Rachel Loizeau

Rachel Loizeau completed her PhD, entitled “the Epics and Krishna legend in Hoysala sculpture 12th-13th centuries” in South Asian art history at the Paris IV Sorbonne University, Paris in 2006. Then, in 2007, with the support of a grant from the French School of Asian Studies (Ecole Francaised’ Extreme Orient), she started working on the iconography of some early Chola temples located in the Kaveri Delta area. Meanwhile, with the support of a grant from the Foundation de France and a fellowship from the Centre for Khmer Studies, she has recently expanded her research project on Hindu visual narratives to Southeast Asia and moved to Cambodia where she studied the Khmer narrative traditions from 10th to 13th centuries. The ACM fellowship allowed Rachel to consolidate the research from her extensive ?eldwork in India and Cambodia.


(Profile created on Jun 29, 2020)