Authors may submit manuscripts that conform to the scope and focus of the journal as elaborated in ‘About Us.’ Manuscripts of literary criticism, essays, interviews, reviews and short fiction should adhere to the detailed Guidelines given below.

Submissions only in soft copy form

Muse India will accept material submitted only in softcopy form sent through email.

Where to send Submissions

Poetry to Ms Semeen Ali at
Book Reviews to Dr Sukanya Saha at
Literary Articles and Interviews to H Kalpana at
Fiction to Ms Annapurna Sharma at

Submissions for the 'Feature', as notified in 'Forthcoming Issues', are to be sent to the editors identified therein.

Guidelines for submission to the online forum,  Your Space have been given in the link 'Your Space' on the homepage. Follow those before posting any work in Your Space.

Preserve your back-ups

Authors are advised to preserve electronic backups of submitted material, as Muse India will not take the responsibility to return any material.

Submitters need to be Muse India members

Authors submitting their work to be considered for publication in Muse India should be registered Members of the journal. If they are not already so, they should enrol as Members. Membership is free.

All submissions should be accompanied by:
a. Membership details (Username. If forgotten, just mention you are a registered member.)
b. Brief bio-note (max 200 words) in the third person of the author. In case of interviews or translations, bio-notes and email addresses of both the translator and the original author or the interviewer and the interviewee
c. Photograph (mugshot/ bust) of the author (in High resolution, preferably in Jpeg format). Though this is optional, we would prefer a photo to be sent.
d. Indication of the nature of the material being submitted, i.e., literary article, poem, short fiction etc.
e. Book reviews should include a scan of the book’s front cover pasted onto the review, and also the salient particulars: Author’s name, Book’s title, Publisher and year of Publication, ISBN, No. of Pages, and Price.

Editors will notify authors about material accepted for publication. However, this may typically take four to six weeks or more. No correspondence on submitted material will be entertained.

Guidelines for Submission 

The literary articles should adhere to the MLA stylesheet format (9th Ed.) with in-line citations and a Works Cited list at the end. We suggest the use of a grammar tool such as ‘Grammarly’ to check the papers for common errors before submission to ensure quicker turnaround time for reviews.

Further, the following will apply:

a. Submissions should be original works in English or translations into English from other Indian languages. Submission of material in other languages/scripts will not be accepted or acknowledged.

b.  All contributions should be submitted as MS Word documents only. Please do not send pdf files.

c. Typical lengths of submissions should be -

    - Book Reviews: 1000 - 1500 words
      (Reviews of books published during the last year only may be submitted. Small books of less than 100 pages and e-books would normally not be
        considered for reviews. However, Editors may waive this condition in exceptional cases.
    - Normal literary articles: 1500 - 2500 words
    - Major literary essays/surveys: 2500 - 4000 words
    - Short fiction 1000 - 2500 words
      (Submit only one story for consideration for any Issue)
    - Poetry: At least 5 to 6 poems to be submitted for evaluation. Of these 2 to 4 may be published if accepted.

NOTE: Once a piece is published in a section, keep a gap of at least one issue before sending your next submission for the same section.

Declaration of work being original

Authors should certify on the submitted material that it is their original work (and in the case of literary criticism/articles, based on their research), not published anywhere else whether in print or online including blogs, and no portion of it has been reproduced from any other source or work without the consent of the original author. It is advisable to attach a plagiarism report along with the article. As we have received complaints in the past from original authors about sections/passages from their work having been used without their knowledge or consent, any such instance will be viewed very seriously.

The journal takes plagiarism seriously and plagiarism of any kind will lead to debarring the writer’s submission to the journal as well as retraction of the article in case it has been published. (This holds true for creative writing and research articles too). If the article has used AI for editing/proofreading/any other corrections, the author must acknowledge the same. However, any content generation in terms of ideas or research will be considered as plagiarism and the decision whether to allow the same to be published will rest with the individual editors of the sections concerned.

Copyright Notice

Copyright for articles published in this journal will rest with the authors, with first publication rights to Muse India ejournal. As the journal follows an open access policy, articles or extracts from your articles may be used by others, with proper attribution, for academic and non-commercial use.

Authors are required to take relevant approvals for any copyright material they may use in their work submitted to Muse India. This journal will not be responsible in any way for copyright infringements.