Hamlet Wants to Speak

Sometimes my hands
arrest me at night. I talk to myself to
make me reach the soul.

A poem springs from
the pain of heart. There was no
come-ness. I explore the black panthers.

I read Rumy, Pablo Neruda
and Khalil Gibran. Truth moves from.
one page to another. God shuts the eyes.

Hamlet suffers from vacillation. Lot of knowledge makes one indecisive. An intellectual spends more time in introspection and consequently acts less. A poet who sees the world in strife feels sorry and becomes studious and poetic. He finds Truth in various forms and his faith in one ‘god’ vanishes.  

Rajendra Singh Baisthakur , Nellore, AP, 524003

A poem is composed of pain. I love this line much. How truly, you depicted it, Satish jee! Feelings of the heart are well expressed.

Padma, Hyderabad, Nov 25, 2022