”

Padmaja Iyengar (Hyderabad): “A big Godbless to Harsha and Katyayani for a wonderful married life ahead! Great news this is!”

Dr Subhash Chandra (Delhi): “Warm congratulations to you, Atreya and your illustrious son, Dr Harsha Uppaluri. And blessings to the newlyweds.”

Dr Sapna Dogra (Delhi): “Heartiest congratulations to your son and Katyayani ji. May God bless them with happy life together.”

Dr Lakshmi Kannan (Delhi): “... your son's wedding. How did it go? Very well, I bet, with the blessings of your Pujya father. My Namaskaram to him! | You were so worried at that point, like anyone would be, considering his age. But isn’t it marvellous how the elders can prove us wrong! | I prayed a lot to Lord Balaji that your son's wedding should be a grand success and that your Pujya father should enjoy every minute of his dear grandson's wedding. I believe in my prayers, even if no one else does!

“My best wishes for the newlyweds. I wish them a long, happy, fulfilling life together, and packed with good work. 

“I’ll share with you how my mother, frail and very ill during my second son Sridhar’s engagement, gave us the surprise of our lives. We made all arrangements for her comfort, she had a para-medic attendant to look after her. Sridhar quietly stole into her room just to do a silent Namaskaram and take her blessings. And what did he see? A grandmother fully dressed in her best Kanjeevaram, jewellery in place, with a nice handbag, all ready to leave for the venue. Atreya, I can't describe how happy everyone was! She insisted on attending the engagement.” 

U Atreya Sarma, Hyderabad    Apr 03, 2019


U Atreya Sarma, Hyderabad    Apr 03,2019

Really enjoyed the section edited by Jaydeep Sarangi Aroma of The Heart, it is wonderful to see and read younger poets, after all they are the future of poetry, we should encourage and nurture them, congratulations. 

Robert Harle, Australia    Jan 02,2019


Robert Harle, Australia    Mar 27,2019

Aroma of the Heart! 
The exclusive on the poetry by the young and by definition restive---if not revolutionary---edited by Jaydeep Sarangi is sheer delight in terms of syntax, imagery, sounds and innovative forms. Aptly titled, it really captures the beats of young hearts beating for different causes and ideas. And their flawless translation into poetic idioms, all unique.  It was, for a change, like being in that refreshing Young-istan of the urban India expressing itself in metaphors---all renewed---and returning as completely restored, Dil-wise!  Enjoyed the heady trip. More of such---as they say these days, the youngsters, wearing their trademark baseball caps frontside back, faded jeans and Ts---cool stuff. Kudos to MI and Jaydeep, the veteran, for thinking of such a talented demography going lyrical, despite all-around cynicism and agnosticism of a mass culture. 

Sunil Sharma, Mumbai    Jan 01,2019




Sunil Sharma, Mumbai    Mar 27,2019

It's fascinating to read AROMA OF THE HEART. It is out of the ordinary to think of a special feature on the poems by the youth, below the age of 30. The range is broad and inclusive. I must congratulate Jaydeep Sarangi for giving us this rare opportunity to read this amazing body of poetry. Cheers! 

Sudha, Salem,TN    Jan 01,2019


Sudha, Salem,TN    Mar 27,2019

Dr KV Ramakrishnamacharya & his daughter Dr Kadambini get President of India’s recognition

Dear readers, you may have seen the interview of Dr KV Ramakrishnamacharya in the Feature on Sanskrit Literature (MI 80, Jul-Aug 2018). We are glad to share the happy tidings that he gets the prestigious President of India’s Certificate of Honour (2017) for his contribution to the field of Sanskrit. The announcement by Ministry of HRD, Government of India on 15 Aug 2018 says: “The distinction is conferred once a year on the Independence Day in recognition of substantial contribution in the field of Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Pali, Prakrit, Classical Oriya, Classical Kannada, Classical Telugu and Classical Malayalam.” Dr KV Ramakrishnamacharya is among the 26 awardees for the year 2017. A former VC of JRR Sanskrit University, Jaipur and former senior Professor at Rashtriya Sanskrita Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, he is presently Chief Advisor to the Research Group of Samskrita Bharati, Bengaluru.

And Dr Ramakrishnamacharya has reason to be doubly happy because his daughter too has received the President of India’s Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman for 2017 for her contribution to the field of Sanskrit. She is Dr K Kadambini, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati. Her doctoral thesis was “Building Anusaraka (a machine translation system) from English to Sanskrit – A Study.”

The awards will be given away in a special function to be got up in New Delhi in a few months’ time.

For further details visit:


U Atreya Sarma, Bengaluru    Aug 22,2018

Pankaj Saha's poems could have been better translated
Jaydeep Sarangi's translation of Pankaj Saha's poems in the July-Aug issue exemplifies the difficulty of translating poetry. Pankaj Saha is a senior poet but the translations here published garble both sense and language so that one is unable to respond to them. Moreover there are irritating typological errors unacceptable in a reputed webzine like Muse India. I wonder how Jaydeep, a veteran poet, editor and academician coud be so casual about so hallowed a task.

Tapati Gupta, Kolkata    Aug 01,2018

[Dr Sarangi’s response: “Translation is always a matter of fuzzy possibilities. All suggestions are welcome!

Normally, we don't edit translations of regional works, particularly submitted by senior writers and translators, not knowing the context of the original.    - Managing Editor]


GSP Rao, Managing Editor, Hyderabad    Aug 02,2018

Devulapalli Krishnasastry's short fiction

Enjoyed reading Devulapalli Krishnasastry in the issue 79. Short fiction that is humorous indeed. Subtle humour as he managed not to lose the shirt! Shall look up his writings inTelugu too.


S Abburi, Bangalore    Jul 13,2018

It’s a pleasure dealing with the Editors

Dear Surya Saab, Thank you for your email. It is always nice to connect with you, Ambika ji, Atreya Saab and contribute to the journal. Prof. Prasad is a sensitive editor and it is a pleasure to deal with him.

More power to you and Team-Muse India.


Sanjeev Sethi, Mumbai    Jun 03,2018

Muse India Issue 79 has a class of its own!

Dear Surya Rao Ji, it gives me a lot of pleasure to see Muse India Journal continuously and regularly coming out with its prestigious issues. Each issue offers to the literary minds a variety of literary tastes of poetry, fiction and other brilliant allegorical narratives. The latest 79th Issue of the journal has a class of its own in terms of the quality of the content and presentation.

I extend my heartiest congrats to each member of the editorial team whose tireless efforts in meticulously editing and publishing the work of all writers in this Issue are greatly valued.

I ardently hope that MI Journal will continue its journey on the path of excellence in all future Issues, and we, authors, promise we will also contribute our "labour of love" regularly to make its mark as a unique journal among literary periodicals of India and beyond. 


M J Aslam, Srinagar    Jun 03,2018

Muse India creating ripples

Dear Sir, Muse India has been creating a ripple effect in the literary domain within and beyond the borders of our country. Thank you for being instrumental in shaping a literary platform of this kind. You deserve a lot for this. I also thank you for picking up my short fiction for this issue, it's indeed awesome.


Pitambar Naik, Hyderabad    Jun 03,2018

Kudos for maintaining quality and regularity

Dear Mr Surya Rao, you and your team deserve kudos for maintaining the quality and regularity of the prestigious ejournal, MUSE INDIA. While you have been generous in giving a lot of credit to the contributors, I believe, together with many others, that Muse India is a wonderful platform that motivates writers like us to keep writing.

Mr Rao, we are aware that you and the others involved in publishing the journal do it for the love of the 'word,' and that is highly commendable.

Thank you for publishing my short story, "Good Morning Sir, Good Evening, Sir."


Subash Chandra, New Delhi    Jun 03,2018

Not able to login

Sir/Madam, Good Morning..I am veeraiyah subbulakshmi and a member of Muse india for quite sometime .Due to heavy schedule of duties, I was unable to contribute any article to Muse India for the past one year.

when i tried to login and submit my work, I am unable ot login at the moment. Could you please sort out this issue, so I can login and continue my membership in Muse India. Thank You,


Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi, thanjavur/Kuala Lumpur    May 30,2018

You don't have to login to submit your work or even access the e-journal. If you are planning to submit your work for posting in Your Space, click on the link 'Your Space' on the homepage and then proceed to 'Post Your Work'. If you want to submit an article /poem/short story for consideration of publication in the e-journal, please go through the link 'Submissions' at the base of homepage. 


GSP Rao, Managing Editor, Hyderabad    May 31,2018

Deeply indebted

Being an avid reader of Muse India, it was a dream come true for me, to have my poems featured here. I am deeply indebted to the magazine for giving chance to a beginner like me. The depth of writing that is showcased in the journal is undeniably the best. Therefore, it is a real privelege to be published here. I hope that the journal's reputation grows by leaps and bounds in the near future.

Anupam Patra, Bhubaneswar    May 03,2018


Anupam Patra, Bhubaneswar    May 04,2018

Muse India provides meaningful space for Indian academicians and writers 

Love reading every issue of Muse India, the only journal that has created and extremely meaningful space for Indian Academicians and Writers. 




Ishmeet Kaur Chaudhry, Gandhinagar, Gujarat    May 03,2018

Krishna Mohan Banerjea's intellectual contributions have been neglected
How very interesting to have Anisha Ghosh Paul's review of Krishna Mohan Banerjea's 1831 play, The Persecuted.

Banerjea's philosophical writings have had at least some marginal attention, but his literary, educational, sociological and wider intellectual contributions (e.g. the mammoth Encyclopedia Bengaliensis) have been almost entirely neglected.

I welcome the fact that Indian scholars are apparently now starting to get over our colonial-anticolonial fixation, and beginning to reassess the work especially of 19th century Indian authors.


Prabhu Guptara, UK,    Apr 30,2018

Little exploration of literature of the North-East

I haven't come across much discussion of literature from our tribal people. Certainly, there has been little exploration of literature from the North-East of our country, so I am grateful for D. Ramakrishna's well-structured and well-written article on the literature of conflict there.


Prabhu Guptara,    Apr 30,2018

Muse India has fairly extensively covered the literature of the North-East, including Assam, in its Issues. You may visit the 'Archive' and see Issue Nos. 16 (2007), 17 and 20 (2008), 31 and 32 (2010), 47 and 48 (2013). Issue No. 20 had brought focus on Assamese literature of Insurgency.


GSP Rao, Managing Editor,    Apr 30,2018

National level Junior Lit Fest

We introduce ourselves as LitLantern Welfare Society for Culture and Literature, a registered non-profit society, working on bringing the joy of literature, reading and language back to the children. We are looking to organize Andhra Pradesh’s inaugural National Level Junior Literary Fest - “Once Upon a Time”, in Vizag as a means of exposing the younger generation to the many facets of books. This festival is being conceived on the lines of children’s literary festivals like Bookaroo, Kitaabo and we are committed to making this an annual event of repute. 


While researching about festivals in India, we discovered that your organisation had helped execute the Hyderabad Literary Fest once. If it would be possible, we would highly appreciate a moment of your time to understand your viewpoints and experiences as an organiser. This would be invaluable input to what we are seeking to do. 


I tried sending an email to the however the email couldn't be delivered. I do hope you shall consider this request.You can reply through email or call me on 99851-22022 per your convenience. If you would like to schedule a specific time sometime next week, please do let me know and I can call you back. 


Warm Regards,  Sonal Sarda

[Dear Ms Sonal Sarda, there has been some delay in responding to this as I was travelling the whole of last week. We congratulate you for the initiative to start a National level Junior Lit Fest. We will be happy to share our experiences. The best course would be for you to send me your questions on what you want to know and I will be happy to respond. You may reach me at     -GSP Rao, Managing Editor]


Sonal Sarda, Vizag    Apr 27,2018

Happy World Book Day
Happy World Book Day (1st March, 2018) to all my friends, fellow writers and readers of Muse India. Long live Books and all those who write them for our pleasure!


Betty Oldmeadow, England    Mar 13,2018

'Magical Journeys' story by Sunil Sharma (Jan-Feb 2018) 
Magical Journeys by Sunil Sharma: an excellent piece of work that absorbed me, the reader, from beginning to end. A valuable lesson contained within 'You cannot escape destiny.' 


Betty Oldmeadow, England    Mar 01,2018

Jan-Feb 2018 issue

A wonderful read, from end to end.


Supratik Sen, Kolkata    Mar 01,2018

"Manaku of Guler" (Jan-Feb 2018)

This is with regard to "Manaku of Guler" - the review of the book by Prof BN Goswami. The information shared was a treat to the art connoisseurs, specially the select gallery of portraits and their descriptions, which actually help in the understanding of the subtle nuances of paintings. The details of the mythological references are praiseworthy. The efforts undertaken during the researching of the material prove that the serious scholars need no guidelines from bureaucratic educationists of the country. The amount of energy and attention given to the subject became fruitful with the bringing to the light the lesser-known artist in the field of painting. In fact, there are innumerable number of artists working in absolute ignorance to their works by the critics and connoisseurs. The MI has not only contributed to bring such artists out of the obscurity but have made the readers richer in their appreciations and understanding of the arts. Thanks to team MI.


Hemant Gahlot, Ujjain MP India    Feb 28,2018

On the review of ‘Manaku of Guler’

Dear Mr. Rao, Thank you for sharing the WIRE review of the Manaku book that you have done.

I am quite astonished not only by the length of the review but also by the amount of reading that you must have done and the range of perceptions that you share with the reader. My compliments of course. Needless to say I am deeply appreciative. All three sections - the review, the conversation, and the 'art gallery' - work remarkably well together.

Warm wishes,


Prof B N Goswamy, Kolkata    Feb 24,2018

Extremely beautiful Issue

I thank Muse India for publishing my poetry. The current issue is extremely beautiful and very well presented! I hope to keep contributing to your journal and am looking forward to the next issue.


Sangeetha alwar, Mysore    Feb 24,2018

Review of Sushmita’s It is Chemistry, In Life’s Laboratory

Happy to see that a review of Sushmita’s book – Why Happens, What Happens… It is Chemistry, In Life’s Laboratory – in Muse India, Issue 77 (Jan-Feb 2018). I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the review done by U Atreya Sarma. It’s quite detailed and very insightful too. I like the most of it, and especially the term “multi-dimensional self-help book,” as also John’s questions and reactions that have been aptly quoted from the book. It makes me more curious to read the whole book very very soon, though I had already got a copy quite some time back. My congratulations and best wishes to Sushmita.


Devashish Mittal, Managing Director, Good Times Books, New Delhi    Feb 14,2018

Nov-76 Issue: Dalit Women's writing by Shubhendu Shekhar Naskka
The article on the Dalit Women's writing by Shubhendu Shekhar Naskkar is very heart rending. Their terrible suffering needs to be written about and it is a moving piece of literature. Will mankind ever learn to conquer the evil that lies within. 



Mrs B Oldmeadow, England    Feb 06,2018

Enjoyed reading the Nov-Dec 2017 issue
Enjoyed reading the issue from end to end. Interview with Sankha Ghosh, Book reviews (Mai - Silently Mother), The Haunted Library, Open Couplets, The Hunt, the confident brush-work of the soft spoken artist are excellent. A privilege to read.


Supratik Sen, Kolkata    Feb 06,2018

Why not 'Fiction' at Your Space section?

In the Your Space section, there is no provision for Fiction section in the choices for posting. I wish it also is included. This is just a suggestion. Narrative may not represent Fiction completely And also there is Fiction in the number of contributions. Wish this will be taken of. All the best.

[This is a good suggestion. I request Supratik Sen, Editor of YS, to consider this so as to include 'Fiction' in the drop-down of Type of Posting... U Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor.]





V Ramabrahmam, Bhimavaram    Feb 06,2018

MI 76 (Nov-Dec 2017) – An enjoyable read 

I am really enjoying Issue 76 of MI (Nov-Dec 2017), although haven't completed reading quite a number of captivating pieces that I want to read. I must say, this new interface is really engaging since the previous issue (Sep-Oct 2017).




Rajarshi Banerjee , Hyderabad    Jan 05,2018

Many delights to savour 

Issue 76 along with Issue 75, the two editions I have had the privilege to explore, can be compared to a child entering a sweet shop; so many delights to savour it is difficult to choose between them! The powerful images of 'The Balkan View' by Ndrek Gjini leave behind a lasting vision; I will cherish 'The Parents Do Not Die' poem for all time. The feature about Sankha Ghosh, his wisdom and poetry, i.e 'Reality' and 'Whatever happens, happens' and how 'his silence is a comfort' strikes a chord in the heart of the reader. The poetry contributions are brilliant, every one, but off hand it is only possible to recall but a few; A Few Fallen Men, by Ram Yessina; Silent Love by Riti Sen; Winter Sleep by Sambudda Ghosh; Sea Poems 3 & 4 by Sarita Chouhan; Even if the rain Falls by Srinivas S and Kaput by Tasnima Yasmin. The art work by Rahul Reddy is absolutely stunning! I could go on and on, but Congratulations on a magnificent journal.





Betty Oldmeadow, England    Jan 05,2018

A query

How can I be a part of the team at Muse India?

(As and when we, the core editorial team of Muse India feel the need of making some changes/additions in its team we approach the writers who have already contributed to it and whose competence and commitment we are confident of... Chief Editor)





gunjan , faridabad    Jan 05,2018

A rich fare to feast
Thanks a lot for the new issue with new  format and new features. Congratulations to editors for reinventing every aspect relentlelssly. There is a rich fare to feast ourselves. Introducing special features on eminent litterateurs is indeed rewarding. Thank you and all the best.


J.Bhagyalakshmi, Madanapalle,Andhra Pradesh    Oct 26,2017

A fantastic Issue

The issue is simply fantastic.  Loved it.  Congratulations.


Sujaya, Thrissur Kerala    Oct 19,2017

SM Shahed's essay on Urdu poetry interesting

I have always been attracted to Urdu poetry. To read SM Shahed's essay on "The Joy of Urdu Poetry" was a reminder of its charm. The essay is very interesting and very well-written. Thank you for providing a joyful read.


Anar Merali, Ottawa, Canada    Oct 19,2017

A pleasurable new get-up and diverse fare

Such a pleasure browsing through the latest Muse India with its new get-up! Congratulations once again to Surya and his technical team for the visuals, the format and the reading pleasure they've brought about. 

I read Atreya’s editorial with much interest, especially the lines about collecting books by book addicts like us. I think I'll quote his line 'Reading and writing is like inhalation and exhalation' to my small family that frowns upon me and my young grandson (another avid reader!) for collecting books endlessly. At times, both of us wonder if we'll be thrown out of the house for lack of space! As for unread books that hang heavy on our conscience, now we'll remember Atreya’s quote from the ghost story by Algernon Blackwood.

It's such a good idea to include an interview with Ganga, Dr C Narayana Reddy's daughter. It gives a glimpse of his personal life, and is warm and intimate. 

I also read Atreya’s interesting article on Cinare titled "The Bard and his Birds" about a little-known aspect of this great writer (maybe little-known for non-Telugu readers like me). Like plants and flowers, birds also have a habitat, a regional context. Wish someone would do a Cyclopedia on this. 

I look forward to reading the rest of the articles, poems and stories in this issue.


Lakshmi Kannan, Delhi    Oct 13,2017

Greetings from members as MI comes up with Issue 75

Varanasi Ramabrahmam, Bhimavaram:

I am very proud of and tankful to Muse India. It has nurtured me as a writer and poet. The platform it has provided is unique, has been so useful and unparalleled. It has also provided co-authors who are both erudite scholars and friendly critics. It has been like a family. I wish Muse India a hundred years of longevity. 

I am grateful to Surya, Managing Editor and the past and present editorial teams. MI covers almost all the languages and cultural diversity of India; and literary works of all hues are welcome here. The only important wing missing is drama. If small one act plays are also permitted it would further enrich MI. (This welcome suggestion is already under active consideration, as part of Fiction… Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor).

All the best and thanks to Surya and the entire editorial team. ‘Your Space’ section is so sweet and dear to me for posting and go through. I am particularly thankful to the present youthful editorial team of Your Space. The liveliness has been infectious.  

Shernaz Wadia, Pune:

Great new look of the journal! Liked it immensely. Congratulations! Surya’s love for literature and writing has taken it so far with exemplary team work! Kudos to all associated with MI. Best for the future.

Rajaram Ramachandran, Mumbai:

My hearty congratulation to Muse India. And I thank Surya for his tireless efforts in giving MI a good and timely facelift to create more interest among its members.  

Maria Zafar, New Delhi:

Heartiest congratulations on this marvellous achievement. Kudos. The new look is absolutely wonderful. Can't wait to read the issue. Wishing continued success in the years to come. 

Poumita Paul, Agartala:

Congratulations. Trust me, the worth of MI carries it a thousand years ahead with unparalleled success. I'm really proud to be associated with a part of this literary domain.

Gomathi Mohan, Delhi:

Congratulations on achieving this milestone! Looking forward to reading this issue. Great work done purely on honorary basis with good writing at heart. Kudos to such commendable service to Indian Literature.



GSP Rao, Hyderabad    Oct 13,2017

Greetings from Contributing Editors/Editors as Muse India brings out its landmark 75th Issue

GJV Prasad:
Wishing us all many more milestones for Muse India.

Sukrita Paul Kumar:

What a long and wonderful journey thanks to Surya’s persuasive and warm efforts towards putting it all together! Congrats to his and the team. 

Sachidananda Mohanty:
Warmest congratulations. 

Uddipana Goswami:
Excellent! Hope to see Muse India cross many more milestones ahead.

Smita Vakkadavath:

I sincerely thank Surya sir and all the contributing editors here for this wonderful opportunity to be alongside all of you. A very special acknowledgment needs to be made in respect of the encouragement, learning & motivation from Atreya Sir constantly. He is that gentle, stern in discipline, loving parent who steers his ward towards the right path & motivates to do better with every step.

Mohammad Zahid:

Congratulations for this outstanding performance. It is heartening indeed to see Muse India in its new format. Its gradual evolution has always been a source of inspiration. I wish this journal keeps on achieving many milestones in its journey ahead. Best wishes and regards to every member of MI team.

Usha Kishore:

Huge Congratulations and Best Wishes. 

Kala Ramesh:

Absolutely lovely to hear this. 75 issues! Unimaginable. Wishing Surya and MI the very best.

Hemant Divate:

Great achievement, Congratulations. The site is looking nice and finely balanced. 

Tejwant Singh Gill:

So heartening to receive the 75th issue of Muse India. It seems to have improved in several respects. Now, being UGC sponsored, it will be welcome to a wider readership. My heartiest congratulations.

U Atreya Sarma:

A heartening landmark indeed. If a literary e-journal has survived this long and made many a stride, the credit goes to the vision and esprit de corps with which the founders, including Surya, conceived and set up Muse India, to the hard work put in by successive teams, to the valuable contributions by numerous writers, to the enthusiastic participation of members, and to the gestures of many a well-wisher. For me Muse India has served as a unique literary workshop, and thanks to that I am enjoying the best phase of my life in terms of spiritual satisfaction. Long live Muse India. 


GSP Rao, Hyderabad    Oct 13,2017

MI 75: Sleek & modern; Poetry beautiful

I have loved the new design. It is sleek and modern.

The poetry section is beautiful. I have loved the poems by Faiz Ahmed; poetry by Betty Oldmeadow ("The Crab" is exquisite); "Why long for a change?" by Divya John is simple and thought provoking. "Paralysis" (by Debasis Tripathy) made me laugh out loud.

Kudos to the editors and all the poets :)


Sahar, Bengaluru    Oct 13,2017

Review of my Aliens in Delhi (MI 75)

This is such a lovely, thorough, and well-crafted review by U Atreya Sarma.


Sami Ahmad Khan, New Delhi    Oct 13,2017

MI 75 in its new design – A bunch of appreciations received

I reproduce hereunder a bunch of greetings received from the members/writers.


Congratulations for the 75th issue. At first glance, Muse India looks colourful and attractive. A painstaking effort, indeed. Thanks a lot for the meticulous care you are taking! Muse India is one of the best and most valued e-journals now, in future as well.

K Damodar Rao, Warangal  Oct 10, 2017


The innovative design of Muse India is attractive. I am sure it must have been a great deal of work. Wishing it great success.

H Kalpana, Puducherry  Oct 10, 2017


Exhilarated to view the much awaited issue of Muse India. I wholeheartedly congratulate the Muse India team for their painstaking effort in bringing it out.

Elanaaga, Hyderabad  Oct 10, 2017


A wonderful issue – a feast both to the eyes and the brain.

VVB Rama Rao, Solapur  Oct 11, 2017


What a stunning 75th Issue! It was really so much worth the wait! I wish Muse many more lovely issues.

Revathi Raj Iyer, Ahmedabad  Oct 12, 2017


U Atreya Sarma, Bengaluru    Oct 13,2017

Irina Talashi on Kashmiri Proverbs (Issue 74, Jul-Aug 2017)

Irina Talashi’s article about Kashmiri Proverbs in Issue 74, was very inspirational. It lead me to thinking about the wisdom attached to them. So I took a deeper look into English Proverbs which has been very interesting, if time consuming! This quote outlines the value of them perfectly: ‘Nothing defines a culture as distinctly as its language, and the element of language that best encapsulates a society’s values and beliefs is its proverbs.’ I thank Irina Talashi for sending me on a pleasant journey!


Betty Oldmeadow, Isle of Sheppey, Kent, England    Oct 13,2017

Muse India – Issue 74 (Jul-Aug 2017) A kaleidoscopic array of diverse and stimulating thought patterns

What a pleasure it is to delve into the kaleidoscopic array of diverse thought patterns that make up the latest edition of Muse India, Jul-Aug 2017. From my personal ‘viewing platform’ in the south east of England, I am treated to a bird’s-eye-view of the prodigious skill of the writers who contributed to this issue. If time allows – and it is at a premium for most of us these days – I plan to take a second look into this collection in order to repeat my initial enjoyment. Congratulations must be extended to Atreya Sarma Uppaluri and the team on an excellent production.

If my simple reflections and ramblings are of any interest I would like to record a few, if only as a reminder to myself. To record praise to all the contributors would result in a novel, so unfortunately, I can merely touch the surface. As with all literature, certain phrases/writings are instantly ingrained on the memory and often trigger related memories that are personal to the reader.

In the mix of stories, ‘The Ghost of Shantaram’ by Remesh R reminded me of one of the many legends that have been handed down on the island where I live; the story of ‘The Ghost of the Old House Pond.’ A lady was said to appear just before Halloween every year and linger over the pond. The spectre of a sorrowful woman was said to emerge from the water and after alarming a few nervy locals, would evaporate into nothing. It is said she was driven to despair by a feckless and drunken husband, a coarse and rowdy seaman. The stress of trying to support herself and her children drove her to suicide. In the church’s burial register an entry reads that on the 22nd October, 1769, Grace, wife of Isaac Davis, drowned herself in the village pond. The legend lived on for two and a half centuries until the pond was filled in. Houses now stand on the site. Most of us enjoy a ghost story, no matter what we believe, and Remesh R’s story was very good, with an interesting twist at the end.

I was very taken by Nikesh Murali’s story, ‘Mama.’  It is a human tragedy played out all too often.

‘An Improbable Tale’ by Suraj Rajan is very imaginative and keeps the reader enthralled.

‘The Confessions of a Quiescent Lover’ by Vartika Srivastava touched a chord; my own dear mother developed what was thought to be a TB hip as a child. The medical knowledge of the day was not very advanced and she was placed in leg irons until she left school. This resulted in one leg being shorter than the other, so all her life she had to wear heavy lace-up shoes, one with a built up heel. She had a very pretty face, but was saddened by the fact that she could not dance or wear the same lovely shoes that other girls wore. In her dotage, Specialists claimed that the diagnosis she received as a child was completely incorrect and had she been born later, the damage incurred most certainly would have been avoided. Sad for her, but my mother grew into a determined, strong and talented lady. I was proud of her and she taught me many valuable lessons.

‘Sami Ahmed Khan: In discussion with Atreya Sarma’ – this article also stirred a memory for me.  I had a passing interest in Alien life and made a feeble attempt to write a book via Amazon called ‘An Alien Experience’ in order to share the joy of writing with my grandson. It was written with ‘tongue in cheek’ but at the time we enjoyed researching the subject on a basic level. It became apparent that an extensive knowledge of the subject is needed to write about this matter, which obviously Sami Ahmed possesses. It caused me much amusement to attempt it, but made me aware of the chaos that could be caused if highly confidential information was released on the general public. It could be said that a great many revelations have now come to light on the internet, conspiracies or otherwise, but it hasn’t seemed to stir up a huge amount of panic so far! ‘What If’ is a very good question and we have to ask ourselves if mobile phones are already leading to a degree of genetic mutation!

As for Archana Gupta’s ‘The Revenue Stamp,’ an impressive article. I totally agree that ‘Woman must write herself’ – I have often secretly challenged the word ‘History’ (His story) – why not indeed ‘Herstory!’ (Her story) but I generally find it is wiser to keep my thoughts to myself! Interesting that Amrita Pritam explored ‘women’s inner experiences.’ My daughter left some books behind by Simone de Beauvoir, who gets a mention along with Sigmund Freud; this literature helped me to understand in part, why my daughter has turned into a very independent young woman!

In the Poetry section, to name but a few, I enjoyed PEACE by Arunima Takiar; THOUGHTS by Zinia Mitra; THE MOON by Maere Damisr; EATING MANGOES ON A RAINY DAY by Parvinder Mehta; I CHOOSE by Shernaz Wadia; SILENCED WORDS by Shweta Mishra, and REFUGEES by Venkata Chandeeswar. I regret that I could name only a few, but all the poetry deserves praise.

The art work was also very impressive; all praise to the artists.

Apart from the enjoyment of reading this magazine, to my mind it establishes beyond doubt as always, the fact that reading the varied words and thoughts of others stimulates the mind and memory of the reader in a multitude of different ways; words are one of life’s greatest gifts in my book.

All in all, MUSE INDIA, is an excellent and very enjoyable publication which has led to a very pleasant journey down memory lane and around your beautiful country from the comfort of my armchair. I applaud you all!

Betty Oldmeadow | Isle of Sheppey, Kent, England | | 30 Jul 2017

An excellent interview in Sufi literature section
In MI’s special edition on Sufi literature and Sufism, the interview of Mukunda Rama Rao by Atreya Sarma was very interesting and illuminating. My thanks and congratulations to both the interviewer and the interviewee. I was absolutely impressed with Mukunda Rama Rao’s depth of knowledge and by the remarkable fact that he translated 51 Sufi poets from so many different languages into Telugu, albeit through a circuitous route of English translations.
I feel compelled to add a comment to Mukunda’s answer to one of the questions asked. Near the end of the interview, Atreya asked a very pertinent question: How come, despite the universal nobility and peace-loving nature of Sufism, the present day world is torn with frightening conflicts, more so in the lands where it originated and flourished? Mukunda gave a diplomatic and non-controversial answer. If you need a blunt and truthful answer, it can be found in two other articles within the same special edition. One article is titled “Who are the Sufis? Who are the Faqeers?” by SL Peeran. The other article is titled “Nothing is Safe Anymore” by Syed I Husain. In essence, the answer is this: Sufism has been under intense attack in the past few decades by a very rigid, puritanical, even twisted form of Islam commonly known as Wahhabism/Salafism. This extreme ideology, well-funded by oil money, considers anyone who does not adhere to their rigid interpretations of Islam to be a kafir (heretic). If you are a kafir, you should either be converted to their “pure” religion, or be exterminated. People of goodwill everywhere must constantly be on guard against extremism, the polar opposite of Sufism, if we hope to cultivate peace on earth.

Mir Murtuza Ali, Mississauga, Canada      June 28, 2017 
Usha Akella's article on Rumi very well written
I wish to thank and congratulate MI on your special edition on Sufi literature. I was particularly pleased with Usha Akella’s article on the grand master of Sufi poetry – Jalaluddin Rumi. Not only is the article very well written, I could relate to it in my own personal way having read some of Rumi’s poetry and having visited Rumi’s mausoleum and museum in the town of Konya during recent travels in Turkey. Interestingly, Rumi is considered a national treasure in not just Turkey but in two other countries – Iran which claims him because he lived there for some years and wrote mostly in the Persian language, and by Afghanistan because he was born there. Remarkably, as Usha Akella states, Rumi is now “the most popular poet in America” even though English translations of his poetry cannot truly capture the fascinating eloquence of the original language.

Mir Murtuza Ali, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada    Jun 27, 2017

Atreya’s Editorial (May-Jun 2017) elegant, inspiring, thought provoking

My compliments to Chief Editor U Atreya Sarma for his Editorial (May-Jun 2017) which is quite elegant, inspiring and thought provoking. 

The Baconian metaphor for literature would be the right one for the context he has in mind. The emphasis on values that are not sectarian but universal has been the mainstay of Indian culture which at times seems threatened by extremes on either side. The inherent acceptance of diversity and pluralism is one of the major achievements of this land and culture, and Muse India has been doing a good job in preserving and strengthening this with the methodology and power of its own (much like Baconian bee). The interesting observations in the Editorial have pushed me down memory lane making me revisit my first article in Muse India (Jul-Aug 2012) – ‘Entangled Realities in Literature and Science.’

Will it not be a good idea in having a detailed discussion on the theme at some convenient time?

I thank Atreya for his hard work and effort in streamlining the issues pertaining to the magazine and for bringing forth an inspiring and motivational editorial.

Chandra Mohan Bhandari, Allahabad, Jun 7, 2017   

Sudeshna Kar Barua's well-researched article
Sudeshna Kar Barua must be congratulated on her well-researched article on Rumi. A line which I found inspiring was Rumi's description of a woman as a ray of God. Perhaps parents could train their sons so that they respect women - what Rumi taught centuries ago.

Ratnabali Banerjee, Kolkata      Jun 8, 2017
Comprehensive and lucid feature on Sufism

The special issue on Sufism and Sufi Literature in such a comprehensive, lucid and easily accessible format is a great service to the Indian literary tradition. During my own study of Khalil Gibran and a few poetic ventures by APJ Abdul Kalam, I had very hard time getting a dependable reference. This issue of MI makes things easy for future scholars.

The special feature on the Nobel Laureates is going to attract serious students of Literature. I thank and congratulate the team MI.

Dr Naqui Ahmad John, Patna     john.     Jun 3, 2017 

Focus on Derek Walcott (May-Jun 2017) takes the readers on a high

The Focus on Derek Walcott in the May-Jun 2017 issue of Muse India takes the readers on a high mainly because of guest editor Jaydeep Sarangi’s sincere dedication that shines through his Editorial, and also his poem for Derek Walcott titled ‘A Rainy Day at St. Lucia.’ 

Such an inspired poem, talking of “So many bards flock[ing] together! What better way of describing how the love for poetry unites a bunch of culturally diverse people? I loved the line “Migratory birds search for home, we all need one.” 

It's now pouring outside in Delhi, and Jaydeep’s line “It rains, rains always,” just internalised the fresh rain for me.

After that, reading Jaydeep’s Editorial was so illuminating. He has given us valuable insights into the way Walcott indefatigably crusaded for the dispossessed people in his community; and at the same time, wrote poems and lived in such a way that he made our saying ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ very meaningful.

It was rain that drenched me in Jaydeep’s poem. It was rain again that he invokes in the concluding like of his editorial which embraces Walcott as one of us, and takes him straight to “the ghats of the Ganges.” 

“Rain will start after this silence.”

Wish Walcott could read all the articles written as a tribute to him!

Lakshmi Kannan, Delhi   May 31, 2017

(Sincere and reasoned compliments like this are a true reward to Jaydeep's endeavours. May the rain of ideas snowball into the present monsoon and spread their coolness and comfort all over! – U Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor.)

Sufism and Sufi Literature - A-1 section !
Hello, 'Muse India', congratulations are in order on the A-one section on Sufism in your latest edition (May 2017) . I am sharing this link on the 'Pakistani Literature in English' site at Facebook and recommending many students and enthusiasts in Pakistan, to read this section. I wish more work of this sort would appear in magazines in India, Pakistan and other parts of the world.
Abdel Rahman Jan , Valetta, Malta      May 31, 2017
(Thank you Mr Abdel Rahman Jan for your kind words and for sharing the link on FB.     - Managing Editor)
Good essays on Sufism
I read with great interest your special supplement on Sufis and Sufism, which was shared online at FB. A number of poems and essays were quite good, especially by Mr Peeran, Omer Tarin and also a fine interview. Please keep up the excellent work.

SYED ANJUM ALI, Pakpattan, Punjab, Pakistan,    May 30, 2017

Feature on Sufism & Sufi Literature (May-Jun 2017): Interview of Mukunda Rama Rao by U Atreya Sarma

I have read U Atreya Sarma’s questions and Mukunda Rama Rao’s responses, and liked both. The best of Sufism is the same as the best of Hinduism. Reading Efendi, again, is like reciting Vishnu-Sahasra-Namam, almost. Great minds feel alike. Congratulations to Atreya and Mukunda for a very ennobling interview.

Dr Subba Rao Duggirala, Medina, Minnesota (USA),   May 27, 2017

Appeal for literary and financial assistance
(Ref: Charanjeet Kaur’s appreciation, Mar 20, 2017)

My humble thanks to Charanjeet, the erudite and respected editor of Muse India, for her kind words of appreciation. To cover the Jnan Pith laureates at Muse India is an idea originally mooted by Charanjeet herself when she was Chief Editor. And I supported it by undertaking a feature on Viswanatha Satyanarayana in the May-June 2016 issue. While my identification of the Features for the forthcoming issues in 2017 and the editors for them is not such an ordeal, getting the material from the section editors (including from my side) in time, has got off track for quite a long time (of course, owing to the multiple exigencies and priorities of the individual editors), and it has been resulting in the delayed release of the issues by a wide gap, as a fallout of the chain effect. In the absence of an editorial/technical assistant, there is the added burden of formatting the large body of writings, editing the profiles and uploading them, optimising the photo resolutions and uploading them – in addition to writing the main editorial besides the one for Fiction. I hope the contributors and readers appreciate this aspect and condone the delays until the functioning re-rails itself by gradually closing the gap. Every Chief Editor and the Managing Editor has somehow been coping with this daunting task, all these years. I am on a continual look-out for some literary volunteers or good Samaritans of competence to come forward to offer their services, so that, to begin with, the issues can be released on time, and simultaneously the working template of Muse India can further be strengthened, streamlined and broad-based. It would be possible only with a matching and comfortable financial backing especially when the technology of Muse India needs an urgent upgradation, even as we the editors have been into this literary service free of any financial remuneration. Through these columns I appeal to literary patrons and well-wishers to contribute to the cause of Muse India by way of donations/ sponsorship of issues.

U Atreya Sarma, Chief Editor, Bengaluru     Mar 22, 2017

Commendable Work by the Chief Editor
I am writing very briefly to commend the fact that U Atreya Sarma has been able to streamline the Features Section of the Forthcoming Issues of MI till 2017 with five features that we will truly look forward to. He has done this in record time after taking over as Chief Editor in November 2016. I appreciate the dedication which makes this kind of advance planning and conceptualising possible. My congratulations, Atreya. The bonus is that you are working towards showcasing the work of our Jnanpith Award winners, which, as you know, is very close to my heart.

Charanjeet Kaur, Thane      Mar 20, 2017
Muse India’s march of expansion and excellence
Thank you and great to know of the new feather in the cap, with the Jan-Feb 2017 issue of Muse India having gone live! It has been a blessing to be a part of Muse India and it will continue to enthrall and enrich the readers, continuing its march of expansion and excellence, inclusive and not exclusive. Warm regards and wishes to the entire team of Muse India and congratulations to U Atreya Sarma, the new Chief Editor.
Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata,    Feb 27, 2017

Thank you, Dr Patwari! I'm glad you liked my story "The Cats" :)

Ananya Sarkar, Kolkata     Feb 26, 2017
Jan-Feb 2017 issue: All the nine stories enjoyable, powerful

The Jan-Feb 2017 issue of Muse India is a real feast. I have enjoyed reading all the nine short stories in the fiction section. What a galaxy of writers – both new and established! It is heartening to observe a wide spectrum of literary delights ranging from wonderful conceptualisation of ‘time travel’ (‘New World’ by Akshat Joshi), beautiful narration of sensitivity of a tender heart (‘The Cats’ by Ananya Sarkar), the invisible power of fiction and storytelling (‘The Shrinking Man’ by Sunil Sharma) and the hard core realities of Naxalism (‘Entrapped’ by Eva Bell). I congratulate the abovenamed authors as well as Humera Ahmed, Neera Kashyap, Reema Tripathy, Sahar Raza, and Sukla Singha for their powerful short stories.

And, yes. Congratulations to U Atreya Sarma for taking over as Chief Editor. All my best wishes for this prestigious and challenging endeavour.


Sara Aboobacker's discussion
As I looked at the front page of your February issue, I was a bit taken aback when I read the introduction to Sara Aboobacker as a “progressive Muslim writer”. My immediate reaction was: Why is it relevant to mention the religious background of a novelist? Could that reference be gratuitous? Then I read the entire interview of her by Ayshath SR. It became clear that the wording in the introduction was appropriate and relevant, given that the writer’s novels portray the plight and concerns of South Indian Muslim women. I agree whole-heartedly with Sara Aboobacker when she states that religion is manipulated to entrench patriarchal interests. It looks like some of her novels have been translated from Kannada into Malayalam. I hope that she gets an opportunity to translate them into English and Urdu as well. Thanks to Ayshath SR for an interesting conversation.

Mir Murtuza Ali, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada   Feb 2, 2017

Review of the feature on Portuguese Literature from Goa  


There are any number of literatures in the world that should be better known.  The problems, as always, are of translation and publication.  Literature in India suffers particularly from these issues, that is why so many writers have chosen to write in English. Your audience is immediately vast and so makes up a worldwide market.  But if you choose to write in Tulu, Manipuri, Konkani, or Sindhi, the situation is certainly otherwise. So, what can we say about literature from India written in Portuguese? Portuguese speakers in India have dwindled to almost nothing.   Portuguese is never counted as "a language of India". Even in Goa, the older literature in Portuguese has lost its audience and is not much discussed today.  Interest in India among people in Portugal and Brazil may not be very high. Yet, there is a wealth of literature from Goa that has hardly ever been tapped due to these problems. Until recently almost the only book about Indo-Portuguese literature was written in 1971 in Portuguese. Now Paul Melo e Castro and Cielo G. Festino have produced a body of criticism and translated work which will certainly prove a landmark in Goan literary history, opening it, almost for the first time, to English speakers. A reader will find thorough and thoughtful editorials, articles, and reviews by several members of Pensando Goa, an international group of scholars dedicated to the study of Portuguese literature in India.  Plus the volume contains Paul Melo e Castro's excellent translations of excerpts from novels and full short stories written in the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a selection of poetry as well, translated by others.


Not having read much in this literature at all, but having a long interest in Goan society, I was very glad to have access to this rich treasure hoard of translated writings which opens up a previously-hidden world for English speakers. It is also useful to have the comments on all of it from various standpoints. It opens Goan culture to the gaze of outsiders, Indian and foreign, and allows us to imagine Goa as it was before 1961 (when Portuguese rule ended). If most of the Goan authors are Catholic, it is because they were the ones who received education in Portuguese. I congratulate Paul Melo e Castro for his translations and Cielo G. Festino for the work in assembling this valuable volume. Thanks to all the other writers who participated in opening Portuguese literature in India to a wider world and to MUSE INDIA which published everything. 


Dr. Robert S. Newman, Marblehead, Massachusetts    Dec 28, 2016


[Dr Newman is an Anthropologist, primarily known for his contribution to studying post-1961 Goa. He has written a wide variety of articles on Goa. Many of them are combined in his book “Of Umbrellas, Goddesses and Dreams,” which was published in Goa.]

Atreya Sarma’s review of “Translating the Divine Woman: A Translation of Kalidasa’s Syamala Dandaka"

I am privileged that Atreya Sarma has reviewed the book jointly translated by me and M Sambasivan.  Huge thanks to him for the lovely review. Now to answer the questions of the Sanskrit scholar (definitely not lay person!).

In the review, Atreya says: “The phrase ‘poorita-asesha-loka-abhhi-vaanchaa-phale’ (p 20) is translated as “fulfiller of the world’s desires” (p 21). Could it also be rendered as “fulfiller of countless desires of people” (since the original contains ‘asesha’ – countless, innumerable; and also taking ‘loka’ in the sense of ‘people’)?”

Of course, loka is people (human race etc.).  Loka also means world – (we stuck religiously to the Monier Williams and I was literally having nightmares during the translation) – hence – we opted for the ‘world’ in our translation. Perhaps I was being very metaphysical, when I looked at countless worlds that we come across in Hindu scriptures as in Shiva loka, Brahma loka, Vaikunta etc. – perhaps the ‘cosmos’/’universe’ – all  these deities are listed as praying to Shyamala in Section III of the text.

Atreya also observes: “Next, “vibhrama-alankrite” (p 36) has been rendered as “daintily adorned in dalliance” (p 37). Would it have been alright without the probably redundant “in dalliance,” since the word “daintily” has taken care of “vibhrama” which denotes ‘gracefully,’ ‘splendidly,’ or ‘dazzlingly,’ though, of course, it also connotes ‘amorously’?”

Regarding the expression ‘daintily adorned with dalliance,’ Atreya is right – we have looked at vibhrama as ‘dazzling amorously’ – connoting the tantric element of the text – worship of a beautiful woman (in Western terms, a blazon) and our socio-cultural perception that if a beautiful woman can be worshipped as a goddess, why beautiful women are subject to various forms of abuse in contemporary times....

The spatial design of the book – full credits to Rasala and Venetia Kotamraju. ‘The Wonderful World of Kavya’ is their tradition and I cannot answer Atreya's queries. Perhaps Venetia Kotamraju will have them.  I am delighted that Atreya approves of the Sanskrit text. Now, the redundant visarga after Krittivasa has escaped me in my many proofings! Well, call it word blindness –

Usha Kishore, Isle of Man, UK      Nov 26, 2016 

Goan Literature in Portuguese: Exquisite!


Exquisite! Congratulations.

Liked 'Goa, This Your Sari' - the original and the translation.


Brian Mendonca, Goa      Nov 21, 2016

Goan Literature: Common human emotions across cultures
The Nov-Dec 2016 issue of MI carries a section on Goan literature. It is always nice to read literature, specially poems, from a language we do not know. It confirms that human emotions are same across all longitudes. In the poetry section, the poems, specially of Malsawmi and Pooja, are nice. An alternate interpretation of the Fairy Tales - perhaps the shadow of light, is equally alluring. I enjoyed reading other sections, too.

Kumarendra Mallick, USA      Nov 21, 2016
Effective translation of Rekha Barua's story
Rekha Barua's story, translated by Sudeshna Kar Barua, brings forth the effect of partition and how the dreams of a young man is crushed. In 1962, when the piece was originally written, we did see the conditions of many displaced families. We were young then but it has left a lasting impression. We could see children of our age - they deserved better opportunities, like Subal in 'The Plebeian'. Alas, many saw their dreams crumbling. Sudeshna's translation has brought to life what Rekha Barua wanted to convey.

Ratnabali Banerjee, Kolkata     Oct 14, 2016
Translations of regional literatures
Good that Muse India has devoted a special section on Translations from regional literatures. It is high time that these are given equal if not more importance alongside IWE by university English departments as research area. Regional fiction, especially have portrayed the social reality more effectively than IWE. We, at Kakatiya University, are offering courses on Ancient classics in translation and modern literature in English translation for a long time now. Must thank Editor-in-Chief Dr. Charanjeet Kaur for her initiative and editorial remarks.

K Damodar Rao, Hanamkonda, Telangana     Oct 12, 2016
Fine initiative on Translations / Transcreations
Thanks to Muse India for publishing my translations of my fellow poets Mubeen Sadhika, Nesamithran and Paambaatichitthan, and also my translation of the short-story by senior Tamil poet S.Vaidheeswaran. The section on  Translations/ Transcreations is a commendable effort and I congratulate Muse India for this. It is a fine initiative and I thank its editor-in-charge charanjeet Kaur for publishing my translations.  

Latha Ramakrishnan, Chennai     Oct 10, 2016 

Article on Swarnalata Ghosal
Read the article by Sutapa Chaudhuri on Swarnalatadevi Ghoshal. It is very informative and innovative. Thanks a lot. Let me know whether the English translation of her "Pruthuvi" is available. By the way, I had read a reference by Dr.Sutapa Bhattachrya in Marathi article by late Prof.Veena Alase in diwali special issue of monthly "Miloon Saaryajani", published in 2000. (The article was about Swarnalatadevi and Pandita Ramabai). 

Jaya, Belgaum, Karnataka     Sep 30, 2016
Dilip Mohapatra's poems
I record my deep appreciation of Dilip Mohapatra's poems titled Dreams, Heavy Coffin, Healing and Benediction appearing in Muse India Issue 68 (July-Aug 2016 ).
Sankari , Bhopal       Aug 9, 2016
Apologies of the Chief Editor
My apologies to Sutanu Kumar Mahapatra, Semeen Ali, Surya Rao and the readers of Muse India

Charanjeet Kaur (Chief Editor), Thane     Jul 30, 2016
A blunder in interpreting Albert Camus 
I see with amazement that the cover page of the recently published Issue on the power of the pen has displayed a view like this: Camus advocates suicide as the final form of human freedom. But so far as I know Camus says just the opposite. When the intellectual world finding life as bereft of meaning does consider suicide as the only available alternative, Camus pleads for life and the necessity of not the best living but the most living--that is, an ever lengthening of life rather than its termination. The Myth of Sisyphus is that book where Camus argues this.

Sutanu Kumar Mahapatra, Contai, West Bengal    Jul 20, 2016 
(Dear Mr Mahapatra, our unqualified apologies for this glaring lapse in our interpretation of Camus's views on suicide. You are absolutely correct in your views on his writing. We stand corrected. While thanking you sincerely for telling us where we had erred, we would like to point out that the wordings on the homepage of Muse India on Camus has now been corrected. There has been some delay in posting your comments as we were cross checking on what Camus had written.        - Managing Editor, Jul 30, 2016)
A Commendable Issue on Freedom of Expression
Sir, The current issue of MI is a commendable one as it serves the fundamental human purpose in a very direct way. The issue seeks to demolish walls created between humans and voices genuine concerns. Freedom and democracy should go hand in hand and should not lead to a crisis so as to beilieve in Camus. Dr C Kaur's essay is an inside out analysis of contemporary issues. She has successfully balanced between being a literary analyst and a sharp observer of current issues. I congratulate Aju Mukhopadhyay for the analysis on his poetry by none other than DC Chambial. I have fond memories of listening to his recitals in Kolkata Press Club along with Jaideep Sarangi. Jakir Hossain and Nazia Hasan's work throw new light on Adiga's The White Tiger. Their comparison of Adiga with Dickens is apt.
The previous issue carried a translation of Telugu works of Viswanatha Satyanarayan. The translator Mr Atreya has done a great work in strengthening the fabric of Indian literature. The translation I guess is going to be an online resource for future research. Mr Atreya has provided a list of Primary works by the doyen.

I congratulate all the contributors and editors of MI for these issues.

Dr Naqui Ahmad John, Bhagalpur    Jul 18, 2016

Muse India getting more intense


Dear Surya, the pages and the works covered are massive and MI seems to be growing more intense from issue to issue. Congratulations!


Kala Ramesh, Pune       Jul 12, 2016

Atreya’s spectacular review of Tanya Mendonsa’s All the answer I shall ever get

Tanya Mendonsa forwarded me the first review of her book – All the answer I shall ever get. This is the most SPECTACULAR review I have ever read! What an incredible ‘insight’ Atreya Sarma has into her poetry! An understanding beyond belief into the mind of a great poet that Tanya is! Only poetry as prodigious as this could possibly open the doors to such an intense translation of the philosophy behind such an intricate composition of language. This review is a WORK OF ART in itself and has to be applauded; in turn, Tanya should be very proud of the effect the fruits of her labours has on others. What better gift to the world than this? 

Atreya hit the spot for me by wondering whether ‘The voice of that child, singing alone in a meadow’ could be attributed to me. Whatever Tanya’s intention, I have felt like that in a literal sense so many times in my life; in actual fact I have physically done just that once or twice when clasping rare and precious moments quite alone in a spacious environment; how could he sense that from afar? Tanya’s book All the answer I shall ever get is among my most treasured possessions and this review will be placed alongside it.

May 16, 2016

Betty Oldmeadow, Minster-in-Sheppey, The Isle of Sheppey, County of Kent, UK,
Hello Muse India, I would like to give a feed back on the Kinnera-A Unique Creation written by Kameshwari Ayyagari. She described excellently about the Kavi Samrat feelings in his work. Its really difficult for an individual to describe the exact view and feelings of a poet sometimes, but she presented excellently. I am glad that Muse India is providing such a great platform for great articles like this.
Create a column for Artists
First of all i like to say i find museindia a good platform for young people to show their talent. People are invited to share their messages, opinion, poetry. I love the idea what u are working on. But i have suggestion that you should create a column for sketch artist. As their are many people like me who could express their views by their art. This could be great platform for us to show our talent and enhance our artistic work. Please i request you to pay attention to my suggestion and you will give us a chance to show our art work. Thank you.

Monika Chaudhary, Jaipur      Apr 2, 2016 
(Nature photographs and artwork of some of our members have been featured in the pages of Muse India in the past, as illustrations in various sections. However artwork has to be general in nature to find appropriate use. We don't have a separate section where the work of a single artist can be presented. However, our section 'Art Gallery' showcases Indian arts and crafts from across the country. Do send samples of your work for our assessment.   - Managing Editor)
Thank you very much Mr. Rajeev Moothedath for your positive feedback on my write up on 'Lip Syncing Geniuses - Hindi Film Songs'. And thanks for your value addition with that information on thespian Prem Nazir's lip syncing for Malayalam cinema.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad     Mar 28, 2016
Nice article on Lip-syncing in movies
Dear Sir,  I was happy to read the superb article on lip syncing by Ms Padmaja Iyengar in the latest edition of Muse India. Infact only a film buff like her could have written such an article. I could completely relate to the view that an inclination for poetry and singing would considerably aid the effectiveness of the lip syncing.
Prem Naseer, yesteryear matinee idol of Malayalam cinema, as revealed by his co-artists, used to literally sing the song aloud while filming. The audience had also started identyfing Yesudas's voice as that of Naseer's. Thanks to Muse India for publishing a very well researched analytical article!

Rajeev Moothedath, Bangalore      Mar 11, 2016 

Love an evanescent emotion
“where love wielding its power
is the only influencing truth”...           Ambika Ananth

Love is an evanescent emotion which was reinforced on reading the quoted lines. Care kept love away till very recently; now love for literature draws nigh some care that keeps the world moving. Verily Muse India is the platform.

I am happy to see Prof. Joya’s book cover. She is a pleasant teacher and an effective motivator. Lucky to have discussed my work with her before submission when she graced our Dept. for a PhD viva on Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri. She advised me to keep working on Kalam and see it as “shifting trends in motivational literature.”

The editor’s selection on the quest for identity is a good exercise in comparative critical discourse. Congrats to team MI.

Naqui Ahmad John, Bhagalpur       Jan 22, 2016

Excellent fiction by Munshi Premchand, Kamlesh Acharya, Veerindar Patwari

This is to convey my appreciation for the Nov-Dec 2015 issue that I am enjoying reading. In particular, I am thankful to you for publishing a tribute to my childhood favourite author/ hero, the great Munshi Premchand in the feature “Indian Short Stories in Translation– II” by carrying the story “The Unholy Shroud” translated by Chandra Shekhar Dubey. I remember reading and re-reading his stories in my Hindi text-books during my school days. Even though I read and write in English, I give all credit to the writings of Munshi Premchand for inspiring in my mind the fascination for literature. His simple and humble style makes his writings unforgettable after the first reading. I humbly request Muse India to publish English translations of Budhi Kaki, Idgaah (a story that still makes me cry!), Heera Moti and so many others...

So also, I must convey my heartfelt appreciation for the stories in the Fiction section – “Crisis” by Kamlesh Acharya and “The Lionfish” by Veerindar Patwari – that touched my heart and I congratulate the authors for their excellent work.

Best Wishes for the forthcoming issues!

Anshu Choudhry, New Delhi,   Nov 26, 2015

Bring out an anthology of Muse India translations
marvellous museindia team! hearty congratulations for all your initiatives towards introducing the literary trends of various parts of India to the discerning readers of India and foreign countries!
thanks for publishing my translations into english of three fellow writers and also my own story in my english translation. why not try to bring out an anthology of museindia translations? i am sure there will be donors to help you realize this project or the writers and readers can jointly donate and make it possible. i request you to think on these lines for such a volume would help us reach out to readers not yet all that familiar with e-magazines. myespecial thanks to Dr Charanjeet Kaur.

Latha Ramakrishnan, Chennai       Nov 18, 2015

Thanks for the Review

Dear Ambika, I read your review of my book. Thank you very much for your review. I really enjoyed your take on my book. Appreciate your time, effort and kindness.

Dr Javed Latoo, NHS (UK), Managing Editor, British Journal of Medical Practitioners       Nov 18, 2015

Muse India, perhaps the best from the subcontinent


Muse India is a good online literary journal, perhaps the best I have seen from the subcontinent. I like eFiction India as well. 


Saligrama K Aithal, Falls Church, VA 22043, USA         Nov 16, 2015

Conversation with SM Shahed enthralling
Thanks, Surya, for another excellent issue of Muse India. I was particularly enthralled by your expose of the Urdu poetry website and your discussion with its creator SM Shahed. The multitude of poets whose works are showcased on the website probably never realized that their masterpieces, likely written with quill on paper, would one day be immortalized in electronic form and be available in any corner of the globe through the marvel of internet.

SM Shahed is quite right when he states that the Hindi versus Urdu divide is politically manufactured and that it is time to curb the extreme Sanskritization and Persianisation of the two sister languages. I consider myself equally proficient in Hindi and Urdu, yet when I listen to the current Indian Prime Minister speak in Hindi, I can barely understand what he is trying to articulate. On the contrary, I recall listening to the first Indian PM while growing up. Jawaharlal Nehru spoke to the common masses in what he called Hindustani, and the masses understood him perfectly.

Mir Murtuza Ali, Mississauga, Ontario     Nov 13, 2015

One of the best reviews: From the Biography of an Unknown Woman

I thank Atreya Sarma for his wonderful review of Dr Indira Babbellapati’s book of poems. This is one of the best reviews I have ever read. Thanks again for holding the pulse of the verse.

Ramakanta Das, Jt. Secretary, Rajya Sabha, New Delhi  Nov 12, 2015

Muse India - a gigantic project


Dear Surya: It is indeed a gigantic project and so well done too. This looks like a work that has been in continuous production for decades! I am so happy to see the Urdu site With not just transliteration but also commentary. I have so many friends who would love to know of this site. I for one intend to spend an hour daily to learn Urdu better. The likes of Granta pale in comparison given the scope and the richness of content. Congratulations.


Dr Prasad Rao Koduri. Hyderabad    Nov 9, 2015

Some ensemble!


Sir, Greetings to you, too, along with the entire team of Muse India. Some Dear ensemble you have presented and planned!

All the best!


Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata      Nov 9, 2015 

Muse India Nov-Dec 2015 - Congratulations!

Dear Surya, Heartiest Congratulations on this new issue of Muse India, welcome to art editor Dr Priyadarshi Patnaik.

Angelee Deodhar, Chandigarh       Nov 9, 2015

The Last Telegram by Ashok Patwari

The short story ‘The last telegram’ by Ashok Patwari is poignant and sensitive, and it has captured a part of our country’s reality so well. I really like it.

Malsawmi Jacob, Bengaluru                   Nov 3, 2015

Impressed with Muse India


Dear Mr. Rao, Thanks for giving me the privilege of being a member of Muse India family. You will be happy to know that it is my search for my long-time friend Prof. Brammarajan, your Contributing Editor, that took me to the wonderland of Muse India. Thereafter, I find myself richly rewarded. So impressed am I that I have been recommending the site to my creatively inclined friends. In addition, I mentioned the good work of Muse India in my feedback to an article in The Hindu Tamil daily, which regretted the lack of exposure for contemporary creative writing in Tamil. I am sure mention in this popular Tamil daily will help. I will continue to do everything possible to popularize the website. I hope all this will add up to something in course of time to enlarge readership.


As for my contribution I shall when I have something worthwhile.

Warm regards,


V.Thiruvengadam, Chennai      Oct 14, 2015


(Thank you, Mr Thiruvengadam for your warm words and for your support to our work in various ways.     – Managing Editor)

Nativism in Indian literary discourse

I just went through Prof Harish Trivedi’s essay on Nemade. It is an insight into Nemade’s mind and art not only because of Dr Trivedi’s critical and analytical acumen but also because of his observation of Nemade in totality. My first encounter with Dr Trivedi was in Prof Meenakshi Mukherji’s Book on Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children. I had an impression that he would be a Prof of Sanskrit or Hindi and equally articulate in English. However, when my supervisor Prof Satyabrat Singh pointed to me the reality I was like bowled out. Such is the charishma of having native culture and perspective at core in whatever we endeavour as that is natural and original.

Nativity needs to be seriously explored by Indian critics and interpreters and I myself resolve to do so. We are certainly oblivious of "Desivad" as post-colnial readers and this is to our own peril. Dr Trivedi cannot be more right than in observing-“Nemade is a prime example of the fact that even the most nativist of us in India are in many ways more cosmopolitan than the most liberal of Western writers and thinkers”.

As far as infusion of Marathi in the Hindi translation is concerned, it is an exercise in bridging the gap between Indian languages and making it more homogeneous.

I request the editors to come out with a special feature on Nativism in Indian Literary Discourse.

Dr Naqui Ahmad John, Bhagalpur       Sep 26, 2015
Dr Kalam's appeal across the border
I was initiated into literature through Muse India by my uncle, who is a Karachi based author. I appreciate his subtle idea of pointing out to me Kalam’s article by Naqui Ahmad John, because of the aura of fascination which your former president exudes. Kalam Saab’s name attracts students in Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. As a clinical psychologist I simply drown into Kalam Saab’s words: “Who will be judging my soul driven feats...” Although he has built weapons but his conscience remains transparent.

Had there been no partition, Dr Kalam would have been as much Faiza Ali’s as much as he is of Naqui's. He probably would have worked for Shaheen and Hatf too besides Prithvi and Agni...

I browsed through some Indian short stories and got riveted to Joginder Paul’s 'Doves,' which is but natural for me as it was from Urdu. The bonhomie of Maulvi saab and Lobhsingh amputated by partition, brought tears to my eyes; it will bring tears to any pair of eyes set in any occipital lobe irrespective of it being that of a Pakistani or a Hindustani.

It is sad that the colonial tactics of partitioning hearts is still being practised in Independent Pakistan and Independent Hindustan.

Muse India has made me realise the humanising power of literature for which I am grateful to the editors and contributors. 

Dr Faiza Ali, Peshawar, Pakistan       Sep 20, 2015

(Dear Dr Faiza Ali, thank you for your warm feedback. More than a scientist, Kalam Saab was a great humanitarian, a spiritualist and a poet. It is very rare to find such a human being. That is why he is revered so much in India. The world needs more people of the stature of Kalam Saab.       - Managing Editor)

Noteworthy article on Dr Kalam
I would like to convey my heartiest thanks to “Muse India” and Mr Naqui Ahmad John for the noteworthy article on 'Literary Ventures of APJ Abdul Kalam'. After I read it I got to know a lot of less explored aspects pertaining to the literary accomplishments of Kalam sir. With inspiring quotes, here in this article one can find ideas about his works both in prose and verse. Since the article is informative and inspiring, I was compelled to read it with profound interest, also because of being an admirer of Dr. Kalam's vision. I wish it could be carried as a series of essays on Dr Kalam’s art, vision and philosophy.

The short stories are a delight for the readers. The ease of the websites’s accessibility is enticing.

With regards, 

Chandni Rani, Saharsa         Sep 20, 2015
A treat from Ashok Patwari
Ashok Parwari's 'The The Last Telegram' was great. What a treat!

Sharad Chandra, NOIDA      Sep 19, 2015
Characters in Maithili story etched well
Dear Gajendra, The proven Bajrangbali encapsulates the culture, faith, beliefs and practices of the maithil region very beautifully. The characters in the short story are well etched and Aamna didi stays with you long after you have read the story. Kudos to you for the excellent translation. Keep it up. Regards, 

R.Ravichandran, New Delhi     Sep 18, 2015 
Dr Kalam's profound influence
Mr. John you have done well. I appreciate you becoz you could depict the picture very well regarding Dr Kalam's profound influence on indian young generation and also on posterity. His highly stimulationg and motivating life and deeds encourage each of us with greater impetus. Here i quote Henrick Ibson' words: A thousand words will not leave a deeper an impression as one deed....

Ansar, calicut, kerala      Sep 18, 2015
More on Wittgenstein
Thank you Sir. Thanks very much for your consideration Sir. There is much more to the linguistic turn than discourse analysis and its misunderstanding. W's thoughts are particularly suited to understand language,communication and meaning from the bottom's up angle. One is just learning about his Indian connection and his students and colleagues and interlocutors. Please send me an email when you publish such an article. In my own intellectual journey he has inspired me immeasurably. The US Academy seems to have grown old and turgid with the old man considering the way modern philosophy has developed. But he was a humanist and a rebel against power and shaping knowledge to suit particular requirements of the habitus. Such an article weaving together all such threads [like him many of his students and interlocutors detested fame]. Such an article weaving together so many strands would be welcome and pathbreaking. It must ofcourse be a special effort. URN and many others who are no more would have offered invaluable insights. Thanks once again. Kind Regards

A.V.RAMAN, Jamshedpur      Sep 9, 2015

Feature on Wittgenstein proposed

Dear Sir, I found reading your website interesting and a tour down memory lane with tales from URN. I think like Ramanujan if there are people god [assuming such an entity exists] sent to earth, one was Wittgenstein. Could you please bring out an article on Professor K.J.Shah, W's student.W and his students were like the Indian tradition and he expected absolute attention. Like many I beleive his impact on Indian literature and social sciences has been immeasurable and is not often acknowledged. Such people visit us every now and then and change the course of the way we think. The post structuralist age has gotten past us and I think we need to reassess and go back to people like W to answer questions on language, meaning and its interaction with the changing world we inhabit. Articles on W and his contribution to Indian literature particularly vernacular literature and on his students and Indian interlocutors will be gratefully appreciated. An unexplored link which most western writers miss out is W's keen awareness on Indian metaphysics, if we recall the late Ramachandra Gandhi's paper. A website of your stature will do well to facilitate one of the greatest intelectual giants of our time who was an underdog made his work speak for itself. Thanking You

A V Raman, Jamshedpur      Sep 8, 2015

(Thank you for your suggestion, Mr Raman. We will forward this to Dr Charanjeet Kaur, our Chief Editor, for her consideration.      - Managing Ed)

Lovely bouquet of Short Stories

Thank you, Muse India and Atreya Sarma for the lovely bouquet of short stories (Sep-Oct 2015). Thoroughly enjoyed reading Ashok Patwari’s ‘The Last Telegram!’, and Raja Jai Krishan’s ‘Vanishing Footmarks’ for their wonderful handling of melancholy. Sharad Chandra’s ‘Sealed Bottle’ and Saranyan B V's ‘Gajendra’s Happy Quotient’ gave insights into the feelings of a mother. The last line in the background note of Madan Achar’s ‘The Sapling’ viz., ‘Somewhere in the study there is a passing mention that tobacco is also a hunger suppressant’ shook me very much and compelled me to read the story again .

Sridhar Venkatasubramanian, Kolkata     Sep 7, 2015

“Last Telegram” by Ashok Patwari is realistic


I read the short story "Last telegram" by Ashok Patwari with great interest. Congratulations to him on touching such an interesting topic like telegraphic services in the backdrop of far flung, difficult to reach rural areas in the country. I also compliment him for his creativity because I know a real life incident like this.

A Kumar, Lucknow     Sep 4, 2015


‘The Last Telegram’ by Ashok Patwari


The short fiction 'The Last Telegram' by Ashok Patwari is really effective, well written and touching. Granted it is fictional and a certain end could be expected on those lines… it made me to think how certain things we take granted could have a different implication. Thanks for a great story - enjoyed reading it.

Anil Talikoti, Cary, NC, USA     Sep 4, 2015

Uplifting story by Omprakash Narayana Vaddi - Lucid translation by Atreya Sarma
The Telugu story 'Korika' that Atreya Sarma has translated under the title ‘A Little Girl’s Wish… A Dad’s Big Dream’ is so uplifting! It deserves to be mailed to as many friends as one can. I hope this story reaches readers far and wide and wakes up the conscience of the people to the needs of the deprived. Lovely story. And a lucid translation.
Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi      <>      Sep 4, 2015
Lucid translation by U Atreya Sarma
I have read the story ‘A Little Girl’s Wish… A Dad’s Big Dream’ in translation by U Atreya Sarma. It is quite lucid and as good as the original in Telugu by Omprakash Narayan Vaddi.
Srirama Sastry Chembolu, Hyderabad/Kakinada      Sep 4, 2015

Very Fulfilling Experience

Muse India 63 has been a very fulfilling experience for all of us and I am grateful for the appreciation of friends.

I wish to thank the Contributing Editors of Muse India for the active role they have played in making the Focus on Indian Short Stories in Translation a success. Uddipana Goswami, Dileep Jhaveri, Sukrita Paul Kumar, Mohammed Zahid, Udaya Narayan Singh, Hemant Diwate, Sachidananda Mohanty, Tejwant Singh Gill, and U Atreya Sarma have sent in the stories in their respective languages. The focus has been enriched immensely because of their support.

GSP Rao, Surya, the Managing Editor, has excelled himself in this Focus issue by identifying uncannily appropriate images for each of the Short Stories featured.

Thanks to Nitin Arekar for co-ordinating the Bhalchandra Nemade Feature.

The contributors to MI63 and the Section Editors, U Atreya Sarma and Ambika Ananth deserve a round of applause for their prompt and meticulous work.

Charanjeet Kaur, Thane     Sep 4, 2015

Commendable article on literary ventures of Dr Kalam
As Muse India has published Literary Ventures of APJ Abdul Kalam by Naqui Ahmad John, it impelled me to read on. At the outset I had misgivings that it would at best be an encomium but while I read on I gradually started accepting it as a well deserved tribute and by the end I was amply convinced to start looking for the anthologies of Kalam. The bibliography is helpful and the quoted lines of the poem “Tumult” is impelling. The contributor Mr Naqui A. John, the section editor, Dr C. Kaur and the entire team of M I have done a commendable work.

Dr Md Haider Ali, Daulat Ram College, Delhi     Sep 4, 2015 

Surbhi Goel’s poem lingers in mind


Dear Sir,


Greetings and wishes for a joyous festival season ahead, to all connected with Muse.


Just went through the issue and, though I could not read it all, a poem by name 'Free Woman' by Surbhi Goel lingers on my mind and enthuses me to read the rest of Muse.


This communication is also to convey my request for a payment portal (debit/credit card) to activate the 'Support Muse' section online. I am sure you will agree that sending cheques by Post is not as facilitating as clicking on a computer to make payments.


With warm regards and best wishes.


Anshu Choudhry      Sep 3, 2015


(Donations/sponsorships can be made through online bank transfers. The account details are given in the link ‘Support Muse’.       – Managing Editor)




Showcases diversity of cultures and talents


Dear Suryaji,


It was a privilege to get a chance of contributing for MI. This issue is beautiful and further enriched by the writings in Indian languages, showcasing the diversity of cultures and talents. 


Kudos to the editors who put in hard work to keep the magazine running. Your labours for the cause of literature are wonderful.


Warm regards,


Malsawmi Jacob, Bangalore     Sep 3, 2015




A rich archive of Indian stories


Dear Mr Rao,


Congratulations to you, Dr Charanjeet Kaur and your entire team for yet another insightful issue of Muse India. The English translations of regional short stories from across India has made them accessible to readers in India and beyond. It will undoubtedly serve as a rich archive of Indian stories that are truly deserving of greater visibility and critical acclaim.



Pratibha Umashankar, Mumbai      Sep 3, 2015




A Collector’s Issue


Dear Surya


Thanks very much for your warm mail that came close on the heels of your announcement of the recent Muse India.


It is always a pleasure to contribute to MI. I'm glad that this time my translation of a Tamil story could make it in time for your special issue on contemporary writing in Indian languages. The author Susila and my family wondered how your fiction (or design editor) could find a visual that is so very appropriate to the story. Unusual picture it was, showing a lone sandal floating on a puddle! I look forward to reading all the contributions to the section on translated stories. This would indeed make the present Muse India a collector's issue!


I liked the editorial too, and the points that have been highlighted.


Warm regards,


Lakshmi Kannan, Delhi      Sep 3, 2015




The look and flow of articles is amazing!

Dear Sir, Namaskar,

I am thankful to you for providing me the opportunity to be the Guest Editor of a special section on '50th Bharatiya Jnanpeeth' Awardee and a well-known writer, poet, critic and linguist, Dr. Bhalchandra Nemade in

It, indeed, has been a great feeling of being associated with a website which is internationally recognized for its valuable contribution to the literary world. The look, the flow and the technical arrangements of articles in every segment, is amazing. Special thanks to you, sir.

It's worth mentioning the contribution of Shri Guru Thakur, a leading National Award winning poet, lyricist n script writer, in form of caricature of Dr. Nemade, to this issue.

I express my sincere thanks to my mentor and our former I/c Principal, Dr. Charanjeet Kaur for bestowing the responsibility of the special segment on Dr. Nemade.

Thanks to the entire team MI for a great effort.


Nitin Arekar, Mumbai      Sep 3, 2015


Treasure trove of short stories

Thank you very much for the latest issue. A collector's item with the treasure trove of short stories. Every section looks tempting, especially the tribute to Dr Kalam.

Thanks a lot for graciously including my humble piece as well.

Warm regards,

Rositta Joseph, Visakhapatnam       Sep 3, 2015


Happy to know about your meaningful literary efforts. Wish you all the best in your efforts to rekindle the dying habit of reading.


M Nagaraju     Sep 3, 2015

Muse India deserves praise
Dear Sir/Madam

I came to know about "Muse India" recently and was elated to find a delightful section on translated Indian-language short stories. Dr Sukrita P. Kumar happens to be a wonderful translator. She has so dexterously translated the Urdu short story and has made the characters jump out into life by using spirited translations like- “Fazleyaa”, “Haraamkhore” etc which makes Punjabi accent audible, live and kicking for the readers. Other short stories are equally enthralling.

Naqui Ahmad John’s classification of the poems of Dr Kalam into three types based on themes speaks volumes of rigour invested. His pointing out that most of his poems are odes is technically convincing. The dance themes and an audio book developed on Dr Kalam’s works are welcome steps. Because this essay speaks of a golden aspect which remains largely overshadowed by Kalam’s image as a scientist, it deserves to be read by all Indians.

"Muse India" deserves praise which no words can express.

Sundar Lal, AMU, Aligarh        Sep 3, 2015 
Wonderful service to society
Muse India is doing a wonderful service to literature and more so to society, with all its ventures. Those who are associated with this venture with all their compulsions and obligations are fully deserving of accolades and encomiums! Loving regards to the entire team!

R.K.Bhushan Sabharwal, Jagraon (Ldh)     Sep 2, 2015

An engaging story by Rekha Barua

A gripping story by Smt. Rekha Barua. The protagonist uses negative experience to positive use. Beautifully translated by Sudeshna Kar Barua, a writer herself. Once again the inherent goodness in man is highlighted. "The Slough", like other stories by Smt. Rekha Barua, holds one's attention till the end.

Ratnabali Banerjee, Kolkata    Sep 2, 2015

Muse India Sep-Oct 2015:  A thought-provoking Issue

Dear Editors,

I am very delighted to know that my analysis of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s literary ventures found place in Muse India 63, Sep-Oct 2015. That the editor Dr Charanjeet Kaur finds it “comprehensive” is a matter of satisfaction. I hope that the wide readership and easy accessibility of Muse India would enable receptive minds to explore this neglected aspect of our former president.

Dr Kaur’s conversation with Malsawni Jacob about her debut novel Zorami is revealing of the artistic instincts when she calls it “proverbial fire in my belly". The comparative questioning between Jacob’s poetry and fiction is delightful. The volatile period of Mizo history brings sad memories.

Usha Kishore’s intelligent discussion with Prof Jaydeep Sarangi on “formula of good poetry” is illuminating. This conversation brings the memories of my own interaction with Dr Sarangi, Nabina Das, Aju Mukopadhyay and Shahbaz Khan, a budding poet from Bhagalpur in Kolkata Press Club a couple of years back.

Alka Dutt’s exploration of darker shades of femininity is thought-provoking because of the thorough and threadbare research she has undertaken. Sachidanand Mohanty’s inside out analysis of Colonial Travel and Print Culture provides fertile ground for further research.

The editor’s pick from Your Space shall keep me brooding for a couple of weeks. I wish the readers have engaging reading sessions and congratulate the entire team of Muse India for the service they are providing in promoting the Indian culture and encouraging young writers.

Dr Naqui Ahmad John, BHAGALPU     Sep 2, 2015

Cantankerous tendencies in the nation
They have watered our liberty. Now it is impure, our democracy. Noses touch each other. Cantankerous they are, our politicians. Some are fanatics, some are extremists. Enmity is the impetus. Religions show intolerable traits. Sectarianism is rampant. Let us sing against all these tendencies and refine each other!

Unnikrishnan Atiyodi, Payyanur, Kerala     Jul 24, 2015
A Lavish Treat!
It is a great honor to be a part of this edition. Muse India is a lavish treat to readers and a guide to amateurs like me. Thank you! Humilié!

Purabi Bhattacharya, Gandhinagar     Jul 19, 2015

Always interesting


As always reading Muse India has been great. Am glad to be part of it. Looking forward to many more wonderful issues.


Nishi Pulugurtha, Kolkata        Jul 9, 2015

Wide range of themes


Muse India has a wonderful fare with a wide range of themes and issues. Congratulations!


Ranu Uniyal, Lucknow     Jul 6, 2015

Aesthetic pleasure and Critical insights


Dear Mr GSP Rao, Thanks for your kind mail. In fact, I, as a contributor and reader, and many like me, are grateful to you, Mr. Atreya Sarma and the whole team of MUSE INDIA who have been devoting their time and energies in bringing out this prestigious literary journal for so many years. All of you put in dedicated work to make an excellent issue of this respected Journal a reality every two months, affording aesthetic pleasure and critical insights to readers across the globe. Kudos to you all!


Wish you, Atreya and the whole team good health and happiness.


Subhash Chandra, Delhi       Jul 5, 2015

How to post Call For Papers?
CFP for an edited volume on Rabindranath Tagore. How do I post it? Also I want to know about how to activate My Space?

Mala Renganathan, Shillong    Jul 5, 2015

(We can post brief CFP only in this Feedback column. If you send brief details to, we will do the needful. There is no activation involved in posting your work in 'Your Space'. You can use the link given to enter the space and post your work.     - Mg Editor)  

Getting into groove for Creative effort

Dear Charanjeet ji, Saw my article (Jul-Aug issue) and felt really good about having managed it and about you having pushed me to do it. Because I now feel I can do even better next time. Somehow the thought processes had been really frozen around family life but writing this article has thawed it a bit. Beginning to read again after a long spell and even itching to start on yet another article. I do wish I had distributed the review space a little more evenly between the three books that I was writing about and that there was some pattern to the three reviews. But well, seeing it out there is a very sobering feeling and methinks I am going to be a lot more careful next time, hopefully a lot more thorough. And make it a little more worthy. I owe it to the three writers I reviewed. And to the readers who will take the trouble to read the article.

Thank you so much, Ma'am. It means so much to me. I can see the immense effort put in by you and Pratibha Umashankar and the entire team. It is a huge collection and the stories and articles are really decent. The photos are so moving. I loved the interviews, especially Darius Cooper and Paromita Vora. Very detailed, very honest, very stimulating and highly original!

Ganga Mukhi, FTII, Pune       Jul 4, 2015

The Incubation Chamber – Review by U Atreya Sarma


The review of Vandana Kumari Jena’s collection of stories, The Incubation Chamber, by U Atreya Sarma is good, especially his observations on the imagery employed by her.


Kameshwari Ayyagari, Hyderabad        Jul 3, 2015

Works Cited or Bibliography
Respected sir/madam, I wish to appreciate the kind of efforts you are putting in publishing the journal. But what I would like to know is whether you are following MLA Handbook (Latest Edition) or not. At the end of each article, the contributors mentioned like 'Bibliography' and, The references are mentioned in numbers. Is it not necessay to mention 'Works Cited' instead of Bibliography? Even what I know is the references are to mentioned in an alphabetical order. If the reference is extended to the second line, then it should be indented. Please clarify it.

A Pradeep Kumar, Hyderabad        Jul 3, 2015 
(Bibliography is widely used in place of 'Works Cited' in India. We accept that term. The numbered references you are referring to are the End Notes and they need to be in the sequence in which they appear in the article. We do broadly follow the MLA standard.     - Managing Editor) 

Superb Job


Dear Surya, Thank you very much for the superb job you’re doing with promoting the work of writers through Muse India.


Ralph Nazareth, Long Island, NY    Jul 1, 2015

Muse India promoting healthy literature


Dear Surya ji, thanks for including my story A PATHAN SOLDIER in the latest issue. I read it again and also other contents. I appreciate the work you are doing to promote healthy literature. Dr. Kaur is a gem in the crown of Muse India. Keep up the good work. My greetings from Canada.


Stephen Gill, Canada    Jul 1, 2015

Diaspora feature a platter to be savoured
This edition of Muse India (July-Aug 2015) shall draw young researchers from academia as flowers attract bees and butterfly. The special feature on Indian Diaspora literature is a platter to be savoured. I could not resist myself from reading Dr Charanjeet Kaur’s editorial note and excellent essays by Shireen Deeba and Meha Pande at a stretch. I also lament not having submitted my own article on The Lowland well in time. Deeba’s quoting Prashant Mishra at the outset has set the ball rolling in perfect motion. It initiates a diversity of interest in diaspora writings. She has very well explored into both psychological and geographical aspects of diasporic dilemma.
Meha’s erudite article in three parts is a wonderful critical treatise. Her industry and sincerity provoke me into new critical vistas. Her reference to Rushdie and Cohen are very apt. Her well laid our bibliography shall be a guide post for further research in this domain.

All those who have been given space are young research scholars, this is very encouraging. All other writings by Nancy, Nishi, Parul, Animesh, Aroop, Komalesha & Priyanka, Subhashish, Suchitra and Ved are equally enticing and shall keep me glued to Muse India for next few days.

I congratulate the editor Dr Charanjeet Kaur and the entire team of Muse India for this service to the Literati.

Dr Naqui Ahmad John, Bhagalpur     Jul 2, 2015 

Eva Bell’s ‘Her Capricious Heart’


The story ‘Her Capricious Heart’ by Eva Bell (Jul-Aug, 2015) is wonderful. Thanks for acquainting the readers with such a beautiful story.


Kameshwari Ayyagari, Hyderabad    

Partition coverage has rain-washed freshness
Partition as a dark chapter in our national history has been discussed in this issue of Muse India (Jul-Aug 2015) with a perspective having a rain-washed freshness. Partition continues to mould our discourse in covert and overt manners and shapes our literatures as well. Though two nations were created after partition but it left indelible scars and traumatic experiences as an aftermath. The angst and violence it let loose cause writings to effuse as a shared experience in all major Indian languages and in English as well. The section editor Prathibha Umashankar in the lead essay has very aptly pointed out the symbiotic relation between fiction and non-fiction. Literature has focussed on the tragic aspect of human experience and unlike main stream historiography desisted from building up the grand narratives of the struggle. This gives a reality check to our perspectives. It is a welcome phenomena that Ranjit Guha has become a widely read historion besides the fact that he speaks more for those who are at the bottom of the pyramid. That women’s history is also being written and widely read is a matter of great satisfaction and a testimony to the fact that our perspectives have metamorphosed. Another important historian Mushirul Hassan provides a newer aspect by juxtaposing “the writings from both sides of the border.” Contribution by women to the corpus of Partition literature is a welcome development. This opens new vistas for further explorations.

All the contributors and the editor deserve appreciation for this work. This section in itself is a contribution to criticism on Partition Literature. Congrats!!!

Aalia Khan, Bhagalpur College of Engineering, Bhagalpur     Jul 1, 2015

Handy Website
Dear Sir, I am new to this extremely handy website. Your last issue is great especially the poetry section. “Islands” by Ramesh Anand is the manifestation of an anguished thought in a lucid manner. It depicts the death of communication in the internet-savvy modern society. Others poems are also worth reading and reciting. If it is within my little capacity I would like to contribute to your efforts. Thanks and Regards.
Mohammad Ali Shahid, Bhagalpur      May 14, 2015 
Writing and Translating are equally creative and demanding
Dear Sir, This edition of Muse India forges new vistas in the world of creation and criticism. The conversation of Uniyal Brother-and-Sister Duo with Dr Charanjeet gives readers new insights into creation and transcreation. How professional and literary careers can augment each other has been rightly vindicated. Personal discipline and flair seems to be more important in the case of Sunil Uniyal. The specific experience of a single woman living in a foreign country has been cast into a poetic experience by Ranu so dexterously and with the desired effect. Commendation at the hands of the ilk of Kamala Das is a great experience. Sunil’s motivation comes from great translators like P Lal. The crux of it is that writing and translation are not different and are equally demanding as a creative process. They find the creative genius as a spiritual sojourn. This reminds one of Charles Morgan who held similar views in his essay Creative Imagination.

Discovering other languages through its rhythm is so very poetic on the part of Ranu. Kabir and Ghalib both of whom were so unlike in personal lives, continue to fascinate Sunil and lead to his own creative verve. For Ranu writing is without the reader in mind and only for the sake of the creative urge which for her is purity of art. Social concerns are a part of her inspiration. She has her own reason for her preference for poetry. It is more a discovery of self than fiction which is discovery of the world. These observations provide new insights.

The literary article section and Book Reviews provide equally charming insights. U Atreya Sarma’s Editorial Musings infuses philosophical observations on life with everyday experience so well. He dispels the angst of existence and lays bare the beauty behind being without compromising with realism in his opinions and expressions.

The Feature on Indian Science Fiction shall soon become an online reference source in this domain. The editor and the entire team of Muse India along with the valued contributors deserve accolades.

Dr Naqui Ahmad John, TNB College, Bhagalpur     May 11, 2015

Inspiring Issue

Dear Surya, Usha, Pramila & Charanjeet:

This is a truly inspiring issue with so much great work. I have been savouring the pages. Congrats on this unique accomplishment to all the editors, writers and artists! All best,

Bhargavi Mandava, Los Angeles     May 9, 2015

Interactive Art


Dear Pramila,

There is a lot going on in interactive art with smart/intelligent materials and it is no longer a new idea to make responsive art. All these involve varying degrees of AI and have become fashionable. But you are right that seeing from the mirror's point of view involves intelligence but, for those familiar with interactive art, it is also implicit in the thousand cameras idea. However, the idea of seeing the world from a flat mirror (a mirror's view) as it morphs continuously to a fractured mirror seems new and is far more interesting. It may be possible to test it digitally with basic principles of optics, but it may surprise you to know that the Xurf pieces DO NOT start with digital models. In fact, we don't know how to do so. They start with flat sheets and self-shape under force. Even here, there are several "firsts" - for example, a connection with Einstein's General Theory of relativity. The connection of art with his Special Theory of Relativity has been known for a century. All this to say that I find fundamental discoveries more rewarding.


Haresh Lalvani, USA    May 7, 2015


(Very interesting Haresh. We had a display of digital, interactive art at Hyderabad Literary Festival 2014.  This was a monograph of Albert Camus’ work involving viewer’s interaction with the exhibits .    – Surya)

Craft as a medium of communication

Extract from Nirmal Raja’s blog:

Usha Akella an exceptional poet and long-time friend asked me to collaborate with her on an upcoming magazine issue she was co-editing. This particular issue is based on Ekphrastic poetry by diaspora poets. Ekphrasis is in itself an inter-disciplinary construct as it asks the poet to respond to a visual artwork. After sending out calls to several artists and poets in the Indian diaspora, an issue on Muse India, an online literary magazine was published. Perusing through the issue, looking at visuals and poetic responses I am so impressed by the potential of such collaboration between artists and writers.  

…. I am struck by how "craft" can be used to communicate. Whether it is coded movement or word-smithing, each practice relies on a certain "language" or skill specific to their particular discipline no matter what the subject is. It was interesting to see line, shape, color, composition, balance, rhythm, symbol - all recognizably visual tools to me, being used by dancers and writers. As a visual artist, I was stunned at the height an idea could reach when given free reign regardless of the medium we choose. 

Read the complete article at:

Nirmal Raja, Milwaukee     May 6, 2015

Different ways of 'seeing' an object    


Dear Haresh,


It is indeed interesting the different ways of “seeing” that both poets and artists bring to the same object. I learned much more from the statement that you have attached. To take it one step further, I wonder if Artificial Intelligence, which uses computers to see, emote etc., if implanted in artworks would add another dimension to human perception.

Thank you again for your participation in this project.


Pramila Venkateswaran, New York       May 6, 2015



When the artwork ‘sees’  

Dear Pramila,

Your poem, ‘You See What You Want to See,’ makes me wonder if I invert the artist-art relationship and make art as a physical object that "sees" (literally, e.g with a 1000 cameras, one for each facet), will we get a better sense of what Picasso and Braque saw in their mind's eye when they invented cubism! The answer is, of course, unknowable, but it is a very intriguing idea.

It was a huge surprise when I first saw how a fractured mirror, a new invention in itself, would mimic cubism through optics. This was a new observation and since "xurf portraits" are not known (they've barely been seen), this idea has stayed under the radar. The fractured mirror pieces are better known since they have been exhibited in NYC, but your writing raises a complementary idea which hadn't occurred to me before.

Just wanted share this thought and also to thank you for your beautiful poem. Brilliant!


Haresh Lalvani, USA     May 5, 2015

A Breath-taking Gallery

A breath-taking gallery of creative and poetic interpretations are I think a discovery in this plunge which I suspect must have been a challenge not faced by many of us. And look what we are capable to come up with! Shame on the establishment that shuns our Diasporic poetry in the West. Thanks to Usha and everyone at Muse India for this innovative approach.

Kind regards,

Yogesh Patel, UK      May 5, 2015   

Elegant Issue
Very elegant issue of Muse India. I loved the Ekphrasis theme: a perfect melding of poetry and visual art. Congratulations to Usha and Pramila! Special thanks to Surya, Charanjeet and the entire Muse India team for their unending support of the Diaspora writers. Warm regards,

Rama Shivakumar, Bethesda, MD     May 5, 2015

Impressive Coverage


Saw the current issue of Muse India and was very happy to see the impressive coverage. Hope to meaningfully get involved with Muse India in the future. Warm regards,


Prof Priyadarshi Patnaik, IIT, Kharagpur     May 3, 2015




Special thanks for SF Coverage 


Sir, Thank you very much for publishing my article. The entire feature section looks great. Special thanks to "Muse India" for considering a section on Indian SF.

Congratulations to other contributors!

Saikat Guha, Falakata, WB     May 3, 2015




Another Outstanding Issue


Dear editors of Muse India,


My heartfelt congratulations on yet another outstanding and wonderful issue of Muse India. I just wish to inform you that, after discovering that the site lacked a link to your journal, I have talked to the editor, Jim Bennett, of Britain´s most prestigious website for literature, The Poetry kit, to include Muse India in the list of online magazine and meanwhile Jim has agreed and put Muse India on this website with millions of visitors a year. Here´s the link:


Best wishes from Germany,


Frank Joussen, Germany      May 3, 2015


(Thank you, Mr Joussen, for your kind words. We greatly appreciate your gesture of getting Muse India included in the prestigious website.   – Managing Editor)



Truly Creative Issue on Poetry


Congratulations Surya for a truly creative issue on poetry – thank you for the platform you’ve provided in bringing so many poets, artists, writers and critics together. I am looking forward to reading/ seeing more of the works included. It takes a while to read them all. I had a quick scan – but need time to do justice to the issue. I am also looking forward to your issue, Charanjeet (on Diaspora Prose).


Shanta Acharya, London    May 3, 2015




Interesting Edition


Congratulations on an interesting edition, yet again, Best cheers,


Amita Desai, Director, Goethe-Zentrum, Hyderabad     May 3, 2015




Incredibly artistic Issue


Dear Surya Rao and Diaspora 2015 Team,

Thanks and congratulations for an incredibly beautiful and artistic issue that has just been released. The editors have worked tirelessly to present this amazing collection of literary and artistic gems in a single issue. It will take a while to dig deep into exquisite gift!
Thanks again.

Sat Paul Goyal, John Hopkins Univ, Michigan, USA   May 3, 2015




Marathon Issue


Dear Surya and Usha, 


First of all, I want to thank the whole team – esp.  Usha and Pramila - for pulling together this marathon issue and doing such a wonderful job it. Congrats!


Prof Amritjit Singh, Univ of Ohio, Athens, Ohio    May 3, 2015




Wonderfully opportunity for collaboration


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to bring poets and artists together! Thank you for all your hard work Usha, Pramila and Surya…


Nirmal Raja, Univ of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA    May 3, 2015




Wonderful Issue!


Dear Surya, Usha, Pramila & Charanjeet,


I’ve just been looking at the latest Muse India issue. Wonderful! Many thanks and congratulations. Warm wishes to you all,


Dr Debjani Chatterjee, Sheffield, UK    May 3, 2015




A lovely Issue


Dear Surya, Charanjeet, Pramila, and Usha:


The issue looks lovely. I spent half the day reading and I still haven’t read all of it, because my eyes needed a rest. You all have done a tremendous job not only putting together this rich material, but bringing all of us together.


Surya, thanks for providing the forum of your journal.


Saleem Peeradina, Siena Heights Univ, Michigan     May 3, 2015




Thanks for a nice Issue


Dear Surya,


Thank you very much to Usha and Pramila and yourself for this issue and all the work in poetry. Happy spring!


Prof Meena Alexander, NY, USA    May 3, 2015




A Fabulous Journal!


What a fabulous journal. Bravo! I'm delighted to be a part of this. This is such a marvellous venture. I'm ever so chuffed to be even a tiny part of it. Thank you.


Reeta Gidwani Karmarkar, USA    May 3, 2015




Amazing Journal!


Dear Surya, Usha and Pramila and all other writer friends...


Thank you so much for creating this amazing journal! It was an honour to participate and Nirmal thank you for inviting me. Pramila thank you for the beautiful poem "So that you know each other". It conveys so well what I have tried to say in the painting.


Beautiful collaboration. Many thanks again,


Salma Arastu, USA     May 3, 2015




Stellar Effort!


Dear Surya Sahib, Charanjeet ma'am and the MI team,


The issue looks good. Thank you for your stellar efforts! Regards,


Sami Ahmad Khan, Delhi      May 2, 2015


(Sami, thank you for your substantial contribution in putting together the wonderful section on Indian Science Fiction.    – Surya)


Dear Madam,


Please accept my congratulation for bringing forth a beautiful collection of essays. It was a refreshing experience to read and re-read the essays pertaining to Tagore's writings and its impact and influence.


Going through his poems time and again one does feel the mesmerizing influence of visiting 'the playhouse of infinite forms' and in each excursion picking out 'a pearl of the formless' from the 'ocean of forms'. In Muktibodh's words: "All this allows me to expand my shoulders, and the four walls of my cottage too expand stretching out to embrace the horizon'. 




Prof Chandra Mohan Bhandari, Surat     Apr 21, 2015

Muse India deserves wider attention
I think the Muse India deserves a wider attention. Provision has to be made in the site to share the articles, features, poems, each and everything in Muse India to be shared in current day social media like Facebook, Twitter etc. It will surely ensure a steep rise in the readership of Muse India. Please do the needful.

Jiji John Thomas, Thiruvalla, Kerala    Apr 24, 2015 

(Thanks for your valuable suggestion. We will ask the technical team to look into this.   - Managing Editor)

Link to Your Space
I visited the site only a few days ago and found the literary pieces very interesting. Congratulations to all creative minds! It is mentioned that readers can submit to Your Space, but I don't find any link to Your Space. Many thanks.

Albert P'Rayan, Chennai,
(Link to Your Space is there on the left side below the image and below the sponsorship message.   - Managing Editor)

Thank you Muse India for the review of the book "The Dance of the Peacock" and for mentioning my poem in it. Regards.

Sreelatha Chakravarty, Kochi, KERALA    Mar 3, 2015

Many unknown aspects covered in Literature of Telangana


The article “Telugu Literature in Telangana” in Issue No. 59 has touched upon many aspects not known to the general readers. We thank Muse India and the authors Itha Chandraiah & U Atreya Sarma. The other articles are also equally outstanding.


1. Annavelly Rajamouli, Madhava Towers, Siddipet-502103

2. Varukolu Laxhmaiah, SA (Telugu), ZPHS, Gurralagondi-502276

3. P Venkateshwarlu, SA (Telugu), ZPHS, Tekmal      Feb 1, 2015

Overview of Telugu literature: Interesting & pleasant


Reading the two articles on Telugu literature has been interesting and pleasant for the reason that usually Telugu writers get very little attention in the national media. It feels good for fiction writers like me to find a mention in the overview of Telugu literature in Andhra/Telangana. There is a good scope for translation of Telugu writings into Hindi and English. I hope the future days will see more of such good translators. But stories of people like mine may be a tough nut for the translators, because of their high content of the native idiomatic expressions and terms so unique to Telugu language & culture. Commend Muse India and the authors U Atreya Sarma, Itha Chandraiah and Katuru Ravindra Trivikram.


Dr Somaraju Suseela, Hyderabad      Jan 22, 2015

Just discovered Muse India

I just discovered Muse India, and feel sorry that it took me so long to find it. I am most interested in 'translation' from Indian languages into English - and not just of fiction or literature but of non-fiction, essay, commentary as well. Thank you for what you are doing. I will be reading this eagerly. Regards,

Vijay Kundaji, Bengaluru        Jan 19, 2015

The twin articles on Telugu Literature


At the outset, hearty congratulations to U Atreya Sarma, Katuru Ravindra Trivikram and Itha Chandraiah for writing two brilliant articles on Telugu Literature of recent times.


The trio have made an excellent attempt to look at the literature produced during the last ten years be it poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama or whatever. In a very systematic manner. They have sketched the life of Telugu literature of the last decade as presented by various creative artists. From print books to e-books, from p-journals to e-journals the trio have covered the vast river of literature produced during the last ten years. I appreciate the modest way they have written these two articles. In a very orderly manner, they have, step by step, delved deeply into the depth of Telugu literature be it in Andhra Pradesh or in Telangana.


I have enjoyed reading both the articles which have updated me about the work of arts produced during 2005-2014. 


Keep writing more like this. Let me quote Francis Bacon: Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.


Pramod Kumar Das            Jan 16, 2015

HLF - a great offspring of Muse India
Dear Surya Rao garu, 

Many congratulations on reaching this milestone. It is a matter of great pride that HLF, which is an offspring of Muse India, has achieved national recognition in such a short period. May you continue to enrich the literary scene with the same spirit.

With all my good wishes!

Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, VC & MD, TSIIC     Jan 13, 2015
(Dear Jayesh Ranjan ji, thank you for your warm words and good wishes.    - Surya Rao, Managing Editor)

Muse India - a Movement!


Dear Sri Surya,


Please accept my congratulations and best wishes on the completion of a decade in journal’s life.  You and your dedicated team have done a commendable job by meticulously planning the entire structure and the hard work in editorial effort.  In these transient times when things change at unpredictable pace it is noteworthy that your motive has never gone out of focus. My association with this journal is merely two year old but I have a feeling that I am part of a movement; yes, I shall call it a movement to create and maintain a forum to encourage and nourish creativity itself. Many similar movements are needed in a vast country like ours especially with the diversity in languages and a need to take them together. Fast changing technological innovations have made an impact in our reading and writing habits and with co-existing conventional and modern modes of publishing the shape of things to emerge is somewhat fuzzy. In any case the vision and effort implicit in ‘Muse India’ will, I hope, go a long way  in defining the future ‘literary trajectory’ in this part of the world.


My Best Wishes.


C M Bhandari     Jan 12, 2015


(Dear Mr Bhandari, Thank you for your warm words on the role Muse India has been playing. It is the dedicated work of all our editors and the encouragement and support of our members that keep us going. You have rightly mentioned about the fast moving changes happening in the reading habits on which I have commented in my editorial in the Indian Literature Today section. Irrespective of the changes in publication styles and reading habits, literature will continue to play a decisive role in moulding the character of the nation. Warm wishes.        Surya Rao)



Finest contemporary writers featured


Dear Surya,


Wish you a very happy and prosperous 2015. This issue of Muse looks wonderful, with some of the finest contemporary Indian poets and fiction writers. Accolades on Muse India's ten years. And look forward to many more such anniversaries. Best wishes to all of you at Muse India.


Rumjhum/RK Biswas      Jan 12, 2015



Very impressive and appealing!


Dear Sir,


Thanks for your kind information about new Issue of Muse India. Visited the site. Very impressive and appealing!  


Harekrishna Meher     Jan 12, 2015



Very focussed work


Dear GSP Rao, Congratulations for the 10th Year of MI.  ...   I remember all the steps MI took to reach here. Your focus and hard work is amazing.


Best wishes


P S K Viswanath      Jan 12, 2015

Highly commendable articles on Telugu Literature
Dear Surya and Team Muse India,
Wish you a very happy New Year 2015.

The Two articles "Telugu Literature in Andhra" and "Telugu Literature in Telangana" by Sri Atreya Sarma in company with K. Ravindra Trivikram and Itha Chandriah covered a lot of ground in all Telugu genres in print and electronic media. The attempt is highly commendable. However, after reading the two articles, I felt very guilty when the writers acknowledged my insignificant contribution to their work. I would like to put the record straight and humbly submit that the information I furnished is not even 1% of the mass of information they collected, collated and presented here. This is stupendous effort that merits attention of all research scholars and I am sure in the years to come this article will be referred quite frequently. I congratulate Atreya Sarma, K. Ravindra Trivikram and Itha Chandraih once again for such a magnificent effort.

With best regards,

NS Murty, Bangalore        Jan 12, 2015

Delighted to be a part of Muse India


Dear Suryajee, Thank you for your warm wishes. I am delighted to be a part of the Muse India family and wish you many decades of success. Warm wishes and a happy 2015


Ranu Uniyal Pant, Lucknow   Jan 11, 2015



Fly in a new way … !

Thank you for the warm wishes and for gifting us with such a wonderful journal. Congratulations for successfully completing a decade of selfless, prestigious service. Wishing you all success in this New Year. Fly in a new way ...

Mousim Mondal, Burdwan, WB      Jan 10, 2015


Great effort

Thanks, Surya. Great effort!

K Satchidanandan, New Delhi     Jan 10, 2015


Warm wishes to you and the entire team of Muse India, not just for 2015 or the next decade, but way beyond ...


Warm regards,


Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata     Jan 10, 2015



Commendable effort


Dear Suryaji, Happy New Year and Congratulations!


It’s wonderful that Muse India has reached its 10th Anniversary. I personally cherish the privilege of associating with MI all these years. It’s been a good time of learning through ‘Your Space’ and interacting with members, apart from the monthly fare of a variety of good reads.


The hard work and selfless service of the editors and all those involved is highly commendable. May MI continue to grow from strength to strength. With warmest regards,


Malsawmi Jacob, Bangalore     Jan 10, 2015



Wishing A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 to MUSE INDIA and everyone associated with it be it Editors, Contributors, Staff or Readers!!! Looking forward to learning and enjoying more of literature in this New Year and in the years to come. Regards.


Anshu Choudhry, Delhi    Jan 10, 2015



A delight


A very Happy New Year! It was a delight to go through this edition! Regards,


Semeen Ali, New Delhi     Jan 10, 2015



10th Anniversary Issue - Congratulations!


Dear Surya Rao, Congratulations on the completion of a wonderful decade in successful literary publishing. Warm wishes,

Shefali Tripathi Mehta, Bangalore     Jan 10, 2015

Long live Muse India!

It's exhilarating to see the avalanche of well-wishing and sane voices pouring in from all directions in solidarity with Muse India and in condemnation of the thoughtless and barbarian hackers. Long live Muse India! Long live humanity!

Atreya Sarma Uppaluri, Pune     Dec 10, 2014




Dear Surya, I am so sorry to hear of this and hope and pray it does not repeat. May Muse India flourish and Grow! Warm best wishes,


Meena Alexander, New York    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Sir, Really sad, hope everything will be alright soon.


Unnikrishnan Gopalakrishnan    Nov 30, 2014



Very humiliating.


Makineedi Surya Bhaskar, Kakinada   Nov 30, 2014



Dear Friend, I am so sorry that this has happened to this wonderful journal. And Thank God that you have been able to handle the problem so well. I hope nothing like this happens in the future. It is enlightening and also a great pleasure reading Muse India. Best wishes,


Dr Shruti Das, Cuttack    Nov 30, 2014



Wicked people find pleasure in nefarious activities.  We cannot trace out the reason for such evil deeds.


Unni Krishnan Atiyodi, Payyanur, Kerala    Nov 30, 2014



Shocked at the senseless hacking but glad that Muse is back.


Nirupama Dutt, Chandigarh    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Shri Rao, I share the deep anguish and concern of Muse India team and of its wide network of contributors, editors, friends and well-wishers. I trust we will not be cowed down by this ugly act of overbearing invasion. In this moment of crises, I reaffirm my solidarity with Muse India. We value Muse India and your valiant efforts to serve the cause of Indian literatures. With warm personal regards,


Kiran Budkuley, Goa    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Surya, I am really sorry to read this mail. The times are such, one just doesn't have any clue what mischief people are up to, it's so frustrating. I am relieved to learn the site has been restored. Hacking has become a pastime for some anti-social elements. Warm Regards.


Mamta Agarwal, Delhi    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Surya, It is sad to know that the Muse India site was hacked. I cannot describe my worry at this terrible event. Love,


Bibhu Padhi, Dhenkanal, Odisha    Nov 30, 2014



Dear GSP Rao, It was sad and alarming to read about this needless hacking. Won't the perverted, abominable guys leave even harmless artistic pursuits alone? Thanks for restoring the site so quickly. I hope things will be back on track soon, and readers will enjoy the articles as before. My best wishes for a safe and secure return to the good times. Regards,


Gayathri Narayan, Bangalore    Nov 30, 2014



Surya, we are with you.


Mahe Jabeen Baig, Hyderabad    Nov 30, 2014



Sir, Good day! I just saw the mail from Muse India and have learnt, with much dismay, about the hacking of the site. It is very shocking to hear that a Literary Journal, providing access to everyone interested, has been prone to vandalizing act. But, it is welcoming that it has been restored. May the e-journal live long, catering to the literary needs of all languages. Regards,


Dr D R Pratima Roy, Kurnool, AP    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Sir, This mindless activity is diabolically inspired. I can think of no reason behind such criminal acts. Once such activities are brought to a logical end it shall be a deterrence to forestall any such future thought or attempt. I strongly condemn such hacking and stand by Muse India in support and solidarity. Regards,


N A John, Bhagalpur, Bihar    Nov 30, 2014



Sir, I was shocked to know that hackers have committed such a heinous crime such as hacking Muse India, a journal which is the reflection of the best moments experienced by some creative minds and also the efforts of the editors that put them together. I am relieved to know that all under control now. Thank you.


Zinia Mitra, Siliguri, WB    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Surya, I have been associated with Muse India almost from the time of its inception and have been enjoying reading the e-journal. I congratulate you and your excellent team on restoring the site. Regards.,


Jayashree Mohanraj, Hyderabad    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Sir, my concern is same as what you mentioned rightly in the strong message. These things should not happen but unfortunately they lose their credibility by doing such actions. May be they don't understand the language that Humanity speaks ... the ever noblest language which is seldom found in the action that they do. With regards,


Naseer Khan, Anantnag, J&K    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Surya and team, Very sorry to hear this. Glad the depraved minds caused only temporary trouble and no permanent damage. The enormous strain the team must have gone through and the effort to restore the website is commendable. More power to you all. Warm regards,


Shefali Tripathi Mehta, Bangalore   Nov 30, 2014  



Read the mail, and can only pray that peace be attained by the mind of the perpetrator(s), as, such a mind doesn't rest in peace, so long it doesn't get over such tendencies. At the same time, know, Muse India will bounce back, full on, given its purpose and the commitment of all towards the same, the force that leads it to scale further heights. All the best! Warm regards,


Sushmita Mukherjee, Kolkata    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Sir, I was also shocked at the news of hacking of Muse India site but greatly relieved to know that it was restored intact. Our amity shall last ever. with regards,


Nagore Rumi (Dr A.S.Mohamed Rafee), Ambur    Nov 30, 2014



Dear Surya, Shocked to hear this. I wonder why somebody would do this. Proud to see the site is restored. Let me take this opportunity to congratulate you and the others on a wonderful job. Wishing you all the best. Warm regards,


Kala Ramesh, Pune    Nov 30, 2014



Sorry to hear that! I had no idea. The online world is wonderful and irreplaceable, but sadly, there are also dangers lurking within it. Glad you were able to address the problem. Why anybody would want to hack a literary e-journal is incomprehensible. Good luck! Regards,


Murali Kamma, Atlanta, USA   Nov 30, 2014

Dear Surya,


So sorry to hear about the hacking.  Glad that the site is restored now. Please let me know if there is any way I can help.


Warm regards,


K Srilata, Chennai    Nov 29, 2014

Pathetic... you should go to the root of it and try to bring the perpetrators to justice...


Shaoib Gani, Pulwama, J&K    Nov 29, 2014



My deep sympathies.


Chandrashekhar Sastry, Bangalore    Nov 29, 2014

Shocking! Happy that the site has been restored. 




Abhay K, Embassy of India, Kathmandu    Nov 29, 2014

This is really sad. The hackers must be brought to task. We all stand by you.


Very best,


Dilip Mohapatra, Pune    Nov 29, 2014

Dear Surya Bhai,


Happy that the site has been restored. Such mischievous elements are always there.


C Vijaya Kumar, Bangalore    Nov 29, 2014

Rao garu, We are with you and Muse India, and join you in condemning this senseless act.


Prof Mohan Ramanan, Hyderabad     Nov 29, 2014

Dear Mr Rao:


Really shocking to learn that the site of a literary-critical journal could also be on the radar of vandals. Except for the mindless -- and pointless -- pleasure, what motive could anyone have in hacking the journal's site passes understanding.


However, glad to know that it has been restored. Hope, MUSE India will not attract the evil eye of the philistines again and the countless contributors; and I will continue to have a window for publishing our works in a prestigious journal.


Warm regards and best wishes to MUSE for a safe future.


Dr Subhash Chandra, Delhi     Nov 29, 2014

Dear Suryaji,


It’s distressing that such a pointless, malicious deed as hacking Muse India was done. For several days, I was surprised to see the website closed whenever I tried to access and had no clue this was the case. I’m happy and relieved that it’s working again. Hoping that the dastardly action is not repeated.


With warmest regards,


Malsawmi Jacob, Bangalore    Nov 29, 2014

Very saddened by this, Surya. Pray this does not happen again. Absolutely mindless people who do this. The HLF is coming up. Can somebody be trying to get that to malfunction.




Angelee Deodhar, Chandigarh     Nov 29, 2014

Dear Surya ji,


I am shocked to learn about the hacking of Muse India site! What could be one's motive in doing such a petty debased thing when the ejournal comprises non-sectarian non-partisan coverage!


I imagine the difficulties that your technical team must have faced to restore the website. I strongly condemn the mindless hacking of the website and extend my moral support to the Muse India team working around the clock for the noble purpose of Indian culture.


Warm regards,


Shelly Bhoil Sood, Sao Paulo, Brazil    Nov 29, 2014

That is indeed shocking, Mr Rao and senseless is the word here ... obvious some people are the devil's workshop ... and who knows what compulsions they suffer ... but it’s wonderful that you have been able to get back on track so quickly and have retained your spirit of service to literature, book lovers and writers. Thank you,


Warm regards,


Keerti Ramachandra, Bangalore    Nov 29, 2014


Dear Surya,


How sad. I would also like to express my concern and solidarity with all the staff and writers who contribute with Muse India.


Warm Regards,


Cielo Festino, Brazil    Nov 29, 2014

Dear Mr Rao,


I am glad that Muse web is restored. My thanks to all the technical staff and other staff of Muse family for this.




Pramod K Das, EFLU, Hyderabad    Nov 29, 2014

Dear Mr Rao,


I just read the email regarding the Muse India website and it comes as a shock to me to read what has happened. At the same time it saddens me to think that such people exist who have all the time in the world to do such things and can contribute only in a negative manner.


I am relieved to know that the website is functioning again. My best wishes with everyone who is a part of Muse India.


Semeen Ali, New Delhi    Nov 29, 2014

Members express Shock at hacking of MUSE INDIA


Dear Surya


I am very sorry and deeply concerned to hear about the hacking of the Muse India site. I am relieved to hear that the site is being restored. Are there not any filter systems that can prevent such an incident in the future?


With all best wishes,


Usha Kishore, UK     Nov 29, 2014

Dear Rama Shivakumar, I'm so glad you liked 'The Ragpicker'. The pleasure's all mine :)
Many thanks. 

Ananya Sarkar, Kolkata     Nov 10, 2014
Congratulations on completing 10!
Congrats on completing ten years in bringing out Muse India. Speaks volumes of your tenacity and excellent support of the editors on board. Kudos to all!

T S Chandra Mouli, Hyderabad       Nov 9, 2014 

Brilliant coverage on Ananthamurthy


Dear Surya, Thanks for the new issue. Its brilliant especially the section on Ananthamurthy and I do believe it’s going to be web reference on him for quite some time to come.


Prof Amrit Sen, Visva-Bharati       Nov 6, 2014
Enjoyable Stories
I enjoyed reading Ananya Sarkar's 'The Ragpicker' and Murali Kamma's 'Cafe Bhutan' in this issue of Muse India. Both stories were well written: simple and touching with a strong human element to them. Congratulations!

Rama Shivakumar, Bethesda, MD     Nov 5, 2014

Yes, UR Ananthamurthy was controversial


The Retrospect on U R Ananthamurthy (Nov-Dec 2014) is honest in alluding to his controversial side as well. Some of the controversies stemmed from his strong prejudices, especially his animosity to Narendra Modi which was in no way necessary or justifiable considering the status of a Jnanpith recipient the like of whom are expected to be broadminded, syncretic and above partisan. Instead of directing his ire against the Congress party steeped in scams and repulsive arrogance of power, UR impulsively spewed his venom on Modi just like how Arvind Kejriwal and later on Uddhav Thackeray paradoxically treated Modi and BJP (who have largely been looked up to as an effective alternative to Congress) as their first enemy. UR hastily adopted an adamant posture that if Narendra Modi became PM, he would leave India, and finally when Modi did become the PM, he simply chickened out from his vow. A writer of pan-India standing needs to have his eyes and ears close to the ground and without any trace of hauteur. It is said that learning gives humility to one (Vidyaa dadaati vinayam) and haste is waste (Sahasaa vidadheeta na kriyaam), but unfortunately UR was a gross exception to this wisdom. Finally it is not Modi’s reputation but UR’s that has been dented for the latter has lost many of his admirers with his malicious stand. And it’s not just the “fanatical Right” and “fanatical Left,” that UR has antagonised – as C N Ramachandran (In and Out of Maze of Binaries) would have us believe – but many centrists as well. Of course, UR will be remembered for his literary fortes, but inseparably with his ideological foibles.


Smitha & Srinivas V, Hyderabad      Nov 2, 2014

Muse India 58 - Delightful poetry in Hindi-Urdu section


Dear Professor Sukrita, Many congratulations for the Hindi-Urdu Special you have edited for Muse India. I must really appreciate you for bringing together some fine poems and translations, especially by Qazi Saleem, Savita Singh and Pratishtha. In these translations (and the poem by Pratishtha) there is a fresh and natural flow of expressions; and they offer a riveting reading experience. I wish you had added one of your poems. 


Dr H S Komalesha, IIT-Kharagpur      Nov 2, 2014

A good article on Rivers in Film Songs

Enjoyed the Section 'River in Indian Literature.' Sudeshna Kar Barua's article on Rivers in Indian Film Songs brought a sense of nostalgia- the beautiful old melodies! She has covered different parts of India. The article is fairly exhaustive. Names of two films come to mind- Hasuli Banker Upakatha and Bigalita Karuna, Janhavi Jamuna (both Bengali). Sudeshna has covered recent movies as well. She has emphasized on different aspects. The river bank has not been forgotten. Congratulations Sudeshna.

Ratnabali Banerjee, Kolkata      Oct 5, 2014

Rupalee Burke’s scholarly article on Gujarat Adivasis


Though late, I was fortunate to find time to read Dr Rupalee Burke's amazing article on 'New writings of Adivasis' (Muse India, Jul-Aug 2014). How beautifully she has explored the cross section of "a slice of contemporary Gujarati prose" and that too under her microscopic observation. She has nicely pointed out the young generation’s 'overnight translation reading of bestsellers to digitized literature'. It reflects her modernity. Her love for tribals is oozing out from each line. She has taken great care to construct history. This will go a long way to help people who would Reconstruct it.


She has nicely explored - "orature to ecriture (that too adding scholarly terminology) - the journey of Adivasi literature = the oral tradition of adivasis, literature about them and lastly by them. Her adventurous choice spilled out of globalization has brought out "Brand New Choice of Literature". Needless to say, it is extremely well written, scholarly article, an outcome of very hard work. Dr Burke is, as it seems to me, extremely a grown writer.


My congratulations to her. And my praise to Muse India. Keep it up. With warm regards.


Rajendrakuvarba Jadeja (Retd Professor), Gujarat   Sep 10, 2014

Exposure through Social Media necessary
While surfing in the ocean of information or enlightenment called Internet - stumbled on flotsam and jetsam - thought initially. Appeared real pearl shining in its purity. I have gone through briefing since its inception in 2005. The article on Vidyut Prabha Devi noted Odia potess is scholarly written. Thanks for the great effort. The site should be brought to wider audience through social media.

Sukanta Kumar Sahu, Hamirpur, UP    sukantaksahu@gmail.cpm    Sep 9, 2014
Why not pdf version of Muse India?
For the first time I visited Muse India. Also went through 'Archive' page. Why are we
not uploading pdf version of the issues? It is much easier to read articles by downloading that issue. Please think it over.

Tarun Banker, Bharuch, Gujarat     Sep 9, 2014

(Thanks for your suggestion. We'll look into it. pdf version of an Issue has its own requirements.       - Mg Editor)

Conversation with Lakshmi Kannan good
Another great issue of Muse India. Especially enjoyed the conversation between Jaydeep Sarangi and Lakshmi Kannan, really good.

Rob Harle, Nimbin, Australia      Sep 9, 2014

Bold editorial


I liked Atreya Sarma’s Editorial Musings for its clarity, boldness and relevance. Congratulations.


Chandra Mohan Bhandari, Surat    Sep 4, 2014

Thought-provoking editorials
Muse India Sept-Oct 2014 Issue brings forth a plethora of critical and creative writings. Besides ensuing socio-cultural debates on thought provoking topics like “Rivers in Indian Literature”. it also leaves the minds of readers astir through its editorial comments.
Dr Charanjeet Kaur’s views on the craft of writing are inspiring with its own analytical insight. Vladamir Nobakov’s quote sets the tone of her central argument. Infact, the very act of writing is a creative process. It has its own process of selection and rejection, contemplation and conviction, sifting and summarising, subjective abandon of self and objective rigour. Writing is a rather fine balancing act. Dr Kaur has raised the question of Ethics in academic writing and her words stem out from her experience as a researcher and editor. She is candid and just in not denying writers seeking advancement of career targeted at API scores. The only concern is usurpation of intellectual property.

Mr Atreya Sarma’s analysis of recent national developments is analytical and objective. His use of the term “Poetic Justice” is rather creatively amusing. It is good to know that our Prime Minister churns out lines in verses.

A befitting tribute to U R Ananthamurthy not only discharges our moral duty towards: “The Duty of Society to the Artist” but also renews our interest in his intellectual endeavours.

The entire team of Muse India and all the contributors of its numerous sections deserve compliment and appreciation.

Naqui Ahmad John, Bhagalpur     Sep 4, 2014 

(Thank you Mr John for your words of appreciation.   - Mg Editor)

Beautiful Issue!


Beautiful issue! Congrats. When necessary, send me a submission guideline for my own work.


MARIA CRISTINA AZCONA, Argentina      Sep 2, 2014


(Thank you, Ms Maria Azcona. Our planned coverage in forthcoming Issues is announced in the link 'Forthcoming' in the homepage. You may always make submission to any of these planned themes or even to our general sections.    - Mg Editor)

Feature on Lullabies


How about an issue dedicated to children containing Lullabies (in different languages may be) sung by mothers to put their children to sleep, small songs sung by children while playing different games, few fables and tales to keep them wide eyed and awe stricken?

Today we are forgetting all these simple lullabies and simple games with the advent of TV, iPod,XBox etc.

With best wishes to all members of Muse India Team,

G N BHASKAR, Wg Cdr (Retd.) Secunderabad        Sep 2, 2014


(Thanks Wg Cdr Bhaskar, we'll certainly consider your good suggestion.   - Mg Editor

A new adventure!


Thanks a ton for new adventure of issue on rivers ! I always enjoy the taste of literature through Muse India. With warm regards,


Harish Mangalam, Ahmedabad     Sep 2, 2014  

Riverine Bengal


Browsed through the new issue (Sep-Oct 2014) which looks great. By the way, we had made a film (with well-known film director Goutam Ghose as anchor) on 'The Riverine Bengal' in two parts, when I was at CIIL. The special focus reminds me of that effort. Regards,


Udaya Narayana Singh, Professor, Rabindra Bhavana, Visva-Bharati     Sep 2, 2014

Ambika Ananth's review
This is to convey my sincere gratitude to Ambika Ananth for such an insightful review of my book A Pinch of Sun & other poems that has appeared in the Sep issue of Muse India. Very well observed, well articulated and well balanced. 

Dilip Mohapatra, Pune    Sep 2, 2014

A mirror on Gujarati Prose

Muse India's July-August issue with special section on Gujrati prose edited by Dr Dileep Jhaveri is a mirror on Gujarati prose with creative wealth. Dr Jhaveri's article provides a historical perspective, Kamal Vora's write-up on contribution of Gadyaparva to new breakthroughs in recent decades and sections from Ajay Sarvaiya's novel show how experimental and enterprising Gujarati prose is. Max Bali's article on a genius as Suresh Joshi pays tribute to the epoch making literary personality. I bow to the contribution and memory of the master prose writer. Dr Rupalee Burke's article takes the readers to the literature of and on Adivasis. l congratulate Dr Jhaveri for conceiving  and editing the special section with a vision. With warm regards,

Kanji Patel, Lunawada, Gujarat    Jul 21, 2014

Thought provoking article on Alternative Literary Canon


Muse India's latest issue is a delight in itself. The various corners it provides for readers make it seem a pilgrimage through literature. Surely the journal provides a suitable plank for creative and critical writers. It is a veritable platform for literature enthusiasts and connoisseurs.


The current issue carries a very thought provoking article by Sahdev Luhar. He has very objectively analysed a quite contentious issue of "canonicity". The tenets enumerated are very convincing. As the problem has been analysed under the current of post-colonialism it would surely do us good to establish our own canons depicting our own premises and priorities. Just that the language in its letter and script only remains the same we need not fix our literary movements around western critical precepts. We have our own preferences and priorities, our own preferences and paradoxes. To much extent we have embarked on creating our own canon in English. Sahdev deserves accolades for taking up such a relevant and much desired issue for discussion.


The entire team of Muse India is hereby congratulated for such a wonderful issue.


Naqui Ahmad John, Bhagalpur     Jul 13, 2014

Impressive coverage of Gujarati Prose


I went through the whole special section on Gujarati Prose (Jul-Aug 2014), and I am impressed by the editing acumen of Dileepbhai. One could have just lost in selecting material for the issue, one could have ended up collecting irrelevant material, one could have been biased in selection, but Dileepbhai has pulled it off by creating a design. He has picked up a pattern. 


He has brilliantly selected a particular trajectory, a particular stream, a tributary, from Suresh Joshi to Bharat Naik, from Suresh Joshi to Ganesh Devy. Naik (creative literature) and Devy (marginal languages) are two sides of the same coin, the coin being language. Only Dileepbhai could flip this coin, not as a good umpire but as a fine numismatist.


Bringing Kanji and Kamal on board together, two remarkable and exceptional talents, is a feat. Their works are of international standard.


Even the articles are good, Dileepbhai's and Rupalee's, they provide broad surveys which deal with a wide spectrum rather than a specific colour.


Hope to see some more of Dileepbhai's brilliance in future on Museindia.


My heartfelt congratulations. Warm regards.

Ajay Sarvaiya, Vadodara      Jul 11, 2014
Thanks for a nice issue to go through during the summer days.All sections carry refreshingly rewarding information.Congratulations to Jaydeep Sarangi on editing section on 'Refugee Literature.' Eternal quest to augment and disseminate information spanning the earth and the sky, across the continents makes this dedicated writer collect and share info with friends.Kudos to Sri Lata among others for offering inspiring reading material.May Muse India scale greater heights in the days to come.Regards.

T.S.Chandra Mouli, Hyderabad,
Literature must expose injustices
Congratulations to all concerned on a brilliant issue of Muse India. It is encouraging to see quality journals such as Muse India publishing controversial, powerful and important writing. If literature is to have any value at all it is to expose injustices, bring about change and help right the obscene wrongs of the world. This issue does just this. Congratulations to Jaydeep Sarangi for his tireless work in "giving a voice to the marginalised" both in his teaching, own publications and editing this edition of Muse India.
Rob Harle, Nimbin, Australia      May 9, 2014 

Fascinating insight you refugee plight


Congratulations on the Issue. It was fascinating to read the insight of refugees and the dedicated efforts of Dr. Jaydeep Sarangi to bring to light the core of it.


Our Sindhi language (Arabic) is also dwindling as we have no grant, so the only way to take forth is translation of Sindhi literature into Hindi and vice versa ... I wish some stories to be translated in English. If there is a way please let me know.


Devi Nangrani, Mumbai      May 7, 2014


(Dear Ms Nangrani, thanks for your kind words. We have carried special features on Sindhi literature (Sep-Oct 2011) as well as Siraiki literature across India and Pak (Jul-Aug 2011). Both these can be accessed from the link ‘Archive’ on the homepage. As for translations of Sindhi short stories, English renderings can be sent for our consideration.    – Managing Editor)

A feast

What a feast this issue of Muse India is! The focus on refugee literature, put together by Dr. Jaydeep Sarangi is poignant and moves one to tears. The Focus on Poetry edited by Dr. K Srilata is pure delight. 

It is a great honour for me to be part of this issue and I thank you for the wonderful opportunity.

Shobhana Kumar, Coimbatore     May 7, 2014

Comprehensive review of Rajeevan’s novel


I very much liked the comprehensive sweep of GSP Rao's review of Rajeevan's novel Undying Echoes of Silence in the latest Muse India. In the process of reviewing his work, the reviewer has also given the reader a clear outline of the story, and in addition, the socio-political climate of those times in the 50s.

The same feudal paradigms that brutalize women and society as a whole, is to be seen even now in the northern belt. The same `lording it over' attitude of arrogance without impunity by people in power.

The review underscores how the police was hand-in-glove with the ones in power. What is very interesting is the way details are given about the background of the novel, how it got written both in English and in Malayalam, and was made into an acclaimed movie. They spice up the review and give glimpses of how the author wrote the book. May there be many more such reviews!

Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi    May 6, 2014

Wonderful and insightful poems


Really wonderful poems full of insights and some of the best qualities poems have got to offer the world of literature and humankind. A very good editorial, which could be used for poetry classes, Srilata. Best wishes from Germany.


Frank Joussen     May 2, 2014

Lovely Issue


Really honoured to be in such good company. Thank you so much Srilata. Well done on a lovely issue. Hugs.


Fióna Bolger    May 2, 2014

Nice editorial


Dear Srilata, I have just read the editorial, which has been put together beautifully. Thank you for this.


Menka Shivdasani, Mumbai     May 2, 2014

Fine Editorial

Congratulations dear Srilata! Great job! All the poems are nice, and your Editorial is wonderful. I congratulate all the poets featured in this special issue of Muse India.

Dr Nandini Sahu, New Delhi     May 2, 2014

Feature on 'Poems on Poetry'


Dear Srilata, Congratulations on your interesting special feature on ‘Poems on Poetry’. And thanks a lot for making some of us a part of this feature. Your editorial remark gives a point to ponder about. Yes, like you rightly say, "there are more poems on poetry than novels on fiction".


Lakshmi Kannan, New Delhi    May 2, 2014

Why not Literary Awards at HLF?
Dear Surya, It was nice to re-establish contact with you after 44 years. I browsed through many issues of your magazine Muse India and read many of the articles. I am impressed with your efforts to promote literary awareness and excellence. It is remarkable that the Hyderabad Literary Festival has blossomed into a premier event of its kind in India in only a few years. Congratulations!

I have a few comments. I noted that although the HLF provided support, encouragement and exposure to the literary community, it did not recognize the best of them with prizes. This is something you should consider in future years. I am thinking in terms of Canada's Giller Prize or the UK's Man Booker Prize for literature. These organizations hold a gala night every year where they give out their prestigious and lucrative awards to the winners from short lists of writers. Surely there must be a few big corporations, banks, foundations or individual philanthropist in India who would be willing to sponsor the awards as part of their community outreach. The Giller Prize, for instance, is co-sponsored by a Canadian bank and a private foundation. Muse India will need to do some canvassing.

This year was a landmark for literature in Canada as short-story writer Alice Munro won the Nobel Prize for literature. She has been called Canada's Chekhov after the Russian short-story master. Canadians were delighted with her achievement.

I am sure there are many uncut diamonds in India waiting to be polished to shine on the world stage. Best wishes to them all ......and to Muse India.

Mir Murtuza Ali, Mississauga, Canada   Mar 27, 2014
(Dear Murtuza, it is so wonderful re-establishing contact after decades, though we did exchange a couple of mails some years ago. Thanks for your kind words about Muse India and HLF. Muse India has introduced literary awards which were given during HLF2012 and HLF2013. Only this year we could not give them. I will write separately to you on this.       - GSP Rao)

Nirbhaya – A touching poem

The poem 'Nirbhaya' by Shanta Acharya touched my heart. No words to express how it touched me. Surely the poem should be reigning on many human hearts. Regards.

Ipsita Sarangi, Cuttack     Mar 21, 2014 

Congratulations on lively, diverse HLF

Dear Surya, very good to read about the HLF events in the latest issue of Muse India, and also on Facebook. By all accounts, it was a lively, diverse event. Wonderful to read about Mahesh Dattani's presence. I was fortunate to see his play- ‘Dance like a Man’, enacted by Lilette Dubey in Washington recently.

Once again, congratulations to you and the Muse India team for the HLF success. Warm regards,

Rama Shivakumar, Bethesda, Maryland, USA,

Focus on Adivi Bapiraju (Nov-Dec 2013)


My sincere appreciation to Atreya Sarma Uppaluri for his stupendous effort in showcasing the life and literary works of a little known, but hugely talented genius like Adivi Bapiraju in the Nov-Dec 2013 issue.  Atreya’s editorial and write-ups on Bapiraju’s life and his novel, I feel, was very well researched and written. His interviews were also good. Bapiraju’s article reminiscing ohis teacher-friend was interesting. By making this man known to the non-Telugu world, Muse India and Atreya Sarma have done a great service. Congratulations. 


GV Subba Rao, Puttaparthi         Jan 20, 2014

Last dates for submissions are not given for forthcoming issues. Please provide.

Dr SD Sasi Kiran, Vignan University, Vadlamudi   16 Dec 2013
(Last date for submissions for the New Year Issue is over. It was Nov 30th. For the later issues, we'll notify along with the announcement.    - Managing Editor)

Minu Mehta's article on Amartya Sen


Dear Mr. Rao,


I made a first reading of your excellent 51st issue of Muse India (Sep-Oct 2013), which, as usual, is a delight to go through and will be read through a few more times by me. I found the Minu Mehta article on Amartya Sen as a writer of a genre of non-fiction, very interesting.

Mehta is deferentially polite throughout her article to this celebrated writer on social and economic subjects. She uses the last three paragraphs to illustrate how it is necessary for Sen to defend himself from his critics who see him as a disguised, anti-market leftist. She says "Sen's research and advocacy is for the upliftment of the poor and not for the perpetuation of poverty as he is presented to be. Perhaps Sen could win over some critics by taking a position on the periodicity of state sponsorship and saying that once people have been given access to basic education and healthcare, they have to take exposure to the markets and that affirmative action is to provide a level playing ground and once the players reach this level of maturity, the actual rules of the game have to be followed. The experience of caste-based reservations in India and other policies in the name of affirmative action has divided the economic and political space into bitter camps and Sen tends to be judged harshly for not coming out strongly for or against a given persuasion.''


Like several others, I too have felt that Sen should be more forthright in defining his recommendations and therefore I like even this subtle, polite statement from Mehta that Sen should speak up and criticize strongly the specific agencies that have landed the poor of India permanently in their vote banks. I should perhaps add that the key sentence in Mehta's article is the very last one where she recommends that Sen should write another book on the subject of poverty and its amelioration.

Warm regards.

Partha Desikan, Chennai    Sep 14, 2013

Dear Editor, Thanks for the new issue which, as always, is very fresh and exciting.


Sajal Dey, Viswa-Bharati, Santiniketan      Sep 12, 2013

Thanks a lot for publishing my poems in the Sept-Oct issue of Muse India. I am delighted!! You are doing good work. Every issue of Muse India is a real treat. Please keep up the good work.


Dr.Nandini Sahu, New Delhi     Sep 7, 2013

Jayanta Mahapatra


Dear Surya, I am delighted to see that Jayanta Mahapatra is featured in your issue and that he looks well. I was a little worried about his health. I have not met Jayanta for many years but he stayed at my home several years ago, when we were returning from a conference and I have never met anyone else who carries his fame and talent so lightly.


Thank you for making me part of the Muse India family. Warm regards


Menka Shivdasani, Mumbai     Sep 7, 2013

Embellishment in Editorial


shore temple ...

the swollen river rises

to reach the Lord’s feet


Brilliant haiku, Surya. I'm so happy you've started to use haiku to embellish your editorial. Simply elated!


The whole issue is, as usual, brought together in your meticulous way.  More power to Muse India!


Kala Ramesh, Pune      Sep 6, 2013

Muse India remains rich and interesting


Dear Rao, Thanks for your email and journal! As usual, Muse India remains quite rich and interesting.


Last year, I organized an MA program in Woman Literature written in English. My postgrads will read different articles of your journal and I will ask them after their vivas to write an article.


Fewzia Bedjaoui, Sidi Bel Abbes University, Algeria     Sep 6, 2013


(Dear Dr Bedjaoui, please do share any articles your students may write on the coverage in Muse India. We will publish them suitably.    - GSP Rao)

Dear Surya, Congratulations on yet another fine issue of Muse India. How much energy, time, effort goes into your work!


I look forward to meeting you in October at the haiku meet on 19th and 20th. With best wishes and warm regards,


Angelee Deodhar, Chandigarh    Sep 5, 2013

New Issue – Impressive effort


Congratulations on another fine issue of Muse India. I must say I am deeply impressed by your efforts to bring Literature to the fore. I cannot even begin to fathom the amount of effort, energy, foresight and resources it must take to put together such a wonderful issue. All the best for your next issue.


Paresh Tiwari, Hyderabad    Sep 5, 2013

Interview of Jayanta Mahapatra - a delightful read
Congrats on bringing out another lovely issue of our MI. As usual it takes some time to go through the content and savour bit by bit. That's where the real pleasure lies. Thanks for the excellent interview wherein Jaydeep Sarangi succeeds in bringing out various aspects of Jayanto da's creativity. Info about visits of Jayanto da, the tallest among contemporary Indian poets writing in English, to different countries and his experiences along with other inputs made it a delightful and rewarding read. Jaydeep's question as regards spiritual growth of the poet deserves an in depth study. Thanks for suggesting a new area to work on, Jaydeep! Jayanto da's humility of the highest order endears him to lovers of poetry as always. We join the interviewer in praying for more power to the pen of Jayanto da. Regards.

T S Chandra Mouli, Hyderabad      Sep 5, 2013
Goan Literature - DD Kosambi missed out
Congratulations to Mr Mendonca and other writers who have introduced Goan literature to the world which is not much known outside Goa.
There must have been an article on Dharmanand Kosambi, the first recipient of Sahitya Academy award. Senoy Goainbaba deserved greater space. D.D.Kosambi has done wonderful work in the field of Sanskrit. If some mention had been made it would have added to the prestige of Goa.

KH Prabhu, Kumta, Karnataka     Jul 20, 2013
Brian Mendonca replies-

Muse India did not receive any article on D.D. Kosambi for its issue on Goan literature.  Perhaps because he is more widely regarded in the field of Indology and numismatics. The Goa government hosts the D.D. Kosambi Festival of Ideas every year. This year was the 6th edition. A D.D. Kosambi Chair has also been instituted by the Goa University this year. Given the coverage that his memory already enjoys, and the space restraints, the issue focussed on articles on contemporary Goan literature.

A Catholic presentation of Goan Literature


Dear Brian,


I have read through the new issue and I think it is very good.  You have included a range of items and styles.  Some are brief listings or surveys or personal responses to various works.  They serve the purpose of drawing our attention to the texts and letting us know what the writers/scholars felt about them. Other are in-depth literary analyses of specific texts in the context of, and interaction with, history. Such as Benedito Ferrao's two pieces and of course the one by Olivia Lukes, a detailed analysis of SKIN by Margaret Mascarenhas. It is fitting that the issue contains a poem by Margaret and an interview with her.


I have read some of the pieces twice and need to read others a second time.


What I have read shows that you have done a fine job, sketching and stretching the presentation and meaning of Goan literature in a very catholic way, by which I mean taking in everything that it is possible to take in. The two introductions to the issue set the tone very well and the sketches suggest that there is more than under what the eye sees.


Best wishes.


Peter Nazareth, Professor of English and Advisor to the International Writing Program, The University of Iowa       Jul 11, 2013

(We greatly appreciate your detailed observations, Prof Nazareth.   - Managing Editor)

Dear Sir,


The Museindia site is very overwhelming to all the readers. Definitely it will change the phase of the youth's mindset on Goan literature. Regards,


Melanie David, Goa    Jul 10, 2013

Dear Surya and Atreya,

Muse India has been a phenomenal success. My heartfelt congratulations to you and all the others who are doing an excellent job. With warm wishes,


Dipak Mazumdar, Sweden      Jul 10, 2013

Cultural Pride on Goan Literature


Dear Muse India,


A moment of cheer and cultural pride to see the plethora of articles on our small state of Goa. It shows how beautiful our small state can be and it is also wonderful to see the country glorify this.



Christal Ferrao, Goa     Jul 10, 2013

Phenomenal Journey


Dear Surya, It’s been a phenomenal journey indeed and I can only say how lucky I have been to be part of it. Congratulations to you and all members of the team!


Best wishes for everything ahead...


Amrit Sen, Viswa-Bharati, Santiniketan      Jul 10, 2013

Muse India rendering yeoman service


Dear Mr.G.S.P.Rao,


It is a matter of great pleasure to know that Muse India has released its Golden Jubilee issue this month.


The Literary e-journal has been rendering yeoman service in showcasing Indian writings in English and translations of regional Literatures of India ever since its establishment in 2005 and has been an inspiration to hundreds of young writers across the globe.


The activities of Muse India like organizing Hyderabad Literary Festival annually and instituting Literary Awards to distinguished and outstanding writers are noteworthy.


Our congratulations and best wishes to Muse India.


M N Raju, Chairman, MNR Research Foundation & Publisher imantra, global e-magazine, Hyderabad     Jul 7, 2013

Represents Indian literary heritage
"Muse India" reaches a milestone with this Issue, its 50th! It represents an incredible India and its rich literary heritage.Cheers!
Jaydeep Sarangi, Kolkata     Jul 7, 2013 

Will go down as amazing technological feat


Dear Surya,


This is undoubtedly great and commendable work! All would agree that your unparalleled vision & initiative has penetrated deep into the very fabric of Indian creative and scholarly Writings. Muse India is an enterprise that will go down in Indian literary history as an amazing technological feat for the widest possible dissemination of our art and culture in this globalized world of today. Your reach goes over and beyond every possible horizon & I sincerely wish that you continue with this great work of providing an infinite platform to all aspiring and established (or not so established) Writers/ Poets/ Academics  in the all-inclusive & non-partisan way that you have always done.


A word about Brian Mendonca -- recently met him in a gathering of Poets at a National Seminar in the Central University of Tamilnadu. Kudos to Brian --he is doing great work !!


Prof. Laksmisree Banerjee, Jamshedpur     Jul 7, 2013


(This is high praise indeed, Prof Laksmisree Banerjee, and we are touched by your words. Thanks.    - GSP Rao)

Awesome achievement 

On behalf of our Association, may I extend our warm congratulations to Surya Rao! 

It is a truly awesome achievement, the kind one may not have thought possible before Muse India went and did it. These 50 open- access online issues of Muse India are a major archive and resource of contemporary Indian literature in English/translation.

With our best wishes for the continuing success of the journal,

Prof Harish Trivedi, President, Indian Chapter of Association for Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies, Delhi     Jul 6, 2013  

(Thank you, Prof Trivedi for your generous words. The major archive of contemporary Indian literature that you mention has been possible due to the serious work of many of our contributing and guest editors from across entire India. We are indebted to them.      - GSP Rao)

My heartiest congratulations to Muse India on turning 50! It's been around 3.5 years now since I got associated with this journal, and my heartfelt thanks to Muse India for providing such an enriching platform to new and seasoned poets alike. Warm regards,

Preeta Chandran, New Delhi      Jul 6, 2013
Promoting literary and cultural integration of India
Congratulations !

The Golden Jubilee  Issue of Muse India is indeed an intellectual  feast. The section on Goa is a beautiful tapestry of  literature, architecture, landscape and social mores. Your team deserves to be complimented for bringing out this memorable issue. It is also commendable that you are promoting and strengthening literary and cultural integration in the country through special issues of Muse India. Hats off to your team. Best regards.

Ashok Patwari, Brookfield, Wisconsin      Jul 5, 2013 

Dear Surya, thanks very much indeed for your mail announcing the latest and the Golden Jubilee Issue of Muse India. And my hearty congratulations for the sustained way this wonderful web magazine has been reaching us. I know it is powered by your sheer conviction and that is what makes all the difference!

I greatly look forward to reading this issue. I shall then get to know of the vibrant culture that lives in Goa.

Yes, Uttarakhand has been the biggest tragedy in recent times. I hope such a thing never happens again. Warm regards,

Lakshmi Kannan, Delhi    Jul 5, 2013
Thank you for the mail and hearty congratulations on the Golden Jubilee! It has been a pleasure to be connected to Muse India.

Jaba Patel, Africa      Jul 4, 2013 
Hearty congratulations, Surya. Muse India is a wonderful contribution to the Indian literary scene. Look forward to the Diamond Jubilee! Warm wishes,

Deepa Agarwal, Delhi     Jul 5, 2013
Nothing succeeds like hard work
Dear Mr Rao,

Cogratulations on the occasion of launching the Golden Jubilee Issue.

You have with concerted effort shown the world that nothing succeeds like hard work. Your tenacity in bringing out 50 issues needs to be appreciated, and I wish this virus bug bites many more.

On an occasion like this, it is always nice to plan a new venture. Your online journal has reached out to many and brought home literature from different parts of the country, nay world.  It is time some of these are also printed in the form of anthologies for the pleasure of reading a hard copy of the book should not be lost, if anything, this dying art also needs to be protected from becoming extinct. 

Secondly, certain collection of short stories hitherto published and unpublished may be brought out in a phased manner. Some additions can also be solicited from less known writers and a platform created for them. I am sure these suggestions are in the right place. I send you my best wishes.

Prof S. Mohanraj, EFLU, Hyderabad   Jul 5, 2013
(Thank you for your kind words, Prof Mohanraj. We'll consider your suggestions. We already carry works of many young and less-known writers.    - GSP Rao)
Congratulations for the 50th issue of MI. How fast Time is flying! It's nice to know Brian has edited the Goan Literature section. He's a good friend though after leaving MP we are not in touch. Best regards,
Manu Dash, Bhubaneswar    Jul 5, 2013
Dear Mr. Rao, wonderful to see the way Muse India has now made a mark both in India and abroad. Congratulations! I feel proud to be a part of the Muse India family. Warm regards,

Dr Priyadarshi Patnaik, Kharagpur    Jul 5, 2013

Heartiest Congratulations :)


Semeen Ali, Delhi   Jul 4, 2013

A truly remarkable achievement! Hearty congratulations.


Usha Rajagopalan, Chennai ,    Jul 4, 2013

Dear Mr. Rao, Congratulation on the achievement of bringing out Golden Jubilee issue of Muse India! I was also eager to see the issue and was opening Muse India site daily from 1st July. Hope it would achieve many more milestones. Regards and Best wishes


S K Banerjee, Trivandrum     Jul 5, 2013
(Release of this Issue was slightly delayed. Nice to know that you were eagerly looking forward to it. Thanks.    - GSP Rao)

Dear Surya-da, Namaste from Kolkata. Many congratulations! I will take my time to enjoy the Issue. Best wishes,


Nileen putatunda, Kolkata    Jul 5, 2013

Wishes from Allahabad :) That's wonderful ... I'm very happy. You people are doing great job.  

Qudsi Rizvi, Allahabad    Jul 5, 2013

Keep up the good work. Best wishes,


Lipipuspa Nayak, Bhubaneswar    Jul 5, 2013 

Congratulations and hats off for maintaining quality publication.


Dr. Vishwanath Bite, Editor-In-Chief, The Criterion, Kolhapur,    Jul 5, 2013

My hearty wishes to you and your team members for this wonderful moment!


Narendra Raghunath, Ahmedabad   Jul 5, 2013 

Many many congratulations, Surya. 

Hemant Divate, Mumbai    Jul 5, 2013

Golden Jubilee Issue - Congratulatory Message


Congratulation to the Muse India team on the Golden Jubilee issue! I have had a very pleasant and rewarding association with the journal. I wish you more power and success.  Warm regards,


Shefali Tripathi Mehta, Bangalore     Jul 4, 2013

As an e journal MUSE INDIA is a platform of its own kind. The precise format never devoid of the literary charms has got an endearing futuristic trait one has to observe.

M.D Dinesh Nair, Vijayawada    Jun 14, 2013
From Satan dancing with innocence, fate raining poison from the sky, two pyres; the great leveller, money plant and a searing bomb blast, to past reminiscences of places left behind and a nail polish defining life cheap or expensive - a fine fare thanks to my fellow writers, Sharmaji and Muse India. Best Wishes, Madan.

Engrossing and enriching


The Issue is indeed engrossing and enriching. I feel great to have been included in there with such in-depth and scholarly articles / reviews.


Bhakti  Vaishnav, Ahmedabad    May 14, 2013

Gijubhai Badheka’s story

Hi Muse India! I chanced upon your website while browsing for Gujarati folktales! As a storyteller, I am always looking for stories, especially Indian folktales. I was very happy to read the story of “Dala Tarawadi” by Shri Gijubhai Badheka in the article ‘Gijubhai and his Tales’ by Mamata Pandya ( Issue 49: May-June 2013). As I am passionate about spreading the magic of stories among people, I have shared this lovely tale on my FB page


I shall keep visiting your site for many inputs as I think I can learn much from it. Thank you for maintaining this site and helping me, and perhaps many others too!


Asha Sampath     May 7, 2013

(Dear Ms Asha Sampath, we are happy you found something of your interest in Muse India. We do hope the coverage in our Issues – both past and future – will be to your liking.      – Managing Ed.)

A lush feature on Kerala poetry

I perused through the latest Issue very quickly! I loved the section edited by Anupama Raju - it is very lush! I will give you some more feedback, once I have read through the entire Issue.

Rama Shivakumar, Bethesda, Maryland    May 6, 2013

Thanks for another excellent Issue of which I am quite proud to be part of. Best wishes always.

Dr Amrit Sen, Santiniketan      May 4, 2013

Breathtaking Images

I follow Muse India regularly. While the literature you are publishing is very interesting and captivating, most of the photos that go with each publication are breathtaking as well! Best regards,

Mamatha Kodidela, Middletown, Connecticut      May 3, 2013

Congratulations Surya for yet another splendid edition of Muse India. Well done!!

Sachidananda Mohanty, Hyderabad     May 3, 2013

Another wonderful Issue, congratulations!

Uddipana Goswami, Guwahati     May 2, 2013

I am enjoying my way through the 'life-writings'. An interesting issue, overall.

Ahana Lakshmi, Chennai     May 2, 2013

The Issue looks great, as always!

Prof Udaya Narayana Singh, Santiniketan     May 2, 2013

Another Fine Issue 

Another fine issue!

Prof K Satcidanandan, New Delhi     May 2, 2013

Godsent for those who weren't at HLF


Thank you for the March-April Issue of Muse India. You and your team put your life and soul into it and so many days of work. For those of us who did not attend, this is a Godsend.


Sivakami Velliangiri, Chennai  

I certainly enjoyed the HLF and I hope it will continue for years to come. With best wishes for the continued growth and success of Muse India.

Dipika Mukherjee, Chicago     

I am very thankful to you and others in Muse India for the kind and spirited efforts to pull up literature in the country. I would certainly wish to be a part of the Muse India and should like to contribute. Thanks a lot for the publication and a beautiful coverage of the HLF. Best Wishes,


Mamta Anand. Jabalpur   

I have seen the latest issue of Muse India and as usual, it has so much good writing to read.

Abha Iyengar, Mumbai    

Thank you for the beautiful issue of Muse India.

Ranu Uniyal, Lucknow     

Thanks for as wonderful half day of excitement at HLF-2013 I had. I have my regrets for not being able to absorb the three day experience in full because of my other commitments. What struck me about the brief stay was the quality of writers you had made available for interaction and the easy accessibility to them.


Dr Sreelatha Chakravarty, Kochi     Mar 5, 2013

Coverage on Hyderabad Lit Fest

What a fine fare!

K Satchidanandan, Delhi     Mar 3, 2013

A rich Palette


I hope this Issue will be widely read. I began reading some of the poems, and there is a very rich palette here. Congratulations to you, Usha.


Karthika Nair     Mar 2, 2013

Lovely feature


Usha, It's a lovely feature. The illustrations are awesome. Great editing, too.


Sutapa Chaudhuri, Howrah     Mar 2, 2013

Superb presentation

Usha, a great compilation of excellent poems, essays and articles. Well done, and congratulation for a superb presentation.

Dr Soumyen Maitra, UK     Mar 2, 2013

Poetising Indian Heritage – thoughtfully selected Visuals

Congratulations, Usha! A quick note to say I like what I've seen so far a great deal. The visuals are thoughtfully selected, and I particularly liked your translation of Kalidasa.

Arundhathi Subramaniam, Mumbai     Mar 1, 2013

It's the first instance I've been to Muse India e-journal. I found some of it worth reading. The story by Hema Raman, 'A good father is hard to find' was really good. The poem 'The son who I do not own' by Sachin.R was touching. His other poem 'The Artificial Me' reminds us of the artificiality surrounding our lives. But I wasn't much impressed by his 'Where do I belong'. Sachin sure has an imaginative mind. I sure would like to read all of the e journal.
Sunil Kumar.K.P, Malappuram      Jan 26, 2013
Congratulations for publishing the beautiful poem by Sri.R.Sachin.

K.Anandan Nair, Calicut      Jan 24, 2013

Excellent Issue on Indian English Poetry


May I congratulate you and your team for an excellent issue on Indian English poetry! I particularly enjoyed reading Eunice de Souza, Meena Kandasamy, and Gieve Patel's work. (Mr. Patel is also a distant uncle, so it gives me great joy to have been featured on the same platform as him.) The coverage of the marginalized literature of the North-East made for interesting and informative reading as well.


I believe I speak for other readers when I say we're keen to learn how the Hyderabad Literary Festival went. I look forward to reading about it in the next issue! Best wishes for a wonderful year of poetry and prose,

Dilnavaz Bamboat, Mumbai   Jan 22, 2013

Kudos to Dr Jaydeep Sarangi for his exemplary endeavour in providing the much needed information about creative work going on in North Eastern part of our country.
T.S.Chandra Mouli, Hyderabad     Jan 23, 2013
As a reader, it kills me to see that Muse India is limiting its reach by not adopting new technology. Nothing much, just add a facebook & twitter share button to your articles ... and see the change.

A concerned man

My earnest thanks for considering my poems to be featured in poetry section of Nov-Dec 2012 Issue. The feature of contemporary women's writing like 'Gauri Deshpande's Deliverance,' 'Contemporary Women poetry of North-East,' and Mahasweta's 'Aranyer Adhikar' opened up new avenues to the changing facets of literature. Thanks to Museindia.

E.Vishnupriya,Bangalore        Jan 1, 2013

Window to Dalit Literature opened up 

Muse India, the literary ejournal has facilitated us, the we-people, to make our literary activities available to a global readership in a twinkling of an eye, which is, undoubtedly, an outcome of our natioal liberalisation and globalisation policy. The Nov-Dec 2012 issue of this journal, edited by Dr. Jaydeep Sarangi has opened the windows of Bengali Dalit Literature, which had of course remained in confinement for a long time due to some non-liberation inflicted on it, and is now available to readers at home and abroad. As a Dalit writer and activist of Bengal for last three decades, I convey my gratitude to editorial board as well as the editor of this issue, who has taken lot of pains to cover most of the genres of the Dalit Literature such as poetry, short story, criticism, interview, essay etc. All these genres are telling the tale of the untold, and are trying to venture into a new path, against the commodified consumerist literature and culture. It is my personal feeling and belief, in the changing world of the coming days, literature shall change its facet and depict the socio-demography for all the students of literature to know it. They shall go above consumerism.

Manohar Mouli Biswas, Kolkata     Feb 16, 2012      

Muse India - a virtual library


It is always a pleasure to read Muse India; it is part of my virtual library. I consider each Issue of the journal extremely helpful both in terms of information provided and contemporary vibe that all essays, poetry, critical articles and material published have. It is evident that the quality of writing and newness of subject matter complement each other. I thank all contributors and Muse India team for the endeavor of keeping the arts on the wave in this troubled world.


Ramona L Ceciu, Kolkata      Dec 4, 2012 

Kudos to Team Muse India

Dear Ambika Ananth, Thank you very much for your heartwarming email a few weeks ago and for considering my work to be featured among contemporary women writers in India. I am both humbled and deeply grateful. 


I have taken considerable time in writing back to you because an earlier response would not have done justice to the arduous efforts you and your team have put together. The focus on marginalised literature from Eastern India is touching and packed with raw emotions. The story of Byapari was particularly moving and  the discussion with Basudev Sunani, very enlightening. I do hope the focus of Muse India will remain on marginalised writing for many issues to come. 


The feature on contemporary women's writing edited by you, is varied and  a delight to read. I loved the poetry of Dilnavaz Bamboat and Meenakshi Chawla. Charanjeet Kaur's review of 'December Poems'  by Ranu Uniyal gives beautiful glimpses into the work of the poet. The article on Mahasweta Devi's Aranyer Adhikar is an eye opener in many ways. 


As a reader, I am yet to do justice to the current issue of Muse India. But I must say this: kudos to the team. Thank you.


Shobhana Kumar, Coimbatore     Nov 29, 2012

Struggle of Byapari an eye opener
Muse India is one of the remarkable ezines of India, no doubt. The current Issue may be said to be a special Issue with two very attractive features: Women Writing in India and Dalit Literature of Eastern India. These have been ably handled by the editors besides other regular features of the journal. Though Dalit issue has been politicised to a good extent and it has some complexities, life of persons like Monoranjan Byapari, as we learn through the book review by Dr. Jaydeep Sarangi, is an eye opener as to how such people  struggle to live. And their issue in modern India still  shows deep anguish and deterence towards egalitarian progress. In this context I feel that the problem of the adivasis or aboriginals is much more acute and pathetic. They deserve all out support from all progressive people.
Aju Mukhopadhyay, Pondicherry     Nov 16, 2012

Women’s Special has range and excellence


The Nov-Dec issue of Muse India is a collector's edition. This Women's Special has been obviously put together with great love. The illustrations with the poems, the choice of books for review as well as the reviews themselves, the essays - everything has been arranged with an eye for range and excellence. Reading each piece of writing is delving into a pocket book of enriching revelations. 


I especially enjoyed the article on Nabaneeta Dev Sen's analysis of Indian epics, as well as Ambika Ananth's Editorial. I'm deeply touched by her commitment and insightful empathy with women's issues … feminists are plentiful, but to have the sagacity to 'see' the real woman takes another kind of maturity and sensitivity. She seems to have  both. It is inspirational! The poems are of so many different kinds... uniquely rich and individual voices. I'm truly privileged to have my poems included in such a beautiful edition of the Muse India. My very best wishes to you and the Muse India team for a prosperous and peace-filled Diwali!

Meenakshi Jauhari Chawla, Gurgaon     Nov 12, 2012


(Thank you for your warm words of appreciation. Happy Diwali to you too!     - Managing Editor)

Enriching Experience


It was an extremely enriching experience to go through Muse India (Volume 46, Nov-Dec 2012 Issue). It is an impressive collection of Eastern Indian Marginal / Dalit literary works in English - providing a privileged exposure to the apparently familiar Indian social system from a marginal perspective - an exposure that often shockingly de-familiaries the familiar. It definitely makes my understanding of the variously stratified Indian reality a little more comprehensive.


Hope this issue will inspire new course of research and awareness. I congratulate team Muse India! Thank you for the enterprise.


Angana Dutta, Asst Professor of Sociology, Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College, Kolkata    Nov 10, 2012

Significant contribution towards Bengali Dalit Literature

I appreciate the release of a special issue of ‘Muse India’ on Bengali Dalit Literature, which is still in its infancy, inspite of the affluence of the mainstream traditional Bengali Literature. I expect that the effort of ‘Muse India’ will be instrumental in moving Bengali Dalit Literature towards maturity. The edition carries not only the poems and critical articles by researchers, but also a book-review and interviews of leading Dalit litterateurs, Monohar Mouli Biswas, Manoranjan Byapari, Smritikana Howlader, Kalyani Thakur Charal etc., which have increased its attraction and importance to research scholars. The distinguished bilingual poet-academic, Dr. Jaydeep Sarangi deserves appreciation not only for his matured editing of the issue, but also for his passion towards Dalit Literature, inspite of being a member of the upper class society. Besides editing, Dr. Sarangi himself has enormously contributed in taking interviews of the litterateurs and reviewing book of a noted writer, which prove his noble endeavour in promoting Bengali Dalit Literature. I enjoyed reading the issue very much.

Soumitra Chakraborty, Assistant Professor of English, Dept. of Humanities, Mallabhum Institute of Technology, Bishnupur, Bankura, WB    Nov 12, 2012

Scholary section on dalit writing


Just saw the latest Muse India---one of the finest webzines in the ever expanding cyber world. Every issue is a collector's item. You folks are doing a real commendable job---transmitting voices new and old across the vast cyberspace for voracious readers wanting to explore new realities and new realms of thought and experience.


The current spread is equally delectable! I found the section on Dalit Writing from Eastern India very scholarly and illuminating. Guest-edited by Jaydeep Sarangi - another reassuring renaissance figure of post-90s India in terms of his width of interests, humanistic concerns and liberalism, in a narrow commodified consumerist culture - it re-focuses on the debate on the painful Dalit experience and its bitter articulation in poetry and fiction. The brief historical perspective coupled with some bold poems leave a haunting effect. The spectral presence of earlier practices are boldly confronted and the rationale of their continuance in free India interrogated. Good pieces of resistance writing!


My congrats to you, Sarangi, and the rest for making it a special document for coming years! They are essential for disturbing our common self-complacency and smugness.


Sunil Sharma, Mumbai     

Tremendous coverage of Dalit literature


I read Muse India's latest issue. It was tremendous! I read Sunani's interview, it was an eye opener. I had translated and published some of his poems in Videha e journal. I want to send some Dalit writing translated into English to you, am I late? 


Gajendra Thakur, Editor, Videha     Nov 10, 2012

Dear Jaydeep, I just saw Muse India. Exciting and inspiring as well! Thank you so much for the opening you have given to me! Carry on. God is with your ventures!


Jayjit Ghosh, Vidyasagar University    Nov 9, 2012

Great service!


Congrats dear friend, Jaydeep! Fine editorial! You are doing great service to uplift the literature of the downtrodden.


K V Dominic, Secretary, GIEWEC    Nov 9, 2012

Important Advocacy


Congratulations, Jaydeep, on such an important advocacy work!

Merlinda Bobis, University of Wollongong, Australia   Nov 9, 2012

Dalit Literature

Jaydeep, Congratulations! Dalit literature has to be voiced!

Dora Sales Salvador, Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, Spain    Nov 9, 2012


Wonderful Issue on Women's Writing


Another great edition (as usual) from Muse India! Ambika Anant’s comprehensive analysis of “CONTEMPORARY WOMEN’S WRITING IN INDIA – Abloom and Fragrant!” made for very interesting reading. Her quote from C. S. Lakshmi, “many women writers still face censorship from the male editors, there are different kinds of censorship - self censorship, market censorship and time censorship, which prevent women from experimenting with various forms of writing” is so true ….


I’ve always been a fan of Chudamani Raghavan’s short stories that I’ve read in various Tamil magazines. In fact, my sister Vijayalakshmi Sunderarajan (former Station Director, AIR, Chennai), has translated and published quite a few of Chudamani’s short stories in Hindi. Much enjoyed N.S. Vishnupriya’s comprehensive write up on Chudamani Raghavan’s “Kathaigal”.


Inclusion of Vaasanti, a great contemporary woman Tamil writer, would have made Chandra N’s article “Contemporary Tamil Women’s Writing” more complete. Vaasanti is an amazing writer and like Sivasankari, her stories often cover contemporary issues.


All in all, a wonderful issue from Muse India and I still have so much to read…


Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad    Nov 9, 2012

Muse India is doing so well!


Thanks for sending the link to the (new) Issue and for carrying the review of Her Piece of Sky. It's wonderful that Muse India is doing so well. Hopefully, I can send some poems soon. I wanted to contribute an article for this Issue but have been pressed for time.

Deepa Agarwal, New Delhi      Nov 9, 2012

Magisterial Issue


Thank you for your magisterial end-of-the-year issue of Muse India (Issue 46, Nov-Dec 2012) and your special feature on 'Contemporary Women's Writing in India.'


I teach Goan literature here in Goa and I look forward to seeing writing by women writers in Goa included in the discourse of contemporary women's writing in India. Margaret Mascarenhas, Savia Veigas, Belinda Veigas are just some writers - to mention prose - who have done us proud.


Do make the home page less cluttered and if you could increase the point size - nothing like it. All the best for HLF 2013!


Dr. Brian Mendonca, Goa       Nov 9, 2012


(Thanks for your suggestions. There were no submissions touching upon the works of Goan women writers. We will plan a special feature on Goan Literature next year, in which their work could be included. I agree the homepage of Muse India looks crowded. We will declutter it from next Issue. In most computers there is a facility to increase the font size. Please try that.      - Managing Editor)

Congrats to Dr Jaydeep Sarangi on the nice work covered in 'Focus'. Need more time to go through the Issue as always. Cheers.
T.S.Chandra Mouli, Hyderabad     Nov 9, 2012
Fine set of Short Stories
Compliments to Sri Atreya Sarma, for choosing a fine set of short stories. ‘The Bicycle’, ’Adil and Friends’ and ‘Hope’ are touching stories depicting varying emotions. His Editorial Musings, as in some past issues, is very well written. The current issue (Sep-Oct’12), in general is rich in its contents and articles, interspersed with nice photos, drawings and sketches. Congratulatory kudos to lady editors Ambika Ananth & Charanjeet Kaur; messers Surya Prakash, Atreya Sarma & KHPrabhu, and all other talented ‘assisting’ lot, for their continued sustained efforts in maintaining high standards of e-journalism in past 2-3 years, and making ‘Muse India’ a force to reckon with. Please keep it up. Wishing you all very best for 2013 and further years.
G V Subba Rao, Puttaparthi, AP      Oct 13, 2012 
(We greatly appreciate your warm words and good wishes.    - Managing Ed)
Muse India the culrural flag of India!
Muse India has become the favourite destination for reputed critics, serious scholars and authors. It has formed its standard. I feel honoured as I am part of this academically satisfying and canon framing e-journal in English. It bears our cultural flag! I would like to see more issues on Indian regional literatures  in English. India is vibrant and radiant with its true colours! My wishes and support for its different seasons.
Jaydeep Sarangi, Editor, New Fiction Journal, Kharagpur    Sep 25, 2012
(Thanks Dr Sarangi for your warm words. Every Issue of Muse India brings focus on one of the regional literatures of India. Further, in 'Feature' section we are taking up thematic coverage on various aspects of Indian literature, often drawing from regional literatures.     - Managing Editor)

Crisp Editorial

Awesome Issue! Your editorial is as usual crisp & well researched!

C Vijay Kumar, Bangalore    Sep 13, 2012

Kashmiri Sufi culture a binding thread of unity

Congrats on a beautiful collection and the thought to bring peace to strife ridden place. I wish you had mentioned about the great Sufi culture which was a binding thread in Hindu-Muslim unity. Sarmad, the master teacher of Dara Shikoh son of Shahjahan, came to him to learn and also to reach Sanskrit teachers in learning Upanishads,

Prof N K Singh, New Delhi    Sep 13, 2012

(Thanks, Prof Singh for your warm words and drawing attention to the Kashmiri Sufi culture bringing about Hindu-Muslim unity.     - Managing Editor)

Thank you Atreya! The pleasure was completely mine for I got to read some great works. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience which was a great learning process for me. I thank you for giving me the opportunity. My role was so small that I believe it didn't need an acknowledgement here. All the same, I thank you for your generosity and kindness. Warm regards.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad      Sep 13, 2012

Visual and Verbal treat

Even at a glance, the current Issue attracts the reader with its great visual and verbal variety. Yes, I'll read it all. I expect there will at least be one piece on the travails of the dislocated along with the joys and sufferings of the mainstream Kashmiri life.

Neerav Patel, Ahmedabad      Sep 13, 2012

Thank you, Padmaja... while on Fiction!


Friends, Feedback suggests that the mix and selection of short fiction in the current issue (Sep-Oct 2012) has, by and large, come to be appreciated. While I gratefully acknowledge the discerning readers for their feedback, I would like to place on record the ready assistance I received from Padmaja Iyengar in the selection process. I had to seek her support as I was too preoccupied at that time and also because of a large number of stories received. Thank you a ton, Padmaja, for wholeheartedly responding to my SOS.


Atreya Sarma U, Editor (Fiction & Reviews)     

Sep 12, 2012

Gems of stories

Dear Surya and Atreya, The Kashmiri poetry in this issue is very evocative, painting a beautiful picture of a war ravaged region. In the same vein, I also liked the story 'Adil and Friends' by Muzaffar Karim.

The other two stories that I found interesting were 'The Bicycle' by Dash Benhur-reminded me of RK Narayan's works and also 'Believe Me Please' by Dasu Krishnamoorty- which was a bit like Ruskin Bond's stories. Thanks so much for bringing these gems to us. Congratulations on this issue! Look forward to many more.

Rama Shivakumar, Bethesda, MD      Sep 6, 2012

Atreya Sarma's Musings

The Editorial Musings by Shri Atreya Sarma in the current issue (Sept-Oct 2012) of Muse India touched me. He has given a brief sketch on youth. Youth is certainly the most wonderful phase in our lives. Regards,

Biswabandhu Mohapatra, Bhopal     Sep 5, 2012

Amazing Kashmir Carpets


I read with interest the article on Kashmiri carpets in the latest issue of museindia e journal.


As I have lived in Srinager for two years, I had the opportunity to see the craftsmen/women at work. It is indeed fascinating. The carpets are woven in finest  wool and silk. The price goes up depending on the percentage of wool and silk. Some carpets are woven purely in silk, can be displayed as wall hangings. They come in all sizes to suit the budget and one's display area. Some carpets have a mix of both wool and silk. These carpets are in muted tones, one gets a different perspective from  different angles. The motifs are drawn from nature. The price of each carpet depends on number of knots, which are tied with nimble fingers skillfully. I do believe these carpet weavers have high aesthetic sense. It's a lot of hard work, strains the eyes and the spine.


Some carpets look better with wear. Amazing thing is that one never tires of them despite having them at home for decades. One can play with accessories, like cushion covers, drapes, upholstery- picking colors from the carpets to create an effect of harmony. The  main objective  is to make our living spaces aesthetically  inviting, comfortable, easy on the eye- everything that goes to make a home with a soul.


Mamta Agarwal, New Delhi      Sep 2, 2012

Fine Short Stories

Dr. Ketaki Patwardhan Nirkhi's short story 'Lessons of Life' is a wonderful slice of life story. It teaches us to count our blessings and Thank God daily for keeping our lot better than those of the underprivileged. Well done Doc and do keep them coming!

Very touching and poignant short story 'Adil and Friends' by Muzaffar Karim. Using cricket as a metaphor and through the eyes of a young lad, the author has weaved a heart-rending tale of the army excesses in the Kashmir Valley and the making of future militants.

Padmaja Iyengar, Hyderabad       Sep 3, 2012

Kaleidoscopic coverage

I have beening going through the issues of Muse India. It has been displaying a wide kaleidoscope of literature.

The window 'Your Space' has been providing a platform to the young talents. I appreciate the efforts behind MUSE INDIA.

Biswabandhu Mohapatra, Bhopal      Sep 3, 2012

Atreya Sarma's interview with Prof. I.V. Chalapathi Rao
I read with lot of interest the transcript of the interview that Sri Atreya Sarma had with Sri I.V. Chalapathi Rao which appeared in the July-August, 2012  Issue of Muse India. What a fascinating attitude to life and dedication to tasks that Sri Rao undertook! It is due to teachers like Sri Chalapathi Rao that India continues to be the birth place of outstanding minds from ages past to our times.
Many thanks to Sri Atreya Sarma for his insightful queries which have amply brought out several facets of an exemplary life for the benefit of all of us.
Krishnasamy Narayanan, Stafford, Texas      Sep 3, 2012

Not knowing Muse India would be a loss


I would like to thank Muse India for its initiatives in giving unheard voices a stage to be heard. I am a student of literature and missing the space that Muse India provides (to young writers and students) would have been a loss in my academic endeavours.  Regards.


Basharat Bhat, Srinagar, Kashmir       Sep 1, 2012

Eloquent testimony of Kasmiri culture


45th issue of Muse India bears eloquent testimony of Kashmiri culture through photographs and literature. Interestingly, it's a first hand information to me about poet Basant K Rath, who has captured the life of Kashmir, his second home, so beautifully.


Manu Dash, Bhubaneswar       Sep 1, 2012

Nice photograph of Kashmiri child

Congratulations on the new look Muse India (Sep-Oct 2012). The photograph of the Kashmiri child has been used very well.

Prof Udaya Narayana Singh, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan     Sep 1, 2012

A great teacher and educationist

I had heard of Chalapati Rao but did not know that he was a teacher, that too a great teacher belonging to the tradition of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and Rt. Hon’ble Srinivas Sastri till I read this interview. The interview is so good and exhaustive that one feels as if one has read a biography running into hundreds of pages. In a few pages the interviewer has thrown light on the life and achievements of a great teacher and educationist. If this interview is included in the text book of B.Ed. course the future teachers will be greatly benefitted and will become better teachers. He is role model to teachers. Mr Chalapati Rao’s observation – Deshiko Navalakshanaaha is a very important message to the present day teachers. This great teacher is a link between the period of freedom movement and the early post-independence era.  If only  Mr Sarma interviews more and more this kind of noble men and enlightens the readers!

I pray God to grant good health to Mr Chalapati Rao and make him live longer than hundred years. 

KH Prabhu, Kumta, Karnataka      Jul 13, 2012

A Reader’s Delight!


The current issue of Muse India is a reader's delight! Congratulations! Both, Bangla Poetry and representation of Varsha Ritu provide much required literary flavour to savour the season.


Dr H S komalesha, IIT, Kharagpur           Jul 12, 2012

Kala Ramesh’s article Interesting


The latest Issue  is really very well presented and represents poets and writers from all over the country. I found Kala Ramesh's article very interesting. It is very well written.


Mamta Agarwal, New Delhi     Jul 10, 2012

A Careless Omission


What does it mean (about motives or carefulness) that editors of MUSE India devoted a para and a few lines of Jayanta Mahapatra's 1976 book, Rain of Rites, and NOWHERE not in that para or elsewhere in this Rain in Indian poetry issue does his NAME appear?


Jayanta may have grounds for complaint about use/quotation without rights or even identification of poet.


Why does the notion that JM is a Christian keep coming up?  His grandfather converted to get food in a famine time, but later generations never pursued that religion, certainly not JM. He trained to be a physicist, now retired, long time professor of that discipline, which he never qualified to take in religion(s).... except as tropes and situations in his poems that reveal an emotional Relationship, the title of the long poem that in 1980 or 81 won him the first ever Sahitya Akademi award given for Indian poetry in English. Yes, throughout his poetry it is clear that his personages are in and from a Hindu culture.... so why raise the canard about his being Christian?


Altogether a rather lame bunch of essays on this seasonal genre-- compare decent essays on autumn and falling leaves, etc., in English English.  What's the lame excuse this time?


Prof. John O Perry, Seattle, Washington     Jul 4, 2012


(Dear Prof Perry,


This refers to the correspondence we have had on the above.


The editorial policy of Muse India has always been secular. Views expressed by authors on various matters are their own opinion and may not reflect the views of Muse India.


Dr Sasi Kiran, author of the essay you refer to, did inadvertently slip up by not mentioning Jayanta Mahapatra in the concerned passage. This had escaped our attention too. However, she gave a reference to his website among the 'References' at the end of the essay. The attribution to JM has now been made in the passage. She says, as a teacher of IWE, she has always held JM in high esteem as a true Indian voicing India globally. She views him to be above all religious notions. However, the wordings in this particular passage may not have been very appropriate and she apologises to you and other readers who may see religious shades in it. With due respect to her expressed feelings, we have now deleted the reference to JM being a Christian, which anyway has very little to do with the theme 'Rains' of the feature and her essay. We have also included a note of apology at the end of the essay.


We thank you for drawing our attention to this lapse. Such critical feedback will keep us on our toes and help us improve.  With warm regards.     – Managing Editor)

More Chalapati Raos and Atreyas needed!

The interview with the educationist, administrator and humanist Sr I.V.Chalapati Rao in MUSE INDIA’s July–August Issue is a splendid highlight. Many of the utterances of the near nonagenarian are interesting and informative. They are valuable like golden nuggets. Though many know him (I am one among a million), not all know his personal details and the tribulations he had to undergo. Human life is such that there are both and ups and downs. But not many would take tribulations in a safe and joyful stride. Some of the statements recorded are extremely revealing. For example the statement that Andhras do not respect Andhras. Pattabhi is a stalwart, a stupendous visionary – witness his glorious creation of Andhra Bank, our rich bank. Atreya Sarma deserves all praise for his committed work. Only because of Boswell we have the details of Dr Johnson’s memorable qualities and sayings. Only because of Atreya we have known so many things about Sri IVC. We need more distinguished IVCs and more Atreyas.

V.V.B. Rama Rao, NOIDA      Jul 8, 2012

Bangla poetry section
I read 'editorial' and 'why i write' and interview and I want to write much on them. It is so wonderful.  I am yet to read their poems. But later, right now I badly need to have a look at all these young poets. I wonder why you didn't ask for their photos along with their poetry?
Neerav Patel, Ahmedabad       Jul 7, 2012 
(Many of the photos are available in their profiles which can be viewed by clicking on their names at top left of the page.    - Managing Editor)
Thank you Padmaja Iyengar for this interesting fiction story, 'Director's Dilemma'. Looking forward to reading more!
Sowmya  (further details not given)      Jul 7, 2012
Director's Dilemma - an engrossing tale
'Director’s Dilemma,' a short story by Padmaja Iyengar, is very well written without missing the underlying pathos throughout. The language is excellent and it has captured real feelings, particularly the Indian sentiment, flashed every now and then at suitable places. The story holds one’s attention throughout. The dialogues are crisp and convey the perfect meaning. All in all, an exellent piece, articulating writer’s imagination - judiciously mixed with sentiments. Also, this one’s quite contrary to what Padmaja usually writes – limericks and poems - irreverent political satire and every day humor.
My husband too read the story and conveys his appreciation. Keep it up Padmaja nd we look forward to more stories and poems from you in the forthcoming Issues.

Vijayalaxmi Sundararajan, Chennai      Jul 7, 2012 

Varied perspectives on Varsha Ritu
The latest issue of Muse India (No. 44, July-August 2012) is very well brought-out. The varied perspectives on the depiction of the Varsha Ritu in Indian Literature are enjoyable as well as informative. You have done an excellent job in bringing together beautiful inputs on the rains from diverse socio-linguistic cultures and mores of India. The essays in Sanskrit, Bangla, Assamiya, Telugu and English Sections are particluarly interesting. Congratulations and Best Wishes!
Dr. Kanwar Dinesh Singh, Shimla     Jul 6, 2012 
Prof Chalapati Rao's conversation a pleasure
It is indeed a great pleasure to read Prof. I V Chalapati Rao's conversation with Sri U Atreya Sarma in your current edition. Prof. I V Chalapati Rao is a scholar, linguist and above all, a veteran in the field of teaching. Your editor Atreya Sarma deserves to be congratulated on having brought out such a tete a tete with this great man.

"I know Shri Chalapati Rao intimately for quite some time and what I admire in him is his simplicity and humility in spite of his vast erudition and wisdom. His words not only carry meaning for intellect but awaken our dormant spirit." ((Swami Paramarthananda - President Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabd - in his Foreword to the book, 'Culture Capsules - Art of Living' written by Shri I.V.Chalapati Rao in 2002).

Personally, I am also fortunate to have Prof. I.V. Chalapati Rao's foreword to my book Vivid Dreams and Waking Visions which was launched at his benign hands on Apr 17, 2011.

Sri Hari Krishna Mocherla, Hyderabad     Jul 6, 2012

Bangla poetry, a commendable section

The latest issue of Muse India is excellent as expected. The Focus on Contemporary Bangla Poetry was a much anticipated one. The editor, Dr. Angshuman Kar, has done a commendable job in presenting some of the representative voices of contemporary Bangla poetry. However, the editor could have easily included some of his own poems in the section. He is one of the most important poets of Bengal in present times. A few more articles on Bangla Poetry would also have been better.

The Feature on Varsha is also very well edited. It perfectly coincides with the time. Good to see Your Space Prize Winning Poems in the Issue too. A welcome resurrection.

Samrat Laskar, Hooghly     Jul 6, 2012
Excellent as always. Congrats to all the concerned. Regards.

T S Chandra Mouli, Hyderabad     Jul 5, 2012

Elegant edition
Very elegantly brought out edition. Liked the presentation and I congratulate all the editors and others involved in bringing out a beautiful and aesthetic magazine like this.
Dr.Varanasi Ramabrahmam, Pondicherry     Jul 5, 2012

Another wonderful edition


One more wonderful edition to cherish! Congrats on the perfect work and the efforts of the entire team. Best wishes,


Annie George, Kottayam      Jul 4, 2012

Enjoyable trip down memory lane
A beautiful coverage on Varsha Ritu..! This made me rummage thru' my old audio cassettes and fish out my favorite Varsha Geet - a fantastic collection of semi classical and folk songs on rains by artistes like Talat Mahmood, Lakshmi Shanker, Manna De, Lata Mangeshkar, Suman Kalyanpurkar. And then, isn't Varsha Ritu all about yearning like Beeti jaat barkha ritu, sajan nahi aaye...! and trips down memory lane like Nis din barase nain hamaare, sada rahar pavas ritu inme jabse shyam sidhaare...?
Thank you Muse India for putting together this wonderful issue.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad     Jul 4, 2012

(We are glad that the Issue has brought back such wonderful memories and made you listen to all those lilting numbers!     - Managing Editor)

Enjoying the downpour!


Dear Surya, Thanks for the latest issue - drenched in the monsoons. Just enjoying the downpour. As for the translation awards, are you looking for published books or just individually published poems? Do let me know.


Usha Kishore, UK    Jul 3, 2012


(Submissions for Muse India Awards have to be published books. Please go through the guidelines given in the link for Awards on the homepage.     – Managing Editor)

In the footsteps of Illustrated Weekly!

Dear Shri GSP Rao, Please accept my thanks for putting me back on your mailing list. Your content triggers memories of a time when C.R.Mandy edited the Illustrated Weekly of India filling it with literary delight. A similar description of the monsoon had appeared in The Weekly in 1950 written by a B.Rajyalakshmi, a translation of Kalidasa's Varsha Ritu. Your web mag now fills the void created by The Weekly.

Dasu Krishnamoorty , New Jersey, USA    Jul 3, 2012

(Dear Mr Krishnamoorty, we are flattered at this comparison. We hope to live up to the expectations created. Thanks.     – Managing Editor)

Amazing Work

Dear Mr Rao, I mailed Charanjeet ji earlier to congratulate the entire MI team on the excellent work done to bring out the special Manto Issue. You are, of course, amazing for keeping alive the incredible energy and motivation required to put together issue after issue of MI. Hats off to you and your team for such dedication for promotion of Indian literature and languages.

Nighat Gandhi     Jul 3, 2013

(Thank you for your warm words, Ms Nighat Gandhi. They are motivating.   – Managing Editor)

Appeasing Rain God!

I relished each and every entry in the monsoon feature - we are waiting for monsoon where we live. The poems sure will appease the rain god!

Shweta Garg, Mandi, HP     Jul 3, 2012

A Balm


Young Srinivas Vikram is supposedly autistic. I wonder if that is a disability or just a component of PURE GENIUS. I have rarely seen such powerful, brilliant colours and expression in art. It is healing to see his paintings and that too merely on the computer. And he’s a teenager! Some five more years and he will rule the world of art, Inshallah. A small suggestion with regard to his series on the bamboo: possibly, one or more of his paintings could be offered to the ‘National Mission on Bamboo Applications’, under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.


May the Lord guide and bless Srinivas with ananda. 


Nileen Putatunda, Kolkata     Jun 7, 2012

Vikram’s insightful paintings!


I have the privilege and honour of knowing young, talented Vikram and his illustrious mother Karuna Gopal and his equally illustrious aunts Ambika Ananth and Vasuprada Kartic. Vikram's paintings reflect the working of his beautiful mind. I'd like to share the following set of limericks that I have written as my tribute to young Vikram:


Vikram - autistic yet proud,

Stands out even in a crowd,

For he is born

To be an icon

For those who say "I CAN" aloud...


His paintings - very insightful

Reflect his mind - beautiful!

They prove his worth

And his being on this earth

For a purpose - meaningful..!


Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad     Jun 2, 2012


(We greatly appreciate this delightful tribute to a talented youngster.   – Managing Editor)

Sheldon Pollock’s biased views

Let me congratulate you on the excellent 43rd Issue of your priceless online journal (May- June 2012).

My personal view, however, is that there was perhaps no need to have invited an article from such an obviously biased western scholar of Sanskrit as Sheldon Pollock and be lectured on what Indians must do to take care of our languages. Perhaps your editor for the Issue was won over by all the attention that Pollock has been getting from our Government and our billionaires recently. We know the incidence of Sanskrit phobia in our country in recent decades and our scholars are capable of meeting the situation. We all know why the west started its love affair with Sanskrit (a detailed account is available in Rajiv Malhotra's article on the subject reproduced in 2009 in the online journal, the medha journal). The article does have a brief account of Pollock's biases as well.

Some American linguists like Pollock seem to be bothered that many Indians do not have access to Sanskrit studies because of Indian circumstances. They should spare their feelings instead for native American tribes, who have lost their identities and continue to be totally marginalized in spite of having adopted American language, customs and religious beliefs. They should wonder about their English departments not having adequate representations from Afro-Americans. They should worry about American academia not working to revive the old red Indian languages.

My views need not influence your editorial policies, of course. Warm regards.

Partha Desikan, Coimbatore    May 20, 2012

Sheldon Pollock's article ought to be read


I have just read the excellent article on humanities and the classics by Sheldon Pollock in your latest issue.  It is a very important piece and I am sending it to several friends as it ought to be read.


Venetia Ansell, Bangalore      May 15, 2012

Muse India doing wonderful work


The current Issue is delightful. I also eagerly await the forthcoming Issue on varsh ritu. The journal is doing wonderful work and, in fact, all my colleagues look forward to it. Keep up the good work! Best wishes.


Dr Shivani Vashist, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Univ, Katra, J&K    May 11, 2012

An Excellent Issue


Congratulations for another excellent issue. The focus on Kannada Literature was an eyeopener for many of us unfamiliar with this rich linguistic genre. Dr. Charanjeet Kaur's paper on the need to decolonize English Literature syllabi in universities echoes the sentiments of students and faculty members across the country. In fact, there is a need to examine the Euro and US centric biases in all disciplines but obviously literature has been the most serious victim. Nighat Gandhi's interpretation of Manto as a spiritual writer is indeed interesting and adds a hitherto unexplored facet to the complex writer. Thanks again.   


Minu Mehta, Mumbai     May 10, 2012

Representative of Kannada Navodaya Poetry


Congratulations on this special Issue on contemporary Kannada literature. You have concentrated on big canonical figures, with a couple of new poets, and it is quite representative of Kannada poetry from Navodaya onwards.


Ankur Betageri, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi     May 8, 2012

Excellent feature on Manto


This is to put on record my deep appreciation of your and your team's efforts in bringing out such an excellent issue of Muse India (May-June 2012). I used to browse through the pages of Muse India earlier but after registering formally as a member, this is my first opportunity to read the write-ups in this prestigious journal.


While all write-ups in this number have one or other thing to forcefully recommend themselves to every sensitive and literary-minded reader, what surpasses all others for me is the section on Manto. Manto has been my favourite writer ever since I first lay my hands on him some ten years back. When I read his well known story of human betrayal and bestiality 'Khol Do', I nearly went insane with shock. Such powerful description of unconventional subjects is difficult to come across in World literature. Manto will remain my all-time favourite. I salute Manto once again and I salute Muse India for running the section on this genuinely great writer. Congratulations for this excellent issue Shri Rao.


Yours is certainly a journal that promotes a progressive and modern, even unconventional, outlook. If proof were needed, the devoting of a whole section on a progressive writer like Saadat Hasan Manto in the latest Issue is a case in point. With respectful regards.


Dr Narendra D Dani, Lucknow University, Lucknow 


Kannada literature


Your explanation about Kannada Issue, tells the position of Kannada readers and Muse India. Since 2 plus years, I have been contributing to 'Your Space' (online posting column on the site) and recently Dr K H Prabhu of Kumta joined the team and now he is in the position of Editor of Your Space.


However, till this day, there is no sportive participation from Karnataka (except a few) in writing to Your Space or to the main issue (even when the coverage is on Kannada). After 7 long years of Muse India, information about this journal is published only today (Vijayavani Kannada daily, Vijayavihara, page 6, written by Ravindra Mavakhanda).


I am not pin-pointing reaction given by Managing Editor or the limitation of editorial board and the space available and the time also. While raising the voice, we Kananda writers and critics and also readers, have to introspect ourselves.


We have to discuss about the “modern definition of Contemporary”. Instead of discussing the classification as women writers and traditional writers and others, it is better to search the real path to reach the goal.


Anyhow, Muse India has tried to bridge the culture thru the language of intercontinental communication .


Puttu Kulkarni, Hegde-Kumta, Karnataka    May 6, 2012   

Request for information on Urdu


I've done some research on the origin of Urdu, trying to merge and refresh the research work already done by various authors. Now, I'm working on yet another project – some kind of a  secondary research. Urdu has direct / indirect relation/contact, with all major/minor languages of not only Asia, but, in some cases, of other parts of the world. For that, I wish to interact with writers of the Subcontinent. I request  information on the common glossary/origin and everything that two different languages can share. For example: Common words of Urdu & Bengali and their relation, in the past and present. 


Mr Sohail Ahmed Siddiqui

CEO, Canopus Publications

393, City Villas, Scheme 33

University Road, Karachi  75270


Email -

Kannada Women Writers

I am completely taken back by the compilation (Contemporary Kannada Literature). Debates have raged in the Kannada context about the politics of literary histories and canonization. As recently as last year Desha Kaala had come under severe criticism for the politics of selection in its special issue. And here is an editor who is happily gender blind, presenting his selection under 'contemporary' as if there are no women at all. As a passionate Kannada reader, the very list seems depressing.

Sukanya Kanarapally     May 5, 2012


(Our response

This refers to a couple of mails received complaining that no woman writer has been included in our feature on ‘Contemporary Kannada Literature’ (Muse India, May-Jun 2012). We would like to clarify a few things here.

We would like to state that we are not prejudiced against women writers, or for that matter, against any class of writers. Muse India has featured works of all segments of writers, including the subaltern and the insurgent. Muse India has deep respect for all classes of writers, including women.  

A broad based coverage of any literature in a web journal like Muse India happens only over a number of Issues, spread across a long period. This is the third time that Muse India is covering Kannada literature, the earlier occasions being our inaugural Issue (Jan-Mar 2005) that offered a broad overview of Kannada literature, and again in Issue no.18 (Mar-Apr 2008) when contemporary Kannada poetry was covered. In both these Issues, works of women writers were included.

Unlike in a printed anthology, coverage in a web journal is limited in scope, both due to space and time constraints. A printed ‘anthology’ is usually more comprehensive in its coverage;  is a rigorous academic exercise and takes a long time – sometimes even years – in its compilation. In comparison, Muse India  has a number of sections, of which only one is devoted to a particular language. Usually we have only 15 – 18 items in such a section and the feature is produced within a short period of 4 to 6 weeks of editorial work. Thus, the limitations should be obvious.

We announce a feature (on a language or a theme) well in advance through our columns and call for submissions from our members. The section editor may also write to some of the writers inviting them to contribute. Our coverage is based on the responses we receive. While some authors send their contribution within the stipulated period, some others may find it difficult to make a contribution as they could be engaged otherwise.

Likewise, we had called for submissions for contemporary Kannada literature. We did not receive any from a woman writer or on the works of women writers. The feature that is presented is based on the contributions received. To that extent it cannot be seen as a planned anthology. We would have been happy to carry article on any women writer had we received it. Incidentally, in Mr CN Ramachandran’s article on B V Karanth, there is considerable focus on Vaidehi’s work in recording, editing and publishing Karanth’s autobiography. Her speech given at the launch of the book is also included.

The section on Kannada literature in the current Issue has therefore to be seen just as a vignette. It does not cover literary genres like plays or writers of the standing of Karnad.  

Our next coverage on Kannada literature, after some time, could be exclusively on women writers.

I would also like to mention here that we regularly receive contributions to our general sections on literary articles, interviews, book reviews, fiction and poetry. Over the years we have carried a number of works in these sections by Kannada writers or on their work.      - Managing Editor)

Glaring omission of Women Writers in Kannada Section

The section of Contemporary Kannada Literature intrigued me immensely due to the absence of a single women writer. Surely there must be some women litterateurs of repute who deserve mention? Maybe Vaidehi, Triveni or Prathibha Nandakumar do not deserve the same attention as the other iconic men writers, I suppose?

This glaring omission makes the anthology, in what could have been a delightful compilation, jarring to peruse! Regards.


Shankar Hari, Bengaluru     May 4, 2012

Hyderabad Literary Festival
The Jaipur literary festival is known for its pomp and pretension and celebrity presence. But what I gather from the feedback here and from my own personal experience of participating in the 2010 festival, I can say I missed the great event this time! Both the initiatives of the e-magazine and the Festival are testimony to Mr Surya Rao and his team members' great literary taste and ability of organizing. congrats.
(We thank you for your warm words. You have not furnished your name and other details sought. Please send the same for us to include them here.    - Managing Editor
Mr Neerav Patel, our member from Ahmedabad had sent this mail.
Wonderful time at the festival
I had a wonderful time at Hyderabad, and really enjoyed being at the festival and engaging in a discussion with Amish Tripathi and Jaishree Misra, with Professor Vijay Kumar so ably moderating our talk. The Literary Festival was very well organized and I hope you have many, many years of success in having the festival at Hyderabad. The venue was superb also, especialy to me, since I'm so involved and interested in Indian history. With regards,
Indu Sundaresan    Mar 29, 2012



The present issue has overwhelmed me with its content and the quality - Outstanding to say in one word! It has brought together the whole nation, its emotions and ethos, and at the same time increased the burden to keep up the spirit and the lamp burning. Best regards,


Kumarendra Mallick, Hyderabad     Mar 4, 2012

Happy to see that your festival too is reaching the Rajasthan Festival glory with all well publicised figures, usually in the limelight. Best wishes,

Aju Mukhopadhyay, Pondicherry       Mar 3, 2012

I am feeling sorry that I could not attend the festival. Saeed Akhtar Mirza I know personally and Urmila Pawar I would have loved to meet. I will make it a point to attend  next year’s festival positively. I am myself a short story writer and poet.

N Chandramohan Naidu, Chennai      Mar 2, 2012


(Yes, you can plan to attend HLF next year. Incidentally, Urmila Pawar was not at the festival this year, we have carried a conversation with her in the current Issue.     - Managing Editor

Thank you for making available the events of the Hyderabad Literary Festival. We are a people known for not documenting and keeping records. Let that become a thing of the past.


Sivakami Velliangiri, Chennai   


Hyderabad Lit Fest Special Issue


Thanks for the special issue on Hyderabad Festival. Even though my visit was planned to attend the Meet, unforeseen events had not permitted me to do so. With the Issue, “I did feel I was there." Regards.


Puttu Kulkarni, Hegde-Kumta, Karnatak     Mar 1, 2012 

Fantastic endeavour


Congratulations for organizing  the 3-day Hyderabad Literary Festival. It is so thoughtful of you to have shared the photos of all the sessions. Like many other not-so-lucky members, I missed this great opportunity of  meeting and listening to many national and international writers. But with the links to the proceedings of the festival, I did feel I was there. I must compliment you and your team for this fantastic endeavor. Best regards.

Dr Ashok Patwari, Boston University School of Public Health        Feb 23, 2012 

My congratulations to the two winners of Muse India awards and the organisers of HLF2012. I am sad at the passing of Sri Jai Ratan. I specially enjoyed the most moving poetry of Zinia Mitra and Shobhana Kumar. Best wishes.

Nileen Putatunda, Kolkata     Feb 23, 2012

Congratulations to Surya and the Muse India team for the success of HLF 2012. Hope to be a part of HLF someday. I look forward to the highlights in the next issue. Best Regards,
Rama Shivakumar, Bethesda MD       Feb 15, 2012 

Lit Fest was what it should be


Thank you for taking us on such a wonderful virtual tour of HLF 2012! Kudos to every member who made it what a Lit Fest should be: full of soul and full of life. Here's to many more grand festivals to come. Warm regards.


Shobhana Kumar, Coimbatore       Feb 14, 2012

I have gone through the pictorial capture of the mood of HLF 2012 and would like to congratulate you and your team for the splendid show. I am also a regular reader of the e-journal which is an enriching experience as well. Its been a pleasure to be associated with your prestigious site. May MI continue to flourish and scale greater heights. Here's wishing you all the very best! 

Geetashree Chatterjee, New Delhi     Feb 10, 2012
(Thanks for your kind words and good wishes.   - Managing Editor)